Next PTO Meeting
Wed May 3, 9AM
in Large Group Room
All are welcome!
Any Questions please contact us at
May 30- Gr. 7-Chosen Dance 1PM
I'm a Bulldog!
For direct money donations to the
Thank you for supporting our PTO!
Get Your SpiritWear Here!
Customize TEMS gear for your student!
Visit our Spiritwear store online anytime.
or you can find the link on our TEMS PTO
New Family Coffee
Tues, May 9
8-11AM @ Panera Bread in Gateway Shopping Center
A collection box is in the
main office. Every little bit counts!
Visit the
to learn of what's happening around the Tredyffrin & Easttown Townships
May 15, 22nd
Mental Health First Aid Training
(For Adults about our Youth)
5-9:30pm @TEAO
FLITE Staff Tributes for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Pioneers Basketball Camp
Bulldog Luau...
Mahalo & Thanks to all of you, the TEMS PTO reached our fundraising goal for the evening. Special Thanks to David and Cathy Rains who opened their home up to the TEMS community for a beautiful Luau supporting the TEMS PTO.
Congratulations to Erin & Kyle Campbell on winning the $500 raffle prize, and Katie & Chris Brown on winning the Wine basket! Thanks to all who participated in the raffle. All guests with an outstanding balance or winning item that was left at the event will receive an emailed receipt from Colleen Mahoney. Any questions please contact Colleen Mahoney at
Barnes & Noble Day for TEMS is May 16th. This is a great opportunity to buy your summer reading for school and pleasure! Here are the list of summer reading
Can't come? Visit to support us online from 05/16/17 to 05/21/17
by entering
Bookfair ID 12122610
at checkout.
Link to flyer.
TEMS Handel's Spirit Day is May 17th...
Handel's will donate a portion of the sales made between 2:30-5:30pm that day (when voucher is presented). Students are invited to walk to Handel's after school on Wednesday. Parents will be positioned along the route.
We need volunteers! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Allison Hayden at
Link to voucher.
What's Happening Around School...
Last Call for TEMS Yearbooks!-
Only a short amount of time left to order your 2016-2017 yearbook!
Orders will be taken through May 5th. Cost is $30.
To reserve your copy, go
or see Mrs. Matilla in Room 204
(Only checks made payable to TEMS will be accepted for in school orders).
Grade Leadership Students Collecting Change-
he week of May 8th
grade leadership students are collecting loose change
to support the Wheels on the Bus campaign for the CCFA. Chester County Family Academy which services children from grades K -2. They are trying to raise $600 to give to the campaign which will provide a month's worth of transportation to WCU and/or the YMCA for physical education classes and swimming lesson for the students. There will be bins located in different teachers rooms per grade level for students to donate. The 7th
grade leadership students are then visiting the school on Wednesday May 24th
to deliver their donation and also read stories to all the classes.
Student Council Elections are coming this May-
There will be Election Kick-Off Assemblies on Friday, May 12th during 5th, 6th and 7th grade activity period. During these assemblies, the students will be given an overview of what Student Council does and there will also be petitions for anyone interested in running. Those interested in running must write a 6-8 sentence paragraph explaining why they want to run for student council. They must also get it signed by either a vice principal or the principal verifying that they have less than 7 demerits. A photocopy of their third marking period report card is required(they can use the copy machine in the library). Finally, the student must sign the petition and have a parent sign it verifying they will follow the rules of elections. The petitions and grade sheets are due to Student Council in Room 234 NO LATER than Friday, May 19th. If anyone has questions, they can contact Mrs. Tyrell in Room 234 or at
Green Initiative-
This month the 6th Grade Green Initiative is collecting used Oral Care Products.
(ANY BRAND) Toothpaste tubes and caps, toothbrushes, toothpaste cartons, toothbrush outer packaging, and floss containers.
Not Accepted: Electric toothbrushes, battery toothbrushes, and/or their parts.
A Recycling bin will be located at the front entrance of school May 1st - May 31st.
What happens to the waste? Once collected, the tubes and brushes are separated by composition, shredded and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products.
In order to recycle this waste stream properly, please make sure all excess product has been removed (i.e. leftover toothpaste or floss). Additionally, if you choose to rinse your product, please note that it must be completely dry prior to recycling.
Still Collecting 8th Grade Pictures...
In preparation for the 8th grade Recognition Ceremony we are looking to collect pictures from all of the current 8th graders. We are looking for a baby picture and a current picture of each student. Please submit a hard copy, 2"x3" in size, to Main Office to "Attention of Sherri Gartner."
We will be having our first meeting for the 8th Grade Recognition Committee is Tuesday April 18
, 6:00PM at the Starbucks in Paoli. Anyone who is interested in helping with the ceremony is welcome to attend. We will be looking for "chair persons" for different areas at this meeting.
Any questions, please contact Sherri Gartner at
Do You Shop on
Please remember TEMS when shopping!
Use the TEMS PTO link
you log on to
A percentage of your purchases will go to the TEMS PTO.
It's that EASY!
We Collect Box Tops...
A collection box is in the Main Office.
Every little bit counts!
Important Dates at TEMS...
PSSA Science Grades 4,8
May 3
Gr 6A to Phila Rock Gym
May 4
Gr 5/6 Spring Concert Assembly 9AM
May 4
Gr 5/6 Spring Concert
May 5 Gr 6B to Phila Rock Gym
May 11 Gr 7/8 Spring Concert Assembly 9AM
May 11 Gr 7/8 Spring Concert 7PM
May 15 Keystone Exam Algebra I
May 16 NO SCHOOL-Voting Day
May 16
Barnes & Noble Day
May 17
TEMS Handel's Spirit Day 2:30-5:30pm
May 23
Gr 7 Williamsburg Parent Meeting 6:30pm
May 29
NO School-Memorial Day
May 30 Gr 7 Cultural Arts Chosen Dance 1PM
May 31
Gr 7 to Williamsburg
For your convenience...Next year's calendar is posted! link
Student Council Elections are coming in May! There will be Election Kick-Off Assemblies on Friday, May 12th during 5th, 6th and 7th grade activity period. During these assemblies, we will give an overview of what Student Council does and will also have petitions for anyone interested in running. Those interested in running must write a 6-8 sentence paragraph explaining why they want to run for student council. They must also get it signed by either a vice-principal or the principal verifying that they have less than 7 demerits. We require a photo copy of their third marking period report card (they can use the copy machine in the library). Finally, they must sign the petition and have a parent sign it verifying they will follow the rules of elections. The petitions and grade sheets are due to Student Council in Room 234 NO LATER than Friday, May 19th. If anyone has questions, they can contact Mrs. Tyrell in Room 234 or using