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April 2016
March Photo Challenge Answer
Contributed by Mary Hammer, Digital Projects Archivist
The March Photo Challenge garnered a lot of attention, and I had a great time watching folks reminisce about this exciting period in Washington History! The woman in the photograph is Jeannette Hayner, the first woman Majority Leader in the history of the Washington Senate. Many of you knew her, and had wonderful and kind things to say, and many of you can identify almost everyone in the room! Anita Wieland identified her using an Archives Month poster from 2014!

The caption reads: On February 13, 1981, Democratic Senator Pete von Reichbauer changed his party affiliation to Republican, giving Republicans the majority in the Senate and making Jeannette Hayner the first woman Majority Leader in the history of the Washington Senate.

Click here for a few more views of this monumental occasion and some identification by Dave Ammons and Steve Excell.
Well done, everyone and thanks again for playing!  Time for another...
April Photo Challenge
Contributed by Mary Hammer, Digital Projects Archivist

Who is this gentleman (facing the camera) meeting with Ralph Munro on an April day in 1985? What's the purpose of his visit, and what does he have to do with Washington State History? For another view that might be a hint, click here.

Email your guess here, and watch for the answer coming in May!
The first Trump Seattle
King County Property of the Month
Contributed by Midori Okazaki, Archivist, Puget Sound Regional Branch  

Frederick Trump, grandfather of reality show host and presidential candidate Donald Trump, emigrated to the U.S. from Germany in 1885 at the age of 16. Soon after his arrival in Seattle in 1891, he purchased a restaurant, which also offered "private rooms for ladies," located in Seattle's red-light district. He operated the Dairy Restaurant until 1893, when he moved to Monte Cristo to build a hotel catering to gold and silver prospectors. With the start of the Yukon Gold Rush in 1897, Trump returned to Seattle and opened another restaurant, this time outside the red-light district. He sold the restaurant and his other local properties and left Seattle for the Yukon the following year. He never returned to Washington State.
Washington History on the Sixes
Let's continue with "Washington History on the Sixes," or--obscure bits of history from years ending in six.

The year is 1906...

Tenino incorporates as a city on July 24, 1906. Shortly after incorporation, there was a fire that destroyed much of the downtown area. Arson was suspected. Just one more of Washington's many fascinating cities! Learn more about Tenino here. And see their articles of incorporation in our Southwest Collection.
Take me out to the ballgame! Baseball stories found in the Archives
40 years of baseball in Seattle
Contributed by Patrick Williams, Imaging Services Manager

In January of 1976, Major League Baseball owners voted to return baseball to the Seattle area as an expansion team. This Telex to Attorney General Slade Gorton confirms the recommendation to add the Seattle team for the 1977 season. A long legal battle pitted the State of Washington against the American League and Commissioner Bowie Kuhn in 1970 after the Seattle Pilots owners filed for bankruptcy. The team was sold to Milwaukee and the lawsuit wasn't dissolved until the Kingdome was built in 1976. You can find pieces of this fascinating history in our Trademark collection on the Digital Archives, too, with the 1989 "Trident" design
Gus Klopf: Pitcher, Spokane Bunch Grassers
Contributed by Logan Camporeale, Graduate Assistant, EWU

Recently the Eastern Regional Branch accessioned a useful collection from the Spokane Regional Health District. The collection includes Spokane County birth and death registers from 1890-1910; a valuable resource as ERB doesn't hold any birth records from 1907-1910. The registers include information about the infants and parents, and as Lee Pierce processed the collection, he noticed an interesting entry about one father named Augustus Kloph--he was listed as a "Base Ball" 1891. This required some further research.

Read here to find out what Logan discovered in his search for Augustus Kloph!
Bremerton's Warren Avenue Bridge 
The early days of gridlock
Contributed by Mike Saunders, Puget Sound Regional Branch Archivist

By the middle of the 20th century the City of Bremerton found itself in chronic gridlock on working days.  The city occupies a majestic setting on the west side of Puget Sound on Sinclair Inlet.  Sinclair Inlet provided the access and egress necessary for the Naval Shipyard that served as the city's primary economic engine since 1891. That same setting also restricted access to and from the City, particularly the Port Washington Narrows, which connects Sinclair and Dye inlets in a waterway that runs all the way to Silverdale.  The Port Washington Narrows separated downtown Bremerton from other Naval facilities to the north and emerging residential areas on the Manette Peninsula. If you look at the photo here, taken in the 1940s, you can see just what a mess it had become!

Click here to read about how they solved the problem, and see some amazing photographs from the City of Bremerton Public Works Department Records held at the Puget Sound Branch in Bellevue!

Employee Spotlight
Meet Michael Dwyer, Lead Applications Developer at the Digital Archives
Contributed by Terry Badger, Deputy State Archivist    

Michael Dwyer started working at the Archives back in 2012 as a Lead Application Developer. Since joining the Archives, he has worked on several of our applications to include the DA Website, SCRIBE, and our Ingestion System (the way we receive electronic records). These applications allow for the preservation and access of archival records for Washington's state and local government agencies.

In his spare time, Michael enjoys listening to all types of music including classical, jazz, folk, blues and rock. Besides learning different programming languages, Michael enjoys learning foreign languages in general. Click here to find out which one he's currently tackling!
News from the OSOS blog
The Office of the Secretary of State routinely updates a blog entitled "From Our Corner,"   in order to provide from-the-source information about important state news and public services.  Often, stories of note from the Archives are included on this page. Click here to check out past stories.
Legacy Washington: Who Are We?
Washington is a kaleidoscope of more than 7 million people-each with a unique story to tell. Where do we originate and who do we become? In our in-depth profiles and upcoming exhibit, meet a diverse cast of standouts influencing our communities. Read the inspiring profiles here.

We hope you enjoyed this edition of "Out of the Archives!"

Banner Image: Early morning fog on Lake Keechelus, 1935-1955, Photographed by Bob and Ira Spring, General Subjects Photograph Collection, 1845-2005, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives.    

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