Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
April 2017
Community Education and Engagement

 Let's Talk Philanthropy: Social Justice Issues
Community Activism at the Grassroots Level

photo credit: Kelsey O'Connor/Ithaca Voice

Tompkins residents divert taxes and refunds to local re-entry program.
Reported by Kelsey O'Connor/Ithaca Voice

This Tax Day, a group of Tompkins County residents opted to donate federal income tax dollars or some of their tax refunds to a local organization that helps people re-enter the community from prison or jail.

On Tuesday, five people met outside 516 W. State St. to hand a $1,350 check to members of the Ultimate Reentry Opportunity (URO), a local organization that helps people returning from jail and prison get back on their feet. URO is an initiative of the Multicultural Resource Center.

Neil Golder, of Ithaca, said he resists war tax in a different way.  "I do my war tax resistance in a legal way, which is to take approximately half of my income, my adjusted gross income and give it to the Community Foundation," Golder said.

 Let's Talk Philanthropy: 
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues
Community Advocacy at the Local Level

Scott MacLeod, a donor advisor of The Sophie Fund, briefed Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick Thursday on the fund's newly adopted strategic plan and projects underway for 2017. The meeting was held in advance of a gathering on April 17, organized by The Sophie Fund, of 30 mental health stakeholders from the greater Ithaca community and Tompkins County.

MacLeod told the mayor that he and his wife Susan Hack set up The Sophie Fund after their daughter Sophie, a 23-year-old art student on a health leave of absence from Cornell University, took her own life in Ithaca on Easter weekend in 2016. MacLeod said Sophie's shocking, unexpected death motivated his family to provide support and advocacy for suicide prevention and other mental health programs for young people in the Ithaca area.

The Sophie Fund Strategic Plan 2017 sets forth four goals -  continue reading
Let's Talk Philanthropy:  You are Invited
Community Conversations Spur Relationships and Results

Share your thoughts.
What do you see as critical issues? What role does philanthropy play?

Learn more about ways that Community Foundation donors have moved forward initiatives that have the greatest impact  in our community.

Hear from others who also have a passion for philanthropy.

We are seeking to hear from our community of donors as part of our Let's Talk Philanthropy; 2017 Listening Learning Series. Now, more than ever, our community wants to hear from us, as part of the philanthropic sector -- and we need to hear your voice.

Please contact Amy LeViere at  or (607) 272-9333 ext 206 for details, or if you would like to attend and share your thoughts and perspective on one of these topics below.  Or perhaps, there is a topic that you would propose, please let us know.
Let's Talk Philanthropy; 2017 Listening Learning Series
March 28    Social Justice Interests
June  8         Arts & Culture Interest
June 27       Place-based Needs
July 13         Environment and Sustainability

   Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors

Community Foundation is guided by values-based philanthropy. Individual and business gifts are granted outright or invested and directed in a way that matches the values of the donor. We succeed only because we link arms with philanthropic partners - partners who care.
Thank you for supporting our many philanthropic services and programs, including 2017  Listening Learning Series; Let's Talk Philanthropy
   $10,000 Anonymous Challenge

Community Foundation of Tompkins County looks to recognize our county's bicentennial, 200th year, with 200 new donors to do more good in this community.
When we meet the goal, an anonymous challenger will provide $10,000 to our Tompkins Today and Tomorrow Fund for grants to serve people in this county!
Did you know that in 1817, our leaders put aside "the sum of $201.50 for the support of paupers" in Tompkins County? At that time, Ithaca was a raw village with a reputation for mud and rowdy behavior. Today, the same 492 square miles has a population of approximately 101,000, many of whom benefit from your gifts received at the Community Foundation.
Every dollar from every donor compounds to make a difference .  Please make your gift today and tell a friend!  Or make a gift during Giving Is Gorges 2017 from 6pm May 9 to 6pm May 10.

Invest in Community Foundation
Looking for a way to make a difference in the new year?
Make a gift today.
Read Grant Impact Stories
Learn more about grant successes and ways we have partnered with donors to help solve specific problems in our community.
2017 Annual Meeting
Event is May 9