A Reconciling in Christ synod
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Hallelujah! 

Early Easter Sunday morning, Bishop Gonia preached to the 12,000+ who gathered at Red Rocks Amphitheater for the 70th Annual Easter Sunrise Service hosted by the Colorado Council of Churches.

Along with Executive Director Adrian Miller and Father Michael Nicosia (Ecumenical Catholic), local ELCA clergy were invited to join Bishop Gonia in leading the service: Pastor Tomas Bayou, Pastor Gabi Aelabouni, and Pastor Terry Schjang.

Bishop Eaton:  A Pastoral Message on Syria

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Like many of you, I have been deeply troubled by the news this week from Syria. First, there was the horrific chemical weapons attack on civilians. Then the U.S. missiles being used against the Syrian airbase understood to have perpetrated the earlier attack. In both instances, the lives of precious children of God have been lost. Lord, have mercy.  

The psalmist reminds us not to put our "trust in princes, in mortals, in whom there is no help," but rather reminds us to place our hope in the Lord our God. He recalls that "the Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin" (Psalm 146).

It is a time for prayer – for peace, and for those seeking refuge during this time when there is no peace in Syria.

Read full message

RMS-ELCA News and Events
Synod Assembly Updates!
Worship Resources for Congregations 

Over 450 voting members, visitors and partners in ministry will be at our Synod Assembly over the weekend of May 6-7. Since most of our rostered ministers will also be in attendance, we invite all congregations of the Rocky Mountain Synod to use these resources for a shared worship -- as Church Together. This sermon (video and transcript), and liturgy will mirror the Sunday morning worship taking place at Synod Assembly, a worship that will feature the ministry of ELCA deacons who serve our church in the newly re-formed Word & Service roster and on our call to be church for the sake of the world. 

- Sermon by Deacon Ro Fesser, Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center

Best Boots Contest!
Saturday evening of the assembly will be a western-themed ministry fair featuring the ministries of the RMS and ELCA. Pull out your favorite boots and hat and celebrate with us!

Assembly Reports

Synod Assembly Website

Roman Catholic & Lutheran Prayer Services to Mark Reformation 500 Years
Roman Catholics and Lutherans are joining together in prayer 500 years after Martin Luther’s 95 theses triggered the Reformation in 1517.

Bishop Jim Gonia will be present at seven Services of Common Prayer in conjunction with seven Roman Catholic Diocese. The Common Prayer will be structured around themes of thanksgiving, repentance, and commitment to common witness. The liturgy will highlight agreements reached through fifty years of dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans on topics such as the Church, Ministry, and the Eucharist. The aim is to express the gifts of the Reformation and ask forgiveness for the division perpetuated by Christians from the two traditions.

There are three remaining services:

Saturday, April 22, 2017, 1 p.m.
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
Casper, WY

Sunday, May 21, 2017, 3 p.m.
Sacred Heart Cathedral​
Pueblo, CO

Sunday, October 8, 2017, 3 p.m.
Salt Lake City, UT

For Your Bulletin
Bulletin Blurbs
Campus Ministry 101
What is something ELCA members and congregations can do to connect with campus ministries in their communities?

Go to your local campus ministry and ask this very question. The obvious might be financial support, which is often needed and always appreciated. But imagine beyond that. If the college or university makes up the bulk of your community’s context, imagine how to coordinate your ministry efforts so that you’re complementing and not competing for attention or students. Ask if there’s a real need (not merely a presumed one) to be filled by you or your church. Conversely, if there’s a need in the community or in your congregation that you’ve identified, share that with the campus ministry. Connecting points may be surprising. They probably will be, if the Spirit is involved.

Read more about what current campus pastors are learning from their students.

The Rocky Mountain Synod has 7 Campus Ministries.
Connect with the Campus Ministry in your area

Pastor Garrett Struessel
Sunday, April 30, 2017, 4 p.m.
First Lutheran Church
Longmont, CO
Color of the Day: White

RMS Prayer Cycle

April 2017
Wyoming  Conference

Week of April 23

Prince of Peace - Gillette, WY
Paul Bodin
Deb Cote

St. John - Riverton, WY

St. Luke’s - Buffalo, WY
Alena Lamirato

Join us in daily prayer:
Download  ELCA Prayer Ventures  for daily prayer petitions and resources for Sunday prayers.

