I don’t have ALL the answers – but, I do have SOME of the answers.
My 3 Words - 2018
YOUR 3 Words - 2018
You may have heard about the “My Three Words” concept of setting intentions.

It's simple – replace resolutions with three words that, through the year, will guide your choices, challenge your motives and influence your decisions.

Choose words which have meaning and depth – words which stand on their own, yet work together to create a triangulation to guide you through your year.

The three-word concept works best when the words are positive in spirit and when they are chosen to help with the larger picture.

Pick any three words that will guide you in the choices you intend to make for 2018.

These 3 words will guide you to challenge yourself as to your motives, your lifestyle, and your work decisions. These are words that will help you guide your actions.

Three words…that you could do anything with.

Three words that could help you in your personal and professional life.

Three words that open up far more options than limited resolutions can do.
Monthly Small Business Resources
Helpful articles worth reading.
Start the new year by implementing positive changes in your business. Think about your 2018 goals and develop action plans to make them a reality. Use the January themes and holidays in this article to spur ideas for your marketing efforts.
Q: How can I make sure that my business is showing up accurately in online searches? Does my website truly reflect who I am, what I do, and what I offer?

A: Pay an objective visit to your website as if you were a prospective client who just happened to find out about you. Take a spin around your pages to make sure:
  • You have clear calls to action
  • Your links are working
  • You are inviting visitors to spend some time on your site
  • You've made it easy for visitors to engage with you by linking to your social media platforms or signing up for your email newsletters.
Perform a Google search for your business as though you were a prospective client.
  • How are you showing up?
  • Is your information accurate on directories?
  • Do you have a number of inbound links?
Not sure where to start?
Let me and my ace team comb through all of your platforms to give you honest and smart feedback. (Seriously, we just love this stuff!)
Let's Answer Some of Your Questions
We work with small business owners who want to spend their precious time on creating awesome products and providing valuable services rather than agonizing over their website, email marketing or social media platforms. 
Susan Finn Online | 508-400-2097 | www.susanfinnonline.com
This newsletter is created to be a resource for small business owners committed to building
an authentic and effective online presence. If you find that this information is not of value to you,
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