College of Liberal Arts  

CoLA Weekly

   Friday, April 14, 2017

GALA last Saturday night saw Dean Sobolik's last official day on campus and the beginning of my deanship. It was a fitting sendoff for Kristin, with many, many smiles, good wishes, and expressions of appreciation.  We will all miss her good cheer, imaginative work, and passion for doing what is best for Wright State students. We wish her all the best at her new position in St. Louis.
Our 18th annual ARTSGALA was a tremendous event for Wright State, CoLA, and in particular for our faculty, staff, and students in the fine and performing arts, as we celebrated an unforgettable evening of fine dining and student entertainment throughout our newly expanded and renovated Creative Arts Center. This event raises significant scholarship support for our arts students each year and is a real highlight for this university. I want to thank everyone who had a role in making this evening such a success, and in particular the internal committee 
who work hard on this event all year long. I hope you'll take a moment to enjoy our highlight video and photos for a sense of the magic of the occasion.

You won't want to miss the upcoming Faculty Dance Concert set for Thursday, April 20 - Sunday, April 23. The performances will feature the work of Dwight Rhoden, the founding Artistic Director/resident choreographer of Complexions Contemporary Ballet, who spent time with our students in February as part of 
CELIA's Modern: Reimagining the New.
Last week members of the CoLA Dean's Leadership Board met to interview and select the recipients of the 2017-18 CoLA Study Abroad Scholarships, Jennie and David Buckwalter Study Abroad Scholarship, Kathleen Hinders Study Abroad Scholarship, and the Marcia G. Muller Study Abroad Scholarship.  Congratulations to the following students who will benefit greatly from this support on their upcoming travel abroad programs:  
Debralynn Blasy, French - France & Canada
Callie Bradley,French, International Studies - France
Taylor Clark, English, French - England
Jamie Gaffin, French, German, English - France & Germany
Jacqueline Gill, Public Administration - India (Muller) 
Kristen Krumheuer, French - Canada
Mileah Roper, French - France & Canada (Hinders)  
Elizabeth Shock, International Studies, Spanish - Mexico
Arielle Stephenson, Psychology, Spanish- Puerto Rico (Buckwalter) 
Jing Tan, English (TESOL) - Canada
In closing, I want you to know that I am looking forward to serving as your dean.  There's no doubt these are stressful times as we await news of the budget cuts that will certainly impact everyone on campus.  But I have complete and total confidence that our strong and smart CoLA team is up to the challenge.  We will keep our focus on the heart of our mission: our terrific students.  And we will come through this together. 

This is a time for good ideas, and I know you have them.  So do I.  Please let me know if you have low-or-no cost ideas about new programs or tweaks to existing ones that could help our students succeed, or about new partnerships, or anything else we can do to move forward.
Linda Caron

Wright State Graduate Research Symposium , Monday, April 17, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m., Student Union Apollo Room 
University Symphony Orchestra, Tuesday, April 18, 8:00 p.m., Schuster Hall
Wright State Celebration of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities 
Friday, April 21, 7:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m., Student Union
Shakespeare's MacbethFriday, April 21 - Sunday, April 23, Herbst Theatre

Women's Chorale, Friday, April 21, 8:00 p.m., Schuster Hall