Prayer of the Day: Sunday, April 23
Almighty and eternal God, the strength of those who believe and the hope of those who doubt, may we, who have not seen, have faith in you and receive the fullness of Christ's blessing, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 

Global Church Prayer for April 23

Risen One, who meets us along the roadways and in the locked rooms of our lives, guide us to witness to your triumph over death in our daily lives. Thanks be to you for the work of Lutheran missionaries as they follow you and accompany our companions building up the church. Bless all people who hear your gospel of peace, reconciliation and triumph over death and seek to follow you, in the name of your risen Son, our Lord, Jesus the Christ, we pray. Amen.

Download 2017 Global Church Prayer Minutes

Around the Synod
First Lutheran, Longmont, Welcomes Pastor Garrett Struessel
All are invited to join the people of First Lutheran Church in welcoming Pastor Garrett Struessel as their new pastor on Sunday, April 30 at 4 p.m. They are a congregation of the Boulder/Broomfield conference. The installation is followed by a celebration Taco Bar! Bishop Jim Gonia will be presiding at the installation liturgy.
Heart & Spirit” - Songs & Conversations with Jeff Dayton & Chris Daniels

Come join us to share worship with two extraordinary musicians, and two very interesting life stories. You won’t want to miss the music and conversations on April 23rd at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m.

Jeff and Pastor Dave Risendal met in 1986, on a Sunday morning, in the parking lot of a Phoenix area townhouse complex. Jeff was intrigued by this young pastor, dressed in black clergy clothes, riding home on a motorcycle after worship. Dave was intrigued by this young musician, unloading equipment from his van after a Saturday night gig. They’ve been fast friends ever since.

Jeff is making his second appearance at Saint Peter. Having toured with artists like Glen Campbell, Kenny Chesney and Lee Greenwood, and having performed with Bo Diddley, Dizzy Gillespie, Gene Autry, Mac Davis and others, you will enjoy his musical talents, and be touched by his life story.

This year Jeff brings with him long-time Denver area musician Chris Daniels. Chris has appeared with B.B. King, Blues Traveler, The Neville Brothers, Sheryl Crow, Robert Cray, Taj Mahal, Al Kooper and Bonnie Raitt… the list goes on and on. Along with his band, the Kings, they have headlined festivals in the U.S. and Europe, have toured as the back-up band for artists like Sonny Landreth, David Bromberg and Al Kooper, and are always a strong draw here on the Front Range. Chris also is an Assistant Professor at the College of Arts & Media, University of Colorado Denver campus.

Saint Paul, Denver, hosting Ars Nova Singers Concert
Saint Paul Lutheran and Roman Catholic Community of Faith
1600 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203
Friday, April 28, at 7:30 p.m.

The Boulder-based Ars Nova Singers will present the Russian Orthodox version of a Roman Catholic Mass setting, the magnificent " Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom" by Sergei Rachmaninoff, under the leadership of Artistic Director Thomas Edward Morgan. Visit for more information.

Ken Caryl Concerts Presents "Springtime in the Rockies
Saturday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m.

Ken Caryl Concerts of St Philip Lutheran Church is gearing up for its first concert of the season – “Springtime in the Rockies” on Saturday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m. You won’t want to miss this program featuring St Philip’s Bluegrass Group, Safonia Women’s Choir, R Michael Rhodes Acoustic Duo and more. 

The concert series was created by a group of St. Philip musicians as an outreach mission of the church in the hopes to entertain, educate, inspire and extend a warm welcome to the community. The series offers 3-4 concerts per year featuring a wide variety of musical talents from the church family and the surrounding community including sacred and secular music of all genres. All concerts are free of charge and open to all ages. 

2017 offerings include:
Springtime in the Rockies” on April 29 at 7:30 p.m. 
Music from the Movies” on July 16 at 2:30 p.m. 
Mostly Mozart” on September, 30 at 7:30 p.m.
Christmas Classics” on December 3 at 2:30 p.m.

