The HR Team

Eileen's Lessons - April 2017

I heard a funny story from a relative a number of years ago. He had dictated a letter to his assistant, and in the letter, he stated something like "Generally, we can...." When he received the letter back from his assistant for signature, the letter stated "General Lee can..."

Funny isn't it how two people who are in the same room can hear something completely different? I wish I could say that communication failures are a rare occasion in the work place. However, as we all know, they happen often.

Delay on Overtime

As previously mentioned, on November 22, 2016, U.S. District Court Judge Amos Mazzant granted an Emergency Motion for Preliminary Injunction and thereby enjoined the Department of Labor from implementing and enforcing the Overtime Final Rule on December 1, 2016. The case was heard in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division (State of Nevada ET AL v. United States Department of Labor ET AL No: 4:16-CV-00731). The rule updated the standard salary level.

Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Revoked

Executive Order 13763 a.k.a. Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces was revoked by President Trump earlier this month. The order, which included a number of provisions, would have required government contractors to disclose recent labor violations when bidding on government contracts.

New York City Passes Salary History Law

The New York City Counsel has sent to the mayor for signature a bill that would prohibit employers from inquiring about a prospective employee's salary history during all stages of the employment process. In the event that an employer is already aware of a prospective employee's salary history, this bill would prohibit reliance on that information in the determination of salary.
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