
Thank you for your support in 2017! Whether you put a bumper sticker on your car or a yard sign in your yard, made a donation or shared a Facebook post, wrote county officials or a letter to the editor, attended a meeting or came to our Gala, spread the word with family and friends or volunteered your time, purchased an ornament or a painting benefitting our cause, or simply joined our list and opened our emails to learn about efforts to stop development at the Outpost, we're grateful for your involvement and support.

Every day that a bulldozer does not enter those gates is a victory for wildlife. Thank you for helping us continue to achieve those daily victories while we strive for permanent preservation of 99 acres of the Conservation land we're fighting to protect from habitat destruction.

If you've been following our press, you've witnessed the desperation on the part of our opposition who misrepresents and invents facts. Ponte Vedra Corp.'s attorneys have stooped so low as to say our environmental concerns are "obnoxious" and our goal is to "grab" their land and "utilize it for [our] own private greenway" (a bizarre allegation that they've made on three TV news reports). The pinnacle of absurdity was their claim that all they want is a fair hearing before county commissioners, while doing everything imaginable to avoid such hearings. Thank you to the Ponte Vedra Recorder for giving us an opportunity to respond to some of PVC's falsehoods.
Our latest update is that a hearing on the Motion to lift abatement will take place before a judge on January 18th. We'll be sure to let you know the outcome of that.

Our year ended with a Thumbs Up from the St. Augustine Record - a good sign for a good start on 2018!

Our very best wishes to you and your family.

Nicole Crosby and Gary Coulliette
Co-founders, Save Guana Now
Special thanks to Craig O'Neal for allowing us to feature his spectacular photos of wildlife in Guana.