The TEMS PTO Needs YOU...
The PTO is looking for volunteers to fill positions for the 2017-2018 school year. This is a wonderful opportunity to become involved at TEMS and there is something to fit everyone's schedule. Please consider volunteering your time and talents. Below is a list of some of the open positions for next year. Any questions about the positions or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Michelle Barton
and/or Amy Susanin Thank you for your consideration.
-Vice President of Cultural Arts - looking for someone to shadow current VP and take over the role the following year (2018-19)
-Vice President of Fundraising
-Assistant Treasurer
-School Store
-Back to School Sale
-Directory Ads Sales
-Handel's Ice Cream Day
-Book Swap
-8th Grade Recognition
-ISC Representative (Inter-School Council)
-School Board Representative