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March 2016
February's Photo Challenge Answer
Contributed by Mary Hammer, Digital Projects Archivist
Glad to see everyone put on their thinking caps (and Google fingers) for this one! Many of you knew a lot about this Presidential visit, and I very much enjoyed the stories that you shared with me! The caption on this photograph reads: " 6/23 - Performing official duties during Olympia, Wn. visit, Pres. Harry S. Truman passes paper to press secy. Charles Ross. Matt Connelly (left) and Jack Romagna are presidential secretaries".

Click here for a peek at Harry S Truman's signature in the guest book at the Governor's Mansion from his visit in 1945. 

Thanks again for playing!  See what you can do with this next challenge...
March Photo Challenge
Contributed by Mary Hammer, Digital Projects Archivist

March is Women's History Month! We have quite a challenge for you this month. Who is this woman meeting the press, and why was that event so significant?

Email your guess here, and watch for the answer coming in April!
Oaths of Office - Fun find in Skamania County
K-9 Officer Ringo
Contributed by Tracy Rebstock, Southwest Regional Archivist 

Government officials from a variety of agencies take oaths of office. These records are kept by the Secretary of State and County Auditor, among others. Some oaths are written, others are verbal. And some, it would seem, would be answered with a bark.

The other day I found a fun oath of office among the Skamania County Auditor's files. Ringo worked narcotics from 1996 to 2009. He worked for the Skamania County Sheriff's Office, the Clark/Skamania Drug Task Force and assisted all agencies in the Columbia Gorge Region. He had over 1,000 drug finds through searches and training. Sadly, Ringo passed away in 2011. According to his handler, Tracy Wyckoff, Chief of Police for the Bingen-White Salmon Police Department, "Ringo was one of the most proficient dogs I have seen and worked with. He loved to work and was very social with people. He is still missed today!"

Take a look at these photos sent over to us by Chief Wyckoff and it will be clear just how much Ringo loved what he did and was loved by those he worked with! And learn more about oaths of office, who takes them and where they are kept, here.
Washington History on the Sixes
Let's continue with "Washington History on the Sixes," or--obscure bits of history from years ending in six.

The year is 1896...

The Washington State Historical Society was incorporated in 1896. Arthur A. Denny was listed as President of the Society. Elected by ballot were a vice president, secretary, treasurer and 12 other curators--what they considered trustees. Ezra Meeker was among the founding members. Take a look at the Articles of Incorporation online here! And be sure to visit the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma throughout the year to see how they are celebrating!
Dating a 100-year-old photograph
A teachable moment
Contributed by Larry Cebula, Professor of History, EWU and Assistant Digital Archivist, Washington State Archives

The Archives holds tens of thousands of historic photographs. Many have excellent provenance --we know when and where they were taken, who is in them, what agency held them before they were archived with us. Other times, not so much.

Recently, Allie Honican, an EWU graduate student employee, brought this photograph to the attention of Assistant Digital Archivist Larry Cebula. Dated "1900-1930," no identification is made for the people or what was obviously a ceremonial event. They noticed that the photo includes many details that should allow historians to narrow down the date range.

Do you think you might see some clues that would help place the time and occasion of this remarkable photograph? Professor Cebula decided to guide some eager students along the journey to discovery! Read more here to find out what they learned along the way! 
Books from the Archives, Episode 5
Using our records to solve a mystery!
Contributed by Terry Badger, Deputy State Archivist

From time to time we receive, or purchase, publications about some aspect of Washington history to use for reference in the Research Room. We especially try to get works where the authors used the State Archives as a resource in their research. During a recent event attended by the State Archivist, he was handed an excellent history of the Bartell drugstore chain written by Phil Dougherty and the staff at HistoryLink.

One of the first things I do when I get a local history book is to look and see if State Archives records were used, and if so, how. In this case, Dougherty cited the Digital Archives, where he came across a surprise or two, including the discovery of George Bartell's first wife, Mary! Dougherty comments on where they lived and other personal information about Mary and George, but leaves the reader with the question of what happened to this first marriage as little else is known about it or how it ended.

I had a mystery on my hands that I had to try and solve! 

Was he successful in his quest? Find out here!

Employee Spotlight
Meet Todd Henderson, Data Ingestion Coordinator at the Digital Archives
Contributed by Terry Badger, Deputy State Archivist    

Todd Henderson started working at the Archives in May 2006 as the Data Ingestion Coordinator and trainer extraordinaire. Since then, Todd has preserved well over 100 million records from state and local agencies, ensuring continued access by future generations of Washingtonians. If you work with SCRIBE and have had technical difficulties, it's likely that Todd has helped you out in some way, always with patience and compassion!

When Todd is not busy preserving our state's history, he enjoys vacationing on the Oregon Coast and spending time with his daughter. Click here to find out how Todd once glued himself to his desk!
News from the OSOS blog
The Office of the Secretary of State routinely updates a blog entitled "From Our Corner,"   in order to provide from-the-source information about important state news and public services.  Often, stories of note from the Archives are included on this page. Click here to check out past stories.
Legacy Washington: Who Are We?
Washington is a kaleidoscope of more than 7 million people-each with a unique story to tell. Where do we originate and who do we become? In our in-depth profiles and upcoming exhibit, meet a diverse cast of standouts influencing our communities. Read the inspiring profiles here.

We hope you enjoyed this edition of "Out of the Archives!"

Banner Image: Sternwheelers on Pacific Northwest rivers, 1890-1920, State Library Photograph Collection, 1851-1990, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives.    

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