Thursday, May 11, 2017
8:00 am - 9:30 am
All are welcome! Bring a friend!
(1111 O'Farrell St. at Franklin, San Francisco)
Please do not park in the St. Mark's parking lot as those
spaces are rented to others. Parking is available
across the street at St. Mary's Cathedral.
The Rev. Dr. Ellen Clark-King
Executive Pastor and Canon for Social Justice
John Trasvina
Dean of the School of Law
John Trasvina is Dean of the University of San Francisco School of Law. Formerly HUD Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing in the Obama Administration and Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices in the Clinton Administration, his career in public service and advocacy has focused on immigration, constitutional law and civil rights. A native San Franciscan, he is a graduate of Lowell High School and Harvard University. His presentation will focus on the activities of the USF School of Law Immigration Clinic and the latest developments in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco regarding immigration law and policy.