Christ Church Episcopal

Holy Week Begins this Weekend with Palm Sunday!
Meet outside to process in with palm branches Saturday at 5:00 PM and Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 AM
Holy Week Begins this Weekend
9:00 & 10:45 AM
7:00 PM

Visit the sanctuary anytime
8:00 AM-5:00 PM (see sample above)

12:00 PM & 7:00 PM

5:00 PM

9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

Sunday, April 30 - You don't want to miss it! Bishop Johnston will be here at 9:00 and 11:00 AM with lunch to follow at 12:15 PM
Since the first days of the Church, “elders” visited the churches to encourage people, strengthen souls, affirm leadership, and pray with the community (Acts of the Apostles 14:21-23). We preserve this biblical tradition, as an Episcopal Church, by being visited by the Bishop  Far from a “checking up on you,” it’s a time to be cheered on by our bishop and to let him know who we are now, how we’re doing, and what he can do to help. 

In addition, he will do bishop-exclusive stuff like Confirming people who choose to make an adult profession of faith and Receiving people from other Christian denominations who wish to be members of the Episcopal Church. Rev. Shirley and the Vestry encourage you to participate in as much of the day as you can! The 9:00 AM service will include infant Baptism. The 11:00 AM service (please note time change!) will include teenage Baptism and Confirmation. At 12:15 PM, you’re all invited to light, casual lunch in the Garage and a “Living Room Conversation with the Bishop.”  We’ve asked ministries that are undergoing significant changes to discuss these developments with the bishop, with all of us listening in on this church family conversation.  What a great way to find out what’s new at your church!

Supporting the Vision Fund
We have kicked-off our Vision Fund drive. Traditionally, church fundraising is done for “bricks and mortar.” But the unusual church does the unusual! We are fundraising to bring into alignment our members’ expectations of what it means to Be the Church with the financial resources needed to fulfill these expectations.

The Vestry believes the time is right to align the resources of the church with the new Vision and goals of the church. Our goal is to raise $350,000 over 2017 and 2018. The Vision Fund should allow the church to balance the budget and use our current reserves as a rainy-day savings account. We also believe this additional programming and staffing will enable the church to grow and sustain the plan in future years.

Please click the button below for more information or email your questions to Thank you in advance for your generous support! 

Worship Volunteers Needed for Holy Week
We observe Holy Week at Christ Church as a time to commemorate the self-giving of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through various observances and services of worship. Worship volunteers are needed to serve in just about every area -- A/V, acolyte, usher, chalicers and more. If you are able, please help!
A Note from the Church Office
Two part time positions that have been open since last year have been filled. Penny Shealy has accepted the position of Parish Life Coordinator working for Kathy Nunn. Penny will be maintaining the database, assisting in bulletin preparation and other office related tasks. Kim Scharf has taken the role of Nursery Coordinator, working for Rev. Shirley, helping to ensure safe, warm and welcoming care your our youngest members and guests. Contact information for Penny and Kim, as well as the rest of the staff, can be found on our website.

We're going on a Mission Trip, May 21-27!
Last year, the people of West Virginia experienced devastating floods. The small town of St. Albans, WV was particularly affected by the flood as St. Albans also faces closed stores, few businesses, an aging population and poverty.

On May 21-27, you are invited to be the heart and hands of Jesus to the people of St. Albans. Our mission team will be working with WV Missionary Advocacy & Workcamps to repair damaged homes (replacing drywall, floors, porches, etc.) Mark your calendars, prayerfully consider serving on this mission team, and stay tuned for online registration which opens next week.

Youth Formation at the Garage 
Students and parents are needed to help clean up after dinner for our CARITAS guests this F riday, April 7 . Please register at CCE Online or through your ChurchLife App.

All youth grades 6th-12th grade are invited to small groups and youth groups on Sunday night at the Garage! Mid youth group is 5:00-6:30 PM and Senior High youth group is 6:30-8:00 PM. See our website for more.

It's not too late to register your child f or the 6th/7th grade retreat at Shrine Mont!

Blood Drive on April 18
The Richmond Chapter of Virginia Tech Alumni will host a blood drive to honor the memories of those we lost on April 16, 2007. As we remember the tremendous support that Virginia Tech received after the tragic events 10 years ago, the alumni association asks that once again all of RVA become Hokies for a day to help us give back to the Richmond community. If you are able, pre-register and donate at the blood drive on Tuesday, April 18, 12:00-6:00 PM.
Women's Retreat: "Sister Acts"
All women are invited to a retreat sponsored by Christ Church Episcopal and open to the community.  Using the Bible’s Book of Acts and Giddy Up, Eunice by Sophie Hudson as our guides, we will be exploring what it means to truly love, encourage and serve as Jesus’ disciples, not only as individuals, but together. We invite you to read these materials before the retreat, but it is not required. We will gather together at the Fox Hall Clubhouse in West End Richmond on Friday, May 5 from 5:00-9:00 PM, and Saturday, May 6 from 8:00 AM-3:00 PM. Our time together will include sharing meals, learning, quiet reflection time, small group discussions, worship and more! The cost is $25 and scholarships are available. 
Church Financial Information
The church financial information will be available in the weekend bulletin on the first or second weekend of the month depending on the timing of the Vestry meeting. The results will be for the two months prior. For example, the first weekend in April will have February results which will have been approved at the March Vestry meeting. The results will also be available through a link at the bottom of the eNews each week. If you have questions, please contact Roy Goodman or Dutch Bumgardener.
Always Inviting • Growing Deeper • Serving Others • Christ Church Episcopal