College of Liberal Arts  

CoLA Weekly

   Friday, April 21, 2017

Monday's Wright State Graduate Symposium offered our graduate students a wonderful opportunity to shine as they displayed their research through poster presentations or PowerPoint talks. Thank you to the Graduate Student Assembly led by president Preston Jacob Eberlyn, International & Comparative Politics and Public Administration, for hosting this event and to the following CoLA student participants:

Left to right: Preston Eberlyn, Nickii Webb, Amanda Baker, Drew Bell 
Reilly Dixon, English
Abigail Booher, English
Paul Dority, History
Zachariah Jett,  History
Suzanne (Nickii) Webb, International & Comparative Politics 

CoLA is also a prominent participant in today's Celebration of Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities where many of our undergraduate students are busy showcasing their research interests in the Student Union. 
This year's Plenary Speaker is Spanish/French/Arabic student Kirsten Smith, mentored by Damaris Serrano, who will speak on the social, political, and economic effects of terrorism in Central and South America.  CoLA student presenters are:
  • Jamie Gaffin, French, mentored by Kirsten Halling --  Fiction as a Corrective Gesture to Western Historiography
  • Jasmine Moore, Applied Behavioral Science, mentored by Jacqueline Bergdahl -- Legalization of Gay Marriage and its Impact on Military Stereotypes of Homosexuals
  • Joseph Pokorski, Spanish, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, mentored by Damaris Serrano -- The Ignored Crisis
  • Tara Reilly, Spanish, mentored by Melissa Doran -- Society Against the Woman as Represented in Cinematography
  • Michael Wadham, Social Work, mentored by Jennifer Hughes -- Social Workers' Salaries vs. Educational Debt Burden: A Losing Battle
The event lasts until 3:15 p.m. so I hope you can stop by and support our students!
Congratulations to two exceptional CoLA faculty who will receive university-wide awards this year:
Next Friday, April 28, we will celebrate our top graduating students at our Outstanding Student Awards Ceremony. The celebration is at 2:00 p.m. in the Creative Arts Center's Schuster Hall - I hope to see many of you there. Congratulations to this year's honorees:
Outstanding Undergraduate Students
Eva Lewis, Art and Art History
Emily Hayslett, Communication
Ryan Pignatiello, Crime and Justice Studies
Camilla Herring, English
Olivia Stidham, History
Emma Towe, International Studies
Jacob Alan Miller, Modern Languages
Stephen Monath, Music
Bethany York, Political Science
Lukas Wenrick, Social Science Education
Michael Wadham, Social Work
Shelby Frideger, Sociology/Anthropology
Outstanding Graduate Students
Carole Ahossin, Applied Behavioral Science
Isaac Knapp, English
Hadley Drodge, History
Nick Angelis, Music
Brittany Jackson, Social Work
Megan Holly, Public Administration

In just over a week we will congratulate the 2,138 students (471 from CoLA!) who will graduate from Wright State. I hope to see you at some of our upcoming year-end festivities, and please also mark your calendars for our  CoLA Retreat  set for Wednesday, August 23, 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Millett Hall Atrium. At the conclusion of the retreat we will celebrate our CoLA Outstanding Award recipients. Please RSVP to  Sue Stollings  if you can make it.  

This will be the last CoLA Weekly until fall semester begins.  You can see all past CoLA Weekly messages online here.
Good luck with Finals Week and have a wonderful summer.      
Linda Caron

Faculty Dance Concert, Thursday, April 20- Sunday, April 23, Festival Playhouse, Creative Arts Center
Shakespeare's Macbeth, Friday, April 21- Sunday, April 23, Herbst Theatre
Women's Chorale, Friday, April 21, 8:00 p.m., Schuster Hall
Men's Chorale & University Chorus , Saturday, April 22, 8:00 p.m., Schuster Hall