Job Shadow Day Youth
MVYLI 7th Job Shadow Day 2017
Isabel and Dr. Hahn
Dear Dr. Hahn,
Thank you for all the time you and your team dedicated to my Job Shadow Day at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  The knowledge I gained inspire me to think more deeply about the field of science.  I really appreciated you answering my questions; clarifying my doubts and showing me the various functions of the Hahn Lab.  Listening to different perspectives helped me realize the wide variety of careers I can choose. Thank you Dr. Hahn and your wonderful team for a really great time.
Isabel Robertson
Isabel and Dr Hahn
Camilla and Dr. Rancourt
Dr. David Rancourt was very kind and extremely informative. I enjoyed the opportunity to be with him as he consulted with his patients. I especially appreciated being able to look at the heart of one of his patients on a computer screen from different angles. When I listened to Dr. Rancourt I noticed he was very poised, well-spoken, and informative to all his patients, which was something I admired greatly. After meeting with each of his patients, I listened to him give dictation on their report. Later I asked him about my education, and colleges with a good pre-med program. I asked him what he likes most about being a doctor - he appreciates the respect and prestige that he gains from being a doctor. I am very happy that I was able to shadow Dr. Rancourt. I gained a greater insight into what it is like to be a cardiologist. I appreciate his willingness to take time out of his day, for me to shadow him. Thank you to MVYLI for setting up this opportunity with Dr. Rancourt.
Camilla Prata

Ana Alves and Sergeant Cassidy Lieutenant Williamson
Ana Alves and Sergeant Cassidy
Lieutenant Williamson

My Job Shadow Day started at the Oak Bluffs Police Station. Lieutenant Williams and Sergeant Cassidy were super kind and very good professionals. They gave me a tour of the entire station - every room, even the basement. I got to meet almost everyone who work there, all were very nice people.

Next we went to the 911 Center at the Airport. I was impressed that there was so much technology. It was amazing! Then we went to the County Jail in Edgartown. I got to see the jail cells, and learn about the whole process of the people who are there.

That was one of the most impressive experiences I had, where I got to see with my own eyes things I never did before, things that I want eventually do. The experience really opened my eyes and got me thinking about what I want for my future, the type of career I want to build for my life. This experience also made me realize how important this work is, and how much responsibility it requires. By the end of the day I felt very fulfilled for having this opportunity, the chance that many people don't get before they go to college. The job of protecting people and even saving people is very special. It takes a very good person to help with all the injustice and madness in this world. It must be amazing!
Ana Alves

Lily and Rose Styron

Having the opportunity to sit down and speak with Rose Styron was extremely inspiring. Rose has so many amazing stories about her travels, and working with Amnesty International, I was so fortunate to be able to hear about them straight from the source. The amount of bravery and strength she possesses is awe-inspiring. I can only hope to lead a life as eventful and meaningful as hers. I am so grateful for the opportunity to get to know a true hero.

Nancy Aronie

It was great to meet with Nancy Aronie to explore my dream of being a writer and gaining an understanding of the life of a real writer. The experience was extremely beneficial to me. Within 10 minutes I felt like I had known Nancy forever. It felt great to get my questions answered.

After spending this time together, I am now much more hopeful about pursuing my dream of becoming a writer. Nancy is a very validating person. She read my very amateur pieces and gave me thoughtful positive insight and praise. We are so lucky to live in a community where there are so many professionals willing to help foster the dreams of the youth.
Lila Norris
Tiki Greene and MVYLI Youth
Tiki Greene & MVYLI Youth
with Dr. Yuki Honjo
McLane Research Labs

It was great to visit McLane Lab in Falmouth where they design water profilers, samplers, and flotation robots. These robots have lasers that screen the water and will tell you what is in the water around you. These robots are very important to the research of the deeper parts of the ocean, and help scientists learn a lot about the ocean. I didn't even know this type of technology existed. I find it very interesting and intriguing. It was very nice to get informed that people with all different types of backgrounds are able to work in a company like McLane.  It makes me less stressed about having to choose my direction just yet.
Tiki Greene
Ana and John Reine
Working with the MVYLI youth for Job Shadow Day was quite fun.  It was truly enjoyable to see youth's dreams move a step further as they began to see more options for their future.  I was fortunate to be able to go to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution with Isabel and meet with three scientists who study human health through DNA experiments on fish.  They were extraordinarily welcoming and answered so many questions from Isabel.  When I joined MVYLI as the Institute's TouchStone Leaders Platform Project Coordinator, I wanted to help youth follow their dreams and Job Shadow Day was a very real step towards that direction.
John Reine

Camilla and Shawna
Being a part of Job Shadow Day 2017 was a great experience. Working with youth from the both MVRHS and Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School, exposed me to the positive changes they made. I cannot express enough how very proud I am of every single one of them!

