Full disclaimer: most of the things I write about I am working on, myself. We are all becoming.

The feeling when your heart unclenches itself.
And the freedom to accept
gifts offered from the highest realm,
overcomes the fear
of being whole.

An Intimate Evening of Sound and Meditation beckons you.

This Saturday evening the 22nd, allow yourself to relax with blankets and bolsters and be bathed in the ancient sound of the gong.

There's no telling where you'll go during the journey, but surely it will be beautiful.

$10-15 donation.

Sign up here (scroll down to "Gong bath") or just show up.
Beginning in May, our Saturday mornings are expanding! Here is the summary:

-Kathleen is teaching the current class, Intermediate Flow 10:15 - 11:30, on all Saturdays in April

- Beginning in May, Jenne will return to teaching Saturdays and she will add a second class, Gentle & Restorative Yoga. Intermediate Flow will run from 9:30-10:45: Gentle & Restorative Yoga will run from 11am - Noon.

- Kathleen has offered to help with Saturdays during the summer months by teaching on the 3rd Saturday of every month (with some flexibility).

  New page within The Shift:  SEE Therapy

  Also, please note that the drop in rate has increased to $14

Final Thought: 

Abundance is not accumulation, but the absence of grasping.
