Our heart is with you!
One in 4 adults suffers from some form of depression in their lifetime.
It is estimated that more than 30% of Americans take care of a loved one who is suffering. Whether you are battling depression, or loving someone who is, we want to offer you hope and encouragement. 
7 Steps for Coping with Anxiety
Dr. Michelle Bengston

Dear Dr. B,
Is anxiety a new epidemic or is it that people are now just feeling comfortable talking about it? Has it always been this prevalent? It seems "new" if you will. It is everywhere... Is it new? Epidemic? Thanks so much.
Anxiously Curious
Dear Curious,
Anxiety has been part of the human experience since Adam and Eve's encounter with the serpent in the garden. If we think about it, it was their unhealthy fear of God that led them to hide once they became aware of their nakedness.
We're becoming more aware of anxiety now...

God wants to bring healing and wholeness to every part of your life...your spirit, mind, emotions and body!
Welcome New MTWR Friends!
MTWR has always been near and dear to my heart. Due to scheduling conflicts, I have not been able to attend for three years. What a JOY to be back--to see women I love and to meet new friends. Of all the conferences I have had the privilege to attend, MTWR is counted as one of my favorites. 
Learn more about MTWR

Girls! I recommend this one!

"Hope is water to someone suffering with depression. In her book, 30 Days of Hope for Dealing with Depression, Brenda Poinsett waters our souls with fresh life, helping us to see that depression is not the end but an opportunity for a new beginning."

Follow Brenda's journey of learning to cope with and overcome depression.
Liberty in Christ Ministries | 615-472-8743 |  Website