For more information, please visit or call St. Philip at 303-979-4491.
Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, El Paso, holding open border immersion Event
Saturday, April 29 in the afternoon through Friday, May 5 early morning

Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey in El Paso, Texas, invites its companions all over the Rocky Mountain Synod to come to El Paso for a week to walk in community with Lutherans on the border and to come face-to-face with the immigration system and the border today, to see how these structures shape the lives of the people who live here, and to wrestle with the question of how our faith calls us to respond to these realities. 

Participants will stay at Cristo Rey and share in worship with the church community, while venturing out to visit Juarez, Mexico, to explore El Paso, to hear personal stories from individuals on both sides of the border, and to learn baout the system firsthand through meeting with attorneys, judges, Border Patrol, ICE Detention officials and more. 

Cost is $420 for the whole week, which includes lodging, all transportation except travel to/from El Paso, and six full meals provided by church community members. Regular programming for the border immersion will end the night of Thursday, May 4 to allow for travel to the Synod Assembly. Questions, send email to
Our Life Together
“Comfort and Hope on the Journey of Grief” Bereavement Retreat at Highlands Presbyterian Camp & Retreat Center
Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center, in partnership with Faith and Grief Ministries is offering a new program this summer for those who have experienced the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, or friends.

As summer approaches, we may find ourselves reflecting on how we have spent fun-filled summers in the past with loved ones and friends. For many who have lost a spouse, parent, sibling, child or friend, these memories can be painful.

Highlands and Faith & Grief Ministries are combining their respective gifts to make this retreat available, providing you a safe venue to wrestle with the dynamics of grief and to experience significant measures of hope and encouragement. Whether you are standing in raw grief, navigating the chaos of grief’s confusion, or recovering from a recent ambush of grief, this retreat is designed for you. Plan to experience comfort through scripture, spiritual practices, and interaction within a compassionate community of men and women who “get it”—get the heartache, get the lingering sorrow, get the continual yearning to be with your loved one, and get the longing for peace.

One participant in a previous event had not been able to sleep for the past couple of years--after a spiritual practice he said he had unloaded so much baggage--he could leave happy and whole, feeling like he had gotten his monies worth. He slept through the night!

Scholarships are available. Here are links to a brochure, and costs and registration information. Please contact Steven Bohn, Registrar for questions.

Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp hosts Spring and Summer Work Weekends!
Friday, April 28 through Sunday, April 30
Friday, May 26 through Monday, May 29

Volunteer at Sky Ranch! The Leave A Trace program provides opportunities for groups and individuals to give their time and skills to Sky Ranch as we work to keep our facilities safe and welcoming. We have the plans, you have the hands. Together, with your help, we can make a huge impact on Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp! Food and lodging provided for the weekend. 

To sign up for a work weekend, or to set up a weekend for your group or congregation, please contact the office at 970-493-5258 or email
The Summit - Youth Ministry Retreat with Keynote Speaker Rich Melheim
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp
Monday, April 24 thru Wednesday, April 26

The Summit will be held at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp and is for youth ministry workers interested in a time of fellowship, networking, and continuing education. Rich Melheim will be our keynote speaker and will introduce attendees to ideas about cross-generational ministries and how to bring the church into the home. We are excited to offer this as a FREE event to those working professionally in the Rocky Mountain Synod and look forward to hosting some wonderful people. Sign up today, as registration for this event is limited. We hope to see you there!
Lutheran Family Services 34th Annual Benefit Gala: An Unexpected Path - Featuring Matt Iseman
May 20, 2017
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Join us for the LFS 34th Annual Benefit Gala featuring Matt Iseman. From Colorado, Matt Iseman is host of NBC’s “American Ninja Warrior” and winner of the 2017 “The New Celebrity Apprentice.” After dropping out of medical school to pursue stand-up comedy, Matt’s witty humor lead him down an unexpected path through life. Come to the Gala to laugh with Matt and support LFS! The Gala features a night of dinner, entertainment, an auction, and companionship. The evening marks the spirit of community that comes together and offers support for those in need.
For information, and to purchase tickets, click  here
Soul Shop for Leaders - One-Day Workshop
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Abiding Hope is hosting an all day workshop called Soul Shop for Leaders. This is a one-day training to equip faith and community leaders to minister to those impacted by suicidal desperation. This includes the creation of worship resources, training congregation members in suicide awareness and basic conversation skills, and the invitation to those who have been suicidal in the past to share their stories. This is the core training which expresses the fundamental tools and key perspectives that Soul Shop is all about. This event is also open to any and everyone, but will have a registration fee of $25. This small cost includes seminar materials, continental breakfast and lunch. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will also be available upon request! 
Employment Opportunity at King of Glory in Arvada!
Organist/Pianist and Accompanist (part-time) 

