In This Issue:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Frank Walter Steinmeier is Germany's new President

Internship Opportunity - GAIN Intern Wanted!


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February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

Copyright: DAAD

DAAD wishes you a happy Valentine's Day! Why not try something new with your sweetheart and give them a new nickname? We have a few suggestions: Learn about cute nicknames Germans have for their better half. We also love study abroad, so we thought we would share some experiences by international students who love stuyding in Germany. And if you are interested in learning more about Valentine's Day in Germany and its history there, you might enjoy this article. Bottom line: No need to worry if your inbox is not overflowing with cards, flowers and chocolates - you might be more German than you think!

Advertisement: International Master in Project Management & Data Science

The English-language International Master in Project Management & Data Science at the HTW Berlin is your opportunity to gain the skills needed to manage international projects and independently solve organizational and analytical issues. The HTW Berlin is based in one of the most interesting cities in the world. For further details visit:

Frank Walter Steinmeier is Germany's new President

Germany's former foreign minister Frank Walter Steinmeier was elected as Germany's new president this Sunday, ending his acceptance speech with the words "let's be brave, because then we don't have to be afraid of the future.” DAAD's vice president Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee was interviewed by a local German newspaper on his experience of working with Mr. Steinmeier (German only). If you prefer reading in English, check out this brief summary by the New York Times of what the position of president entails in Germany, Mr. Steinmeier's background as well as Angela Merkels' reaction to his election.

Copyright: DAAD/Jacek Ruta; Steinmeier giving a key note speech celebrating 90 years DAAD in 2015

Advertisement: Research Explorer Ruhr (RER)

Research Explorer Ruhr (RER) invites young academics (doctoral or early postdoctoral level) to explore the research landscape in the Ruhr Area and at Ruhr University Bochum. During the two-week program, participants discuss their research projects with professors in their fields of specialization, familiarize themselves with institutes and clusters that fit their research profiles, learn about post-doctoral funding opportunities and plan their next career move. The program covers travel to and from Bochum, visa costs, accomodation in Bochum, and lunch vouchers. Deadline for application is March 7, 2017. More information:

Internship Opportunity - GAIN Intern Wanted!

The German Academic International Network (GAIN) is the network of German scientists and researchers of all disciplines, working at leading research institutions in the United States and Canada. GAIN helps its members maintain and build their international networks and facilitates transatlantic mobility and cooperation. GAIN is currently accepting applications for a summer internship at our New York office, starting in May, ending end of August 2017. The internship involves assisting with organizing the 17th Annual GAIN Conference of German Researchers - the largest forum for German PhD students, postdocs, and professors working in North America. Learn more about this opportunity and the GAIN network here.

Copyright: DAAD[email protected]
Copyright 2016 German Exchange Service. All Rights Reserved.

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