This TOYA process is scheduled as follows:


Application Announcement:

May 15, 2017


Application Period Ends:

July 14, 2017


Review of Applicants
takes place: 

July 17 - 28, 2017


Final award winner
will be notified:

August 4, 2017


Rest of the World Finds Out: During the exciting
announcement in
Minneapolis, MN during the EGSA Fall Conference!

Monday, September 18, 2017




That Special Technician on Your Staff Deserves Recognition...Let's TOYA!


The EGSA Technician of the Year Award (TOYA) is our annual awards program that honors 1 technician in North America annually. Our 4th winner is slated to be present in Minneapolis during the EGSA Fall Conference later this year.


The TOYA is a capstone to any technician's career, inciting further personal and professional growth. This award validates his or her personal value to your team and most importantly, it gives every EGSA Certified Technician a new goal to strive for and attain.


Sponsors are needed for this program right away, as these opportunities will move fast! Please click here for the 2017 TOYA sponsorship descriptions or contact Kim Giles, EGSA Marketing Manager, for more information at


Everyone, at every level, wants to be recognized for a great job! Without someone servicing, maintaining, selling parts and providing customer assurance with the quality and care that your brand (Manufacturer or Distributor Dealer) relies upon, this Industry would suffer greatly. Talk it up, encourage colleagues to honor their technicians, fill out a TOYA online application for a great technician that never toots his own horn, consider a sponsorship - Let's TOYA!



The EGSA Board of Directors would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support:

Kelly Generator and Equipment Logo  


Additional Horsepower Sponsor


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