Friday, April 7, 2017
Next Wednesday CoLA will host its inaugural
Internship Partners Expo
from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Millett Atrium.
More than 40 participants representing a wide variety of organizations will be on hand to show our students the many ways they can use their degrees in the real world. Internships provide our students with opportunities to test-drive professions that may prove to be launching pads for their careers, so it's wonderful for them to have the chance to connect with so many area organizations at this event. A BIG thank-you to Wayne Stark, Director of CLASS Workforce Development, for his hard work in putting together this expo, and to the many organization participants.
Tomorrow night we will host our 18th annual
Our students, faculty, staff, and community volunteers have been working hard all year long to plan for this fantastic event that highlights our amazing fine and performing arts students and raises crucial scholarship support to help them succeed. This will be my fifth ARTSGALA, and my final one as dean, so I am especially looking forward to it.
It has been a privilege working with everyone to advance the College of Liberal Arts over the past 4 years. I remember the first day I walked onto campus and knew that I wanted to be here, to work with the faculty and staff to help our students develop in any way that I could. I continue to be impressed with the dedication, hard work, hope, talent, and sheer determination of everyone in the college as we seek to serve our students. This last week has been hard for me as I pack up my office, relive memories, and say goodbyes - sometimes tearfully. I am so proud of what we all have accomplished and am looking forward to watching Wright State's future from afar. I know you will keep up the wonderful work for Wright State and our students. They deserve it.
Best Wishes Always,
Kristin Sobolik Dean |
Chamber Orchestra, Tuesday, April 11, 8:00 p.m., Schuster Hall
Wind Symphony & Chamber Players,
Wednesday, April 12, 8:00 p.m., Schuster Hall
University Symphony Orchestra,
Tuesday, April 18, 8:00 p.m., Schuster Hall
163 Millett Hall - 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy - Dayton, OH 45435 - 937-775-2225 - fax: 937-775-2181