Welcome to the April edition of CanChild Today! In this issue, we are excited to catch up with colleagues from around the world and share recent news, videos and publications.
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News & Opportunities!
New CAOT Webinar: PREP 101
A Participation Intervention Approach for Occupational Therapists
The PREP 101 webinar is now available for purchase in the CAOT shop!
The webinar introduces participants to the core elements of the PREP approach and its effectiveness, as well as explores specific intervention strategies for improving participation through case studies. Practical resources to support use of PREP in occupational therapy practice are shared.
PREP is an evidence-based approach to occupational therapy that focuses on enhancing participation through modifying the environment. Learn more.
Liberi Games Survey: Call for Participation
To address physical activity and social engagement needs of children with cerebral palsy (CP),
Nick Graham (Computer Scientist, Queen's University) and
Darcy Fehlings (Neurologist, University of Toronto) have developed exercise-based video games. The aim is to make exercise fun for kids to stimulate physical activity and to enhance their socialization by playing these games online with their peers.
Liberi has created an online survey (15 min) for parents of children with CP to help them understand how to bring these games to the public and how to better address the children's needs.
Access the survey
CRE-CP Survey on visual abilities in children with cerebral palsy
The 'Survey on visual abilities in children with cerebral palsy' forms one step in a CRE-CP research project to develop and test a new way to assess visual abilities of children with CP.
Researchers are currently using an online survey to ask parents and caregivers of children with CP, or infants at high risk of CP (including any type of CP and visual abilities); adults with CP; and professionals who work with children with CP and their families about visual abilities.
Learn more or view the survey. |
Recent Publications by CanChild Members
A paradigm shift in pediatric rehabilitation is currently underway, representing a more dynamic, process-oriented perspective on the real-life contexts of clients. In response to this shift, the authors propose a transactional framework to bring about a broader awareness of clients' lives and the processes that shape it over the life course. These transactional processes describe the mutual influence between contexts and people through opportunities and experiences during the life course of an individual. The framework identified three transactional processes relevant to pediatric rehabilitation, including facilitative, resiliency, and socialization processes. Facilitative processes enhance capacity in life contexts, and is one of the key areas of focus in pediatric rehabilitation. Resiliency processes are relevant to the clients' lives as it enhances their adaptability when faced with adversity. Lastly, the socialization process enhances adaptation to sociocultural transitions. This framework is representative of the transactional nature of development, and has potential utility in research, practice, service organizations, and policy. More importantly, the framework changes the focus in pediatric rehabilitation from "body structures/functions" and "person in activity" to "person situated in changing and challenging life contexts." Through this new perspective, rehabilitation stakeholders are more cognizant of the key transactional processes during the life course and can shift their views to consider the real-life settings of the client in delivering therapy.
: King G, Imms C, Stewart D, Freeman M, Nguyen T. Disabil Rehabil. 2017 Apr 11:1-13. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1309583. [Epub ahead of print]
There is a growing need for tools that can be used in clinical practice and research to determine the vision abilities of children with cerebral palsy (CP), as vision has a profound effect on functioning and disability. Vision is a complex construct in itself, and this study reports a method for conceptualizing "visual ability" as a measureable construct. Pre-existing assessments tool were subject to a two-phase process, whereby deductive content analysis linked items on the tools to the ICF-CY, while vision-specific "Activity" items were explored with inductive thematic analysis. Using this approach, the researchers determined that existing assessment tools can measure vision across ICF-CY domains of Body Functions, Activities and Participation, and Environmental and Personal Factors. Additionally, items identified as vision-specific were defined as "how vision is used," forming the basis for the conceptualization of visual ability. Through thematic analysis, 13 themes that can be organized into 3 categories to reflect a child's observable visual behaviors were identified. In the future, these observable visual behaviors could be used to assess how vision is used in daily activities. Overall, the study was able to demonstrate an approach for explaining complex topics such as vision using language derived from the World Health Organization while building on the current state of knowledge.
Deramore Denver B
Adolfsson M
Froude E
Rosenbaum P
Imms C
. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2017 Mar 21;17(1):46. doi: 10.1186/s12874-017-0316-6.
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