APRIL 2017
Media and the American Muslim community: A Panel Discussion

On April 29th, Please join the Society of Professional Journalists Georgia,  Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta and moderator Kevin Riley, editor of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution for a panel led discussion that will continue the conversation between members of the media and the American Muslim community. The p anelists are Soumaya Khalifa of Islamic Speakers Bureau, CAIR Georgia's Edward Ahmed Mitchell, and  Shuaib Hanief of AtlantaMuslim.com Lunch will be served. Please register here.
ISB Booth at Atlanta Arab Festival!

On Saturday, April 22 and Sunday, April 23rd, the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta will have a booth at the Alif Atlanta Arab Festival. Come by to say hello! 
ISB to Present at Synchronicity Theatre

On Saturday, April 22 at 4:30 p.m., the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta will present "American Muslims: Beliefs and Practices" at Synchronicity Theatre. This is event is free and open to the public.  The ISB is one of of the community partners for this event.

This presentation is hosted in conjunction with a series of events and post-moderated discussions with community partners during the run of Andrea Lepcio's Strait of Gibraltar, March 31-April 23, 2017. 

For more information about the play and presentation, please click here. ISB-er Mr. Amin Tomeh presented at Synchronicity Theatre on April 11th.
A Call to Action: Becoming an Upstander

Join us for this interactive workshop examining issues of implicit and explicit bias and gain the skills to respond to insensitive or hateful comments in order to promote a more civil, respectful and safe community. This workshop is cosponsored with the Anti Defamation League, the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta, and Northside Drive Baptist Church.

The workshop takes place on Sunday, April 23 from  2:00 - 4:00 PM at the  Northside Drive  Baptist Church.  The event is free to attend however registration is required. Please register here. 
"Mr. Nuriddin's deep knowledge of Islam was apparent. He deftly answered all questions with a tremendous amount of detail and personal insight. Mr. Abdul-Haqq interjected some humor at just the right moments. They are a very good team." - Host from Church of the New Covenant Presbyterian Church

"Tariq was extremely engaging, and we had a terrific dialogue. We were able to have a wonderful dialogue, as opposed to a straight presentation, which was perfect for our group." -  Host from Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 
In March and April, the ISB presented:

American Muslims: Beliefs and Practices

The ISB presented to the following:

Church of the New Covenant Presbyterian Church

Armstrong State University

Emory Program Interfaith Panel

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection

Mercer University :  Mission and Comparative 
Religions Class

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) - GA Campus

Rotary Club of Fayette Daybreak

The Temple

The ISB thanks our presenters:

Amin Tomeh
Bukhari Nuriddin
Fairyal Maqbool-Halim
Hina Mahmood
Mannal Atwa
Nabile Safdar
Noor Abbady
Rabeea Janjua
Soumaya Khalifa
Talha Faruqi
Tariq Abdul-Haqq

To request a presentation or workshop, please click  here.
To request an Interfaith panel, click here.


(404) 632-3550

ISB Atlanta
P.O. Box 723426,
Atlanta, GA  31139

The end of March marked the beginning of spring, a time for new beginnings and renewals.  This month, t he Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta renewed its commitment to promoting understanding, encouraging community outreach, and fostering interfaith dialogue. 

We hope our Christian brothers and sisters  had a Blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter. We also hope our Jewish sisters and brothers had a Happy Passover. Only when we understand each other can we truly be bridges of  peace. 

We, at the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta, strive to become a premier source for education that promotes inclusion. Within our communities, we are proud to bring education about Islam and world religions to the public sphere. Please check out a list of our presentations we offer here.

I encourage you, during this season of growth and renewal, to renew your commitment to building bridges of understanding in your community as well as  remembering the ISB as you make your charitable contributions.  ISB's work is only possible through the generous support and contribution of its friends and supporters.   You can make a secure online donation through our  website  here.  All donations are tax deductible.
Let's continue to work together!


Soumaya Khalifa
ISB Executive Director
Soumaya Khalifa Delivers the Renewal of Vows Sermon at Episcopal Service
Bishop Wright, Soumaya Khalifa, and Reverend Kenneth Swanson of St. David's Episcopal Church

Soumaya Khalifa, Executive Director of the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta, was invited by Episcopal  Bishop Robert C. Wright to deliver the Renewal of Vows sermon for the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Khalifa spoke on April 11th at St. David's Episcopal Church. Wright said he chose Khalifa because of her ongoing efforts to bridge the gaps between religions. 

"Soumaya provides a wonderful example for how to share the love of
God; the same God worshiped by all the world's Christians, Jews and
Muslims," Wright said. "It is an example that has never been more

To read the full story, please click here.
Soumaya Khalifa Delivers Keynote at NAACP Dekalb County Branch Annual Community Breakfast
Soumaya Khalifa with the South DeKalb NAACP Leadership and Presenters.

ISB Executive Director Soumaya Khalifa served as the Keynote Speaker for the NAACP Dekalb County Branch Annual Community Breakfast at the Greenforest Community Baptist Church. The theme was "Pursuing Liberty in the Face of Injustice," with a sub-theme, "Advancing Freedom Forward."  T he  NAACP  Dekalb County Branch 2nd Vice President, Mr. Lance Hammonds introduced Khalifa. Prior to Khalifa's speech, a representative from the Dekalb  NAACP  Youth Council delivered remarks as well as Pastor Steven Dial of Rainbow Park Baptist Church.  Khalifa gave a brief personal history of ISB Atlanta and spoke about the theme of love and working together to stand against injustice.  She spoke about how it was easy for minorities to become used to mistreatment and what action they can take toward empowerment.  She reflected on the goal of the ISB which is to educate and equip people to better understand Muslims and how we can in turn learn to better understand each other.
ISB New Speaker Training Session a Success!

Tariq Abdul-Haqq, Soumaya Khalifa, and Amin Tomeh at the ISB Speaker Training.
Thank you to Nouha Zaabab, Amin Tomeh, Soumaya Khalifa, Noor Abbady, Fairyal Halim, and Mannal Atwa who helped make the ISB Speaker Training a success!

ISB Presents to Mercer's Mission and Comparative Religion's Class
ISB Speaker Talha Faruqi, Corey Brown - a Mercer student, ISB Speaker Noor Abbady, and Dr. Robert Nash Jr, Interim Dean at McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University

ISB members Mr. Talha Faruqi and Mrs. Noor Abbady presented to Mercer's Mission and Comparative Religions class. 
ISB Presents to Church of the New Covenant Presbyterian Church

ISB members Mr. Tariq Abdul-Haqq and Mr. Bukhari Nuriddin  presented American Muslim Beliefs and Practices to  Church of the New Covenant   Presyberian Church. 
ISB Presents to Rotary Club of Fayette Daybreak
ISB Executive Director Soumaya Khalifa presents American Muslim Beliefs and Practices. 
ISB Speaker Amani ElGhoroury and Soumaya Khalifa s poke about the work of the ISB in Fayette County.
ISB Presents to Armstrong University in Savannah
ISB Speaker Mr. Amin Tomeh presented American Muslim Beliefs and Practices.
ISB Speaker Mrs. Fairyal Maqbool-Halim presented Women in Islam.