A Citizen Science Project Exploring Bee Biodiversity in Northern Colorado
Native Bee Watch Newsletter #11
Welcome to the Native Bee Watch Newsletter! This newsletter provides the current buzz on bee monitoring, tips for best practice observing, and other fun, educational resources. Enjoy! 
The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is Officially Protected!

The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is the first bee in the continental United States to become an endangered species.

Announced on the first day of spring, March 21, 2017, the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee is now protected under the Endangered Species Act. In their press release, The Xereces Society wrote: "T his historic moment comes as a result of a listing petition filed by the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Steps can now be taken to work toward the recovery of this species, which previously was common from Minnesota to the Atlantic." (Read more)

Photo: Clay Bolt
Bee Educated Before Planting Just Any Wildflower Seeds

Many of you saw the announcement from General Mills (Honey Nut Cheerios) that it has given away 1.5 billion wildflower seeds across the country. Some of you may have requested wildflower seeds. While it is great they are raising awareness for bees and encouraging people to create pollinator habitat, they are sending out seeds that may contain invasive species in some areas. Different plants are native to different regions and grow differently depending on the climate, soil, etc. It is best to do research on what is native and grows well in your area. Be sure to avoid invasive species! 

What is the difference between non-native and invasive?

An invasive species is a non-native species that has been found to cause economic, environmental, or human harm.  Here is a list of what NOT to plant in Colorado. 

A non-native plant is a species that was introduced, but does not cause harm.  Many common perennials are non-native to Colorado and readily available. 

How do you know what to plant? Native plants are a great place to start because they are adapted to grow well in Colorado and many of them attract pollinators. The Xerces Society has a list of websites and resources specifically for Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region. 

Happy spring planting! 

Photo: Micaela Truslove
Buzzing Information on Bees 
Bees learn new tricks from one another
Bumble bees were taught to do a task with a sugar reward. They improved on that task after watching other bumble bees complete the same task. This study shows that bees may have more cognitive abilities than we originally thought.  

  Photo: Micaela Truslove
Native Bee Watch: A Citizen Science Project Exploring Bee Biodiversity in Northern Colorado

Website: nativebeewatch.wordpress.com     Contact: Lisa Mason at Lisa.Mason@ColoState.edu