Gazette Monthly | April Newsletter
New Initiatives This Year:
Designed thoughtfully to improve guest experience and return the Flying U Ranch to its glory days of the 1930's.
The Flying U is a time capsule of a bygone era. Last winter we poured over old photos and reviewed the archives to study the history of this great ranch. So this year we rededicated our efforts to return the facilities back to an earlier time.
Keep on reading to find out what you can expect to see "old and improved" at The U this season. But if you haven't booked yet, don't delay as we are booking quickly for our 2017 season.
This year we will be producing the following products:
- Ranch Raised Beef, Pork, and Lamb.
- Farm Fresh Eggs.
- Select produce and herbs.
Available for purchase in The General Store, at Marmot Ridge Pro Shop, and by special pre-order.
The Flying U has had a long tradition of cattle raising. We are pleased to announce that the Flying U Ranch is getting back into the cattle business.
Arriving late this summer, we will be bringing 10 bred Black Angus cows onto the property, reviving a century-old tradition at the U.
We're already looking forward to calving season and cattle drives up here in the beautiful Cariboo.
With 219 new acres on the northern portion of Spring Lake, we will offer more riding trails, more waterfront, and more horse pasture.
The Flying U Ranch has just purchased more land for our riders. The Spring Lake Range acquisition is two large parcels totalling 200 acres of rich meadows and forest to the west of our home range. Many of our riders know the area well, as it is a lovely piece of land, hosting some amazing trail circuits which offer incredible views of both Spring and Green Lake.
It is an important purchase as it gives our riders access to a broad network of popular trails around Round and Wilkinson Lakes. This major purchase is part of an ongoing commitment by the ranch to the unguided horseback heritage of the Flying U.
The mainstay of the ranch is the lodge and frankly we think we can do a lot better in delivering and old Western Experience. The dining room is the same, but you will notice some great period touches.
The front lobby is being transformed into what would have been an old period hotel grand room. The idea is to create lots of conversation areas that guests can enjoy. But don't worry, we have designed the areas where we can still roll up the carpet and have a good old hoe-down!
We have thought long and hard over the winter to bring a broader menu options.
Just like the old days we will be baking bread every morning at 6:00 am which was an early tradition at the ranch.
We will also be raising and sourcing local, ethically raised meat and produce products in order to support our local farmers.
Will now be selling custom local artisan products including:
Local Honey.
Custom Flying U herd horsehair bracelets.
Specialty Silversmith-made jewelery. Local, organic skin-care lines.
Goats milk soaps and lip-balms.
Two new Cabins on the accommodation list:
The Wrangler Cabin is a three bedroom centrally heated with 3 piece washroom, kitchenette, private porch, and wood-burning stove.
The Laundry Cabin. The 100 year old building was formerly the Meadows School House. Refinished and centrally located on main street, be immersed in the hustle and bustle of ranch life with windows overlooking our broodmare pasture.
The horses are the bedrock of the business and we are committed to building the best riding herd in Canada. We have added 18 new horses over the winter and they have gone into spring training.
Massa- Puervian Passo Mare
Phaedra- Palimino QH Mare
Pirate- Black QH Mare
Pants- Bay Filly
Mona- Grey Percheron Cross Mare
Gingie- Cestnut QH Mare
Eyore- Bay Standardbred Gelding
Pavlova - Black Wildie Colt
Nacoma- Paint Mare
And we're still working on the names for our Kootney Herd: These horses, collected from around the province, made the trip safety from Grand Forks and arrived at the ranch 5:00am on a Sunday morning. The horses are spending two weeks settling in and putting on weight before the wranglers will fit saddles and take them on their first ride as Flying U Trail Horses. Come meet the 18 new additions for yourself!
The Spring Lake Pasture acquisition re-opens access to Wild Horse Trail, connecting the southern portion of the Round Lake Trail back to the home range. The Wild Horse Trail also makes Charlie's Meadows much more accessible by connecting Boyd Pass and Coyote Junction to the western home range.
The map has been completely redone, laying the trails over accurate topography. Navigate the crown land like never before by downloading the live version which tracks your location.
New blood has awakened the passion of the pioneers of the region, revisiting initiatives like pack trips, overnight camps, and combination trips for fishing, tracking, and camping.
The Flying U is excited to partner with local business to bring new experiences to our valued guests. Create a custom adventure and travel by horseback, canoe, or in foot.
The Wranglers are building a new round pen on the crest of the hill just behind the barn. This high ground will offer the perfect place for year-round liberty work, and colt-starting.Last year we brought on a number of rescues needing some specific retraining.
The diverse backgrounds of our wrangling team mean we can offer these horses a forever home, rehabbing them into happy trail horses. The new round pen will be at the heart of our training program, and guests are invited to come out and watch the Flying U's unique blend of natural, experiential, and traditional training methods.
You LOVED the friendly farm creatures last year. Joining us this year will be:
- Cuddles the mini donkey and Xiomarra his best friend, the mini horse.
- Oinker, Poinker, Pinker, and Stinker, the spotted piglet siblings.
- Lavender Orpington Chicks arriving the first week of May.
- Tweedle-Dee the friendly rooster.
- Our two ram-lambs, Wallace
and Grommit.
A big
Mountain Fever Bluegrass Camp
for starting the 2017 season off with a bluegrass bang!
people enjoyed the property jamming all hours of the day and night. The ranch was transformed, with everyone nook and cranny employed as classrooms and jam spaces. Friday night dancing continued our square dancing traditions, and lit the lodge up with music and laughter. Even the horses got involved in the festivities!
We can't wait to see you this year!
Book Now and make us your summer destination
To keep updated on upcoming events at The Flying U, please visit our Google
Calendar as we are always adding new and exciting concerts, courses and so much more!