About six years ago, I was where they are - a MVRHS junior and a founding member of MVYLI. Shadowing someone in the career field I was interested in, was so rewarding for me. I was fortunate enough to receive a career-exploration that was beneficial to help me figure out a career path to follow. This experience also taught me on how to apply what I have learned in the real world.
After I graduated from college my goal was to one day return and give back to my community. My first job was an Emerging Leader for MVYLI's 13th Annual Youth Leadership Summit. It was there that I met these young people. Now as MVYLI's Project Coordinator for the Career Mentor & Job Shadow Day Program, I have seen them blossom.

Imagining a dream/goal for our lives can sometimes be a little challenging. Surprisingly every single one of these youth now have a good idea for what career path they want to pursue at college and beyond. And it's impressive to see how determined they are to push harder to make those dreams come true.

To every incoming MVYLI youth and our current ones: never give up on your dreams. Even though sometimes the going may get rough and you may feel like giving up, just keep on pushing.
Shawna Brown

Claudia and Karen Trait
Claudia Motta, Future Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Karen Trait, Cape Cod Sports Medicine

I had an amazing time shadowing you. Thank you so much for taking time to show me around and even let me meet some patients. You and your staff were very nice, making me feel very welcome and comfortable. I feel inspired seeing a woman that pursued her goals to become an Orthopedic Specialist. You gave me courage to continue pursuing my dreams. Thank you so much for allowing me to observe your work.
Claudia Motta

Having a dream is just the first step. MVYLI helps young people explore the skills and tools they need to chart a course to reach their dreams. It's helpful to learn at this young age about planning for their future - the steps they will take; how long to get where they want to go; what obstacles they may meet along the way, and what qualities can help to overcome them. That's the beauty of The Dream Map™ - it is individualized to ask youth questions of "How can I...?" and "How will I...?" As a graphic designer, I had the amazing opportunity to work on the prototype design of the Institute's Life Planning Tools and The Dream Map™. As MVYLI Project Coordinator, this tool helped me to better know our youth and helped them to understand what it takes to realize their dreams. Each week as we prepared for the MVYLI Job Shadow Day I was inspired by our youth dreams. Together we learned how to dream and how to make them into reality. My hope for the youth is that each one of them continues to find the support they need to realize their dream as they grow beyond MVYLI into their lives. 
Kristina Petruityte

Dear Prudy Carter-Donovan,
Thank you for being my mentor for MVYLI's Job Shadow Day. I realize this took time away from your regular responsibilities at Island Health Care. I am grateful for all the information that you provided me regarding your job. After I shadowed you and saw what it's like to help people, I became more convinced that I want to become a nurse. I am thankful for the advice you gave me about what to expect when I go to nursing school and about what it takes to become a nurse. Thank you again for giving me this valuable learning experience.
Yolani Doddy

MVYLI Youth & Mentors
  • Ana Alves: Lt. Timothy Williamson & Sgt. Daniel Cassidy, Oak Bluffs Police Dept.
  • Yolani Doddy: Prudy Carter Donovan, Island Health Care
  • Claudia Motta: Dr. Karen Trait, Cape Cod Sports Medicine
  • Lila Norris: Nancy Aronie and Rose Styron
  • Camilla Prata: Dr. David Rancourt, The Cardiologist Specialists, Falmouth
  • Isabel Robertson: Dr. Mark Hahn, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Thanks to Martha's Vineyard Hospital for hosting the MVYLI Job Shadow Day Reception. To our MVYLI Sponsors. A special thanks to our MC: Gretchen Tucker Underwood

Martha's Vineyard Youth Leadership Initiative
PO Box 4551 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

Stone Soup Leadership Institute *