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November 2015
October's Photo Challenge Answer
Contributed by Ben Helle, Olympia Branch Archivist
The response to this month's challenge was overwhelming! Thanks to everyone who sent in a guess. Many of you correctly identified this as the Alaskan Way Viaduct. We thought it was a little bit tricky, but it still counts as a bridge. Thanks again for playing, everyone!
November Photo Challenge
Contributed by Ben Helle, Olympia Branch Archivist

Stepping away from bridges this month, our photo shows a beautiful mountain lodge. This gorgeous photo, taken before 1931, shows two men in a canoe as they paddle across a mirror-like lake, set in front of a backdrop of mountains and evergreens.

Do you know where this is?

Email your guess here, and watch for the answer coming in December!
National Native American Heritage Month
Contributed by Jewell Dunn, Olympia Branch and Deputy State Archivist Terry Badger

On October 13, 2015, President Obama Proclaimed November National Native American Heritage Month and called upon all Americans to commemorate and celebrate the contributions made by Native Americans since long before the founding of our country.

Earlier this year the Legislature passed, and the Governor signed SSB 5433 into law. This new law directs each school district to collaborate with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to incorporate curricula about the history, culture, and government of local Indian tribes so that students can learn about the unique heritage and experience of their closest neighbors.

As an Archives we asked ourselves what we could do to help celebrate the Native American ideals of self-governance and determination. We didn't have to think long to realize that we have a wealth of records in our collections that do just that. For instance, we have copies of some of the early territorial treaties, a ton of records that document the long legal battle over fishing rights, census records, records of land ownership, water resources, many copies of federal records, and some wonderful photos, many of which are online.

To see any of these records and learn more about the Native American contributions to our great country, please feel free to browse our digital collections.  

How to Assemble an Archives Box
How to Assemble an Archives Box
How to Assemble an Archives Box
Pardon the interruption from our regularly scheduled series "Who Said That?" as we bring you this, our latest endeavor into the fast-paced world of technology. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this presentation of "How to
Assemble an Archives Box." Join Nicole as she learns
the proper way to assemble a Washington State
Archives box. Follow along, witness some blood, and enjoy a martini when you're done!

Watch for more videos in our new series that will tackle frequently asked questions from the Archives!
EWU Students Learn Research Skills at Eastern Regional Branch
Contributed by Larry Cebula, Professor of History, EWU and Assistant Digital Archivist, Washington State Archives

Eastern Washington University and the Eastern Regional Branch of the State Archives have cooperated on educational projects for years. This spring, however, ERB Archivist Lee Pierce and EWU Assistant Professor of History Joseph Lenti took the partnership to a new level.

"I always give Joe's students a tour of the branch, and it is always a lot of fun," Pierce said. So when Lenti asked if this year he could assign all of his students in Historical Methods to not only tour the Archives, but to do research there, Pierce was all for it. Together the two developed a lesson plan that required students to complete a research project using the ERB holdings.

Read how the project developed and find out what Lenti described as "my proudest moment as a teacher," here. And find out how you can partner with your regional branch today!

The contents of an archival surrogate box on May Arkwright and Levi Hutton highlights the variety of research materials available at the ERB. Included are a property record card from an assessor's field notebook, a marriage certificate, pages from city directories, a historic register nomination, a sheriff's deed, and other records.

Old Arlington High School Records
A look back at its beginnings
Contributed by Janette Gomes, Northwest Regional Archivist

In May 2015, the Washington State Archives' Northwest Regional Branch accessioned seven cubic feet of archival records from the Arlington School District in Snohomish County. Among the records were a few folders regarding the planning and construction of a new high school for Arlington Consolidated School District 324 in the 1930s. The records in these folders describe the work done to plan, fund, and build what is now known as the Old Arlington High School. Records dated 1932-1937 include drawings, blueprints, correspondence, building specifications, price estimates and budgets, a Federal Emergency Relief Grant application, informational pamphlets and flyers from businesses involved in the construction, and newspaper clippings.

Click  here to learn more, and learn about the rumored ghosts that haunts these old halls!

Employee Spotlight
Meet Duane, Phenomenal Volunteer at the Eastern Regional Branch
Contributed by Allie Honican, Graduate Intern with the Eastern Regional Branch and Digital Archives  

Okay...for a slight change of pace we decided to showcase a long-time volunteer for the ERB. There are so many wonderful people who dedicate their time and talents to the Washington State Archives. And who better to interview this one than a grad student who benefits not only from his years of life experience and the dedication he brings to his work, but also the doughnuts he brings with him when he comes on Wednesdays?

Click here to read about Duane, and to find out how he keeps "old fogeyism" at bay!
News from the OSOS blog
The Office of the Secretary of State routinely updates a blog entitled "From Our Corner,"   in order to provide from-the-source information about important state news and public services.  Often, stories of note from the Archives are included on this page. Click here to check out past stories.
Washington Remembers WWII project
This three-part project includes online stories with individual veterans; Faces of Heroes page, where the public can share a photo of their WWII veteran; and an exhibit, which opened August 20.

We hope you enjoyed this edition of "Out of the Archives!"

 Banner Image: Tipis, ca. 1950, State Library Photograph Collection, 1851-1990, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives. 
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