Weekly Notices
December 22, 2017
NOTE: The SAR will be closed Monday,
December 25th, to keep the Christmas holiday.  

Big News on Tax Reform

The Senate passed the " Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" early Wednesday morning, this week.   
Washington REALTORS® President Margo Willis issued a statement saying, in part:
"We appreci ate that Congress listened to NAR and 1.2 Millio n REALTORS nationwide and added several housing priorities to the final product."
Read President Willis' entire statement on tax reform online here.
NAR has released an excellent resource for the just-passed tax package: "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - What it Means for Homeowners and Real Estate Professionals."
This is the most comprehensive single-source REALTOR® response to this landmark legislation.   
You are encouraged to read it yourself and refer it to your clients who ask for details.
It is online here.
Spokane County Opens Water Bank 

Spokane County and the Washington State Department of Ecology have signed an agreement to place existing senior water rights into a water bank.
SAR file photo - September 25, 2017
Your SAR Governmental Affairs committee offered advice directly to county officials involved in establishing this water bank at a meeting at the SAR this past September (photo above).    
The agreement will allow Spokane County to issue certificates that guarantee new homes will not be impacted by stream flow regulations in approximately 40% of the Little Spokane Watershed.   
This means that the county will soon be able to issue building permits in that area and stay in compliance with the State Supreme Court's Hirst Decision of 2016.   
Spokane County began taking applications for Stream Flow Mitigation Certificates on Wednesday, December 20, 2017.
Read the Spokane County news release, online here.


Spokane County will resume issuing construction permits in the Little Spokane Watershed, more than a year after permitting was stalled by a controversial court decision, state and county officials said in a news release Monday.

An agreement with the state Department of Ecology will allow Spokane County to buy and sell water rights, and issue building permits in about 40 percent of the watershed, which encompasses the northern part of the county as well as parts of Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, according to the news release.

Read the complete article in The Spokesman-Review, online here.
2018 Legislative Day 

Washington REALTORS® 2018 Legislative Day will be January 17-18 in Olympia.
Our lawmakers want to hear from you.  
YOU represent the constituents of their district.  
YOU represent the real estate industry.  
Come be present on the Hill with fellow REALTORS® and make your voice count...all in one day.  
SAR Governmental Affairs committee members and assocaition leadership are making plans now to attend and help bring the voice of Washington REALTORS® to our elected leaders.
Visit the WR Legislative Day pages online for schedules and more information, online here.    


The Voice for Real Estate 

The House-Senate conference committee made changes to tax reform that are better for homeowners although NAR remains concerned the bill on balance is not good for them because many middle-income homeowners will no longer itemize.

Nevertheless, the conference bill is an improvement on MID, state and local tax deductions, and the capital gains exclusion on home sale proceeds, among other things.

The Voice for Real Estate eight-minute video is online here:

Voice for Real Estate 79: Tax Reform, Net Neutrality, Loan Limits
Voice for Real Estate 79:
Tax Reform, Net Neutrality, Loan Limits
Form 35: Inspection Contingency 

Washington REALTORS ® Legal Hotline attorney Annie Fitzsimmons kicks off a new video series, this week, about the use of Form 35 (the Inspection Contingency Addendum).

Annie starts with the question: Can Buyer terminate the Purchase & Sale Agreement, using the Inspection Contingency, without ever performing a formal inspection of the property?

See Annie 's five-minute video online here:
Use of Form 35: Inspection Contingency Addendum
Use of Form 35: Inspection Contingency Addendum

2018 REALTOR® Education

Quality of Education 
through SAR/WR Education Instructors

Here is the latest class listing from your SAR - offering the best live and local continuing real estate education classes for 2018.

Click on each class title,  underlined in blue, to bring up a flyer for that class - suitable for posting in your office. 

Register for these classes online here: 


Please be in touch with Debbie at the SAR if you have any questions about these classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.
Purchase & Sale Agreement
Purchase & Sale Agreement
Tuesday, January 9 - Purchase & Sale Agreement - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder  
Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
at the SAR 
7.5 clock hours
Code of Ethics: Standards for Success
Code of Ethics: Standards for Success
This is the class for new members. 
Thursday, January 11 - Code of Ethics: Standards for Success - with Linda Miller Sheets  
Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR
7.5 clock hours
for Loan Type
Basic Appraisal Requirements for Loan Type
Thursday, February 1 - Basic Appraisal Requirements for Loan Type - with Mary Payne  
Check-in: 1:15 p.m. 
Class: 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.   
at the SAR 
3.0 clock hours
Code of Ethics for Real Estate Professionals
Code of Ethics for Real Estate Professionals
This is the class for renewing members. 
Thursday, February 6 - Code of Ethics for Real Estate Professionals - with Linda Miller Sheets  
Check-in: 12:15 p.m.
Class: 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR 
4.0 clock hours  
In This Issue
Big News on Tax Reform
Spokane County Opens Water Bank
2018 Legislative Day
The Voice for Real Estate
Form 35: Inspection Contingency
2017 REALTOR® Education
2018 SAR Installation Luncheon
WCR January Event
NAR Print-on-Demand
ListHub - November
Market Activity Report - November
Member Roster Update - November

Click on the calendar image below to see
the current SAR calendar showing dates and times
of classes, committees and events. 
NOTE:  The REALTOR® Store will be closed December 28th and 29th.
2018 SAR Installation Luncheon 

Your 2018 SAR leadership team will be installed at the association's first meeting of the new year, Thursday, January 4th, at Red Lion Park Inn.
All members are welcome!
Meet your association leaders and hear your president's 2018 message: 2018 SAR President Ken Sax will be speaking on his theme of "discovery."
Registration deadline is close-of-business on Friday, December 29th. 
See the event flyer (pictured above) online here.


WCR January Event

DEADLINE: Monday, January 15th   
The Spokane-Eastern Washington Women's Council of REALTORS® invites all SAR members, friends, and guests to attend its "Wine Not be a Member" on Thursday, January 18th, at the new Maryhill Winery in Kendall Yards. 
Enjoy complimentary wine tasting while you learn about the benefits of membership in WCR. 
Download the event flyer (pictured above), online here.

NAR Print-on-Demand 

Looking for some business seed to plant now for harvest next year?

Here's a suggestion: NAR offers many print-on-demand products, including this one (pictured above): It's a Great Time to OWN!

It's a Great Time to OWN! is a market sensitive resource from NAR that REALTORS® can provide to buyers on the fence or first time buyers.

This product is brand new and provides an accurate view of the current market.

It reviews areas such as:
* Near Record Affordability
* Loan Availability
* Benefits of home ownership
* Low mortgage rates
* Value of the real estate investment
* How a REALTOR® can help

Order this and other print-on-demand products directly from NAR, online here.
ListHub - November

The ListHub report for November is now available.
Download the report online here.


Market Activity Report - November        


The SAR Market Activity Report for November is now online.

See the latest full report - a member-exclusive product - and archived full reports - online here.


See the November 2017 Snapshot Report (pictured above) online here.









See the 2017 Year-to-date Snapshot Report (pictured above), online here.







Member Roster Update - November    

Updated December 2017

Click here to view the latest Member Roster Update - approved by the Board of Directors.

Click here to view the latest list of MLS Subscription Waivers - approved by the Board of Directors.  

Send a message to Brenda at the SAR with any changes.  

Presented by your

Spokane Association



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2017 SAR Leadership

This weekly newsletter is a member benefit of the

  1924 North Ash Street 
Spokane, Washington 99205
T: 509. 326.9222
F: 509. 324.8650