King of Glory Lutheran Church in Arvada, CO, announces an opportunity for a part-time Organist/Pianist - Accompanist. The successful candidate will have excellent performance and leadership skills on both organ and piano, and experience as a church musician. A degree in organ performance or church music is preferred, but not required. Applicable knowledge of Lutheran hymnody and liturgies is a plus. Duties include playing for each Sunday morning worship service, special services (Christmas Eve, Holy Week, etc.) and accompanying the Adult Choir at Wednesday evening rehearsals (Sept-May).
A detailed position description is available. Compensation is competitive.  Application deadline is May 5, 2017. Electronic submissions preferred.

For further information or to apply for the position, please contact:
Mike Krueger, Minister of Music at or 

Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Prepare Enrich Training for Clergy, Counselors or Mentor Couples

Friday, April 28, 2017
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Prepare Enrich Training will prepare clergy, professional counselors and mentor couples to administer the Prepare Enrich inventory and provide feedback to premarital as well as married couples. The inventory, feedback and exercises assist couples in exploring and strengthening their relationship. For more information or to register please contact Beth Walker at 720-352-9915 or go to
Choir Robes Available from Trinity Lutheran, Fort Collins
We have 44 good-looking washable robes, beige with mauve trim, in a variety of adult sizes, available from Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Collins. Most have the traditional wide sleeve; seven have cuffed sleeves. Your church is welcome to these robes for only the cost of shipping. If interested, contact Nadine Hunt: 970-825-3730 or
Employment Opportunities
Non-Rostered Positions Available

Augustana Arts Executive Director (3/4 time)
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO

Administrative Assistant (part-time)
St. Andrew Lutheran Church - Arvada, CO

Building Resources Coordinator (part-time)
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO

Director of Children's Education (part-time)
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church - Fort Collins, CO

Volunteer and Care Coordinator (part-time)
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO

Nursery Care Lead (part-time)
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO

Organist/Pianist and Accompanist (part-time)
King of Glory - Arvada, CO

Executive Director
Mt. Cross Ministries - Ben Lomond, CA

Manager of Spiritual Integrated Therapy
Tennyson Center for Children - Denver, CO

Accompanist (Pianist)
Intercession Episcopal Church - Thornton, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
  • Lutheran-Catholic Prayer service, Casper, WY
  • Our Saviour's Casper, WY
Pastor Kent Mueller
  • Lutheran Center Administration
  • RMS Candidacy 

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM

  • Invest in Kids Now
  • NM Conference of Churches

Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO

  • Legislative Session
  • YAGM Event, Chicago, IL
  • Boulder-Broomfield Conference meeting
  • Together Colorado
Pastor Judith VanOsdol

  • Well of Hope, Castle Rock, CO
  • Our Savior’s, Denver
  • St. Matthew’s, Taylorsville, UT
  • New Beginnings Prison Ministry
  • Risen Lord, Conifer, CO
  • Holy Trinity, Littleton, CO
  • Mustard Seed, Fort Collins, CO

    Deacon Erin Power

    • Synod Assembly Planning
    • Joy, Parker, CO

    Pastor Sarah Moening

      • Trinity, Las Cruces, NM
      • St. Mark, Roswell, NM
      • CDI Retreat

      Andy Sprain

      • Gathering Planning Meeting
      • Cross of Christ, Broomfield, CO
      • Faith Formation Conference Coordinators
      • Rainbow Trail Summit Retreat
      Quick Links
      Share the News
      Erin Power   Assistant to the Bishop
      Rocky Mountain Synod
      800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744

      Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.