Weekly Postings
Weekly Postings April 28 - May 7, 2017

City Serve Youth Service Project

Saturday, April 29, 8 AM 
- 1 PM
SPC Youth will join other churches from our area to serve the community doing various activities in our neighborhood with the City Serve project, Saturday, April 29. We will gather at 8 AM at the church; pick up at 1:00 PM.  Lunch will be provided. Bring gloves and be prepared for heavy walking.  Contact Ranie Neislar for more information.
In This Issue
Meeting Next Week

TUES. 11:45 AM

Craig-Houghton Sunday

This Sunday we celebrate Craig-Houghton Elementary School  Appreciation Day. As we near the end of the school year, we give thanks for the friendships we've developed through our relationship with the school.   Please join us as we celebrate the students, teachers, support staff, and volunteers of Augusta's Craig-Houghton School.
This Sunday April 30
Our Schedule This Sunday 

7:45 - 8:45  AM

Tyler Hall 
8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist Rite I
no music
9:30 - 10:30 AM

Christian Formation for ALL ages
See schedule below
10:30 - 10:45 AM 
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with 
the Saint Paul's  and Canterbury Choirs
Following the 11:00
AM Service 
Lemonade on the Lawn

5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Christian Formation For ALL ages 9:30 - 10:30 AM


Faith, Church, and the Episcopal Way
The Berlin Room 
Breakfast without Bounds
Youth Room - Upstairs Parish House
Youth Confirmation

The Rector's Office - CMC
Grades 3-5
Spark Activate Faith
Room 1 Children's Ministry Center
Ages 4-7
Godly Play
Room 2 Children's Ministry Center
Lessons for This Sunday    are Acts 2:14a,36-41; Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17; 1:17-23; and Luke 24:13-35.

ADULT Formation
I DIDN'T KNOW t hat I did not know that!!   All are invited this and next Sunday to explore ways of more deeply participating in the mystery of The Ho ly Eucharist, led by Fr. Jenkins. Gather in the Berlin Room during formation hour, 9:30 to 10:30 AM.
YOUTH Formation
For the remaining five weeks in Youth Formation, we will explore how Christian discipleship necessarily calls us to learn about and take care of God's creation and creatures. From recycling to conservation of endangered species, we will explore the boundless ways our lives are directly linked with ecologies and relationships right outside our church doors! We will begin with breakfast at 9:30 AM. If you have any questions, please email Ranie.
EYC will not meet Sunday night.
Saint Paul's EYC (Episcopal Youth Community grades 6-12) will meet Saturday morning. No EYC Sunday night.  Email Ranie  with any questions

Parents: EYC sends additional email reminders and schedules and text messages. If you are not receiving this information and would like to contact the Parish Office.

Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing

Sundays, 5:30 PM

This Sunday's guest musician is Carl Purdy.
Spring Primetime Party (adults 50+)
Sunday, April 30, 6-8 PM
Friendships are one of the few things that improve with age.
It's not too late. Let's Celebrate!  RSVP now for the Spring Primetime Party Sunday April 30 at the home of Julie and Billy Badger. $5 per person at the door. Bring an appetizer to share. Need address/directions? Contact the Parish Office (706) 724-2485 or

Next Week  May 1 - May 7
Photographs at Saint Paul's
From time to time we will be placing pictures of parish events on our website, in the Weekly Postings e-mail, and on social media. We will not identify any person or persons in a picture without their permission. If you would prefer that we not use your picture or those of your family, please 
contact the parish office  or (706) 724-2485.
Spring Young Adult Gathering
Friday, May 5, 7-9 PM 
Spring Young Adult Gathering Friday, May 5, 7-9 pm, at the home of Bret and Tara Montroy. BYOB + appetizer. Friends + Food = a time and place to enjoy community just as you are. Please let us know that you plan to attend with a simple "YES + # attending" email to
Looking Ahead 
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, May 10, 6-7 PM, Tyler Hall
Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, May 10. This month we welcome Janet Ferguson, owner of It's Official Events Unlimited as our caterer.  On the menu: Penne Pasta Bar with choice of Sauces: Meat, Marinara Primavera, or Alfredo; Salad with Italian Vinaigrette; Garlic Bread; and Italian Creme Cupcakes. A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please RSVP to Todd Shafer  so that we can be the best hosts.
Second Annual Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark
Friday, May 12, 6:30 PM 
The Children, Youth, and Family Committee announce its Second Annual Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark. Come join us on the back deck of Lake Olmstead Stadium at the Augusta Greenjackets game on Friday, May 12, 2017 at 6:30 PM. There will be an all-you-can-eat buffet of hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, chips, and cookies, as well as fountain drinks. All beer is Happy Hour priced on the deck until last call. One lucky individual will be throwing out the first pitch!

We are limited to the first 150 people. Please email Todd Shafer to reserve your tickets!
We are asking for a $10.00 donation per person or $25.00 per family. All other donations are greatly appreciated to help defray some of the cost. Please make all payments to the church office, noting it is for the Greenjackets game.
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers
June 4 & 18 and July 16 & 23 are open for altar flowers. If you would like to sponsor the flowers in thanksgiving or memory of someone special, please contact the parish office
Senior Sunday
Sunday, May 21, 11:00 service
Parents of graduating high school seniors: Senior Sunday is May 21. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible if your son or daughter is interested in being included in this service.
VA 2K Walk and Roll  & 
Shampoo and Toiletry Collection for Homeless Veterans
May 17, 8:30 AM - Noon
The Outreach Committee is collecting regular size toiletry items in support of the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center's Voluntary Services Homeless Veterans Programs. Collection boxes are located in the Narthex, Tyler Hall, and the Parish Office. Please bring your donations to the church before Wednesday, May 17. Parishioners are invited to join the VA2K Walk/Run event, taking place on Wednesday, May 17, 8:30 am - noon beginning at the Augusta Riverwalk & 9th St. fountain. Contact David Penix  or Kim Butler for more information.
CALLING THE CURIOUS: If you are curious about how to faithfully engage questions about the Bible, our history and traditions, and our ever-changing understanding of God, then you are invited to learn about and consider participating in the Episcopal Church's Education for Ministry program, affectionately known as EfM. EfM is a program of small-group study and spiritual growth open to ALL people. Saint Paul's EfM leaders, Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau and Fr. John Jenkins welcome your inquiries.
Spring Quarter (April - June) 

The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here. Mark your calendar with these April - June 2017 service opportunities.  We invite you to join us as often as you are able. 
News from the Diocese

 Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field 
News from our Neighboring Parishes
Saturday, May 13, 10:30 AM, Saint Paul's Church
God Willing and the People Consenting The Rt. Rev. Scott Anson Benhase will ordain The Rev. Deacon Terri Walker Degenhardt & The Rev. Deacon Lawrence Michael Jesion to the Sacred Order of Priesthood Saturday, May 13th at 10:30 AM, Saint Paul's Church,  Augusta, Georgia.  Canon Frank Logue will preach.
May 2017
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be May 14.  Please Join us. 

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