April 2017

Happy spring!  Record rainfalls in California bring a "super bloom" to the desert


Want to send an email to ticket buyers from last year about this year's shows? Want to tell people who bought tickets to see a musical that you've got a great one coming up soon?

Here are a couple of clever ways to create mail and email blasts for shows that have already passed.  Learn how to customize your lists to specifically fit your needs. Read more here.
Can you give us a review?review
Center Stage Software is listed on  Capterra, a reference website that helps businesses and nonprofits find software that helps them improve, grow and succeed.   
A couple of years ago, several of our clients kindly posted reviews of our software and services on the Capterra website. And though we still greatly appreciate the great reviews, having new reviews will dramatically freshen our listing and bring it up-to-date.
We would be very grateful if you could please take a couple of minutes to rank us and/or write a brief review. Thank you!
Here is a link to our Center Stage Software listing. You can read others' reviews, and click on the turquoise button to write your own.

Don't get hooked by fake Google emailfakeemail

Here's a word from Head Programmer Bruce Rowe: 

"I got a message from Google. They said they had prevented my  account from being accessed. I thought that was strange - especially  since the attempted access was from Texas. I changed my password and  thought no more of it.

"This morning though, there was a link to Bruce Schneier's site (which I consider reliable) about this kind of thing. The attack is a variation of phishing. What makes it different is that it is a clever variation."

"Read what it says. 
We can expect to see more of this in the future."
Tips on using the Center Stage Software Help Deskhelpdesk

All of us here at Center Stage Software use the Help Desk a lot. We add things, edit things, and look things up. The Help Desk is an accumulation of years worth of knowledge, experience, and instruction we all depend on.

We still rely on old habits in the way we use it sometimes, so we thought we'd remind ourselves (and YOU!) about some of the useful ways of finding information and navigating the site. 

In fact, we just wrote a Help Desk post about using the Help Desk.  Keep calm and read the post! 
Do you have Center Stage Software's websitebookmark bookmarked?

We've changed it from 

Please take a look at your bookmark if you have one and make the correction. 

(This is also an excellent excuse to check out our beautiful new website!)

Adding an "s" may seem like a small change but it ensures you are on a safe site where your data is encrypted.

Do you use Webtix?
By now you are probably sick of hearing us remind you to make sure your Buy Tickets button is https, not  http. Thank you if you've made that change! If you haven't and need help, contact
catTwo things your internet is purrfect for: 
cute cat video
Update your Wintix right meow!

1. Updating Wintix every month
2. Cute cat videos!

Feline like it's been too long since you updated your Wintix?

It's kit-ical that you update it every 
month because we regularly make 
im-purrve-ments to the software.

Think of this cute cat video as your 
"treat" for being good.

The latest build date is 4/22/17. 

Contact us!
Center Stage Software | 831.583.0641 | |
831-920-1254 |
Need help 24/7?
Go to the Help Desk knowledge base