Lesson 108
Remember is to Restore
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70 To remember is merely to restore to your mind what is already there. You do not make what you remember; you merely accept again what has been made but was rejected. The ability to accept truth in this world is the perceptual counterpart of creating in the Kingdom. God will do His part if you will do yours, and His return in exchange for yours is the exchange of knowledge for perception. Nothing is beyond His Will for you. But signify your will to remember Him and behold! He will give you everything but for the asking.    
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SonShip Workbook
L e s s o n  108
  To give and to receive are one in truth.

Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

Vision depends upon today's idea.
The light is in it, for it reconciles
all seeming opposites. And what is light
except the resolution, born of peace,
of all your conflicts and mistaken thoughts
into one concept which is wholly true?
Even that one will disappear because
the Thought behind it will appear instead,
to take its place. And now [we] are at peace
forever, for the dream is over [now].

True light which makes true vision possible
      is not the light the body's eyes behold.
It is a state of mind which has become
so unified that darkness cannot be
perceived at all. And thus what is the same
is seen as one, while what is not the same
remains unnoticed, for it is not there.
This is the light which shows no opposites,
and vision, being healed, has power to heal.
This is the light [which] brings your peace of mind
to other minds, to share it and be glad
that they are one with you and with themselves.
This is the light [which] heals because it brings
single perception, based upon one frame
of reference from which one meaning comes.
Here are both giving and receiving seen
as different aspects of one Thought Whose truth
does not depend on which is seen as first,
nor which appears to be in second place.
Here it is understood that both occur
together, that the Thought remain complete.
And in this understanding is the base
on which all opposites are reconciled,
because they are perceived from the same frame
of reference which unifies this Thought.
One thought, completely unified, will serve
to unify all thought. This is the same
as saying one correction will suffice
for all correction, or that to forgive
one brother wholly is enough to bring
salvation to all minds. For these are but
some special cases of one law which holds
for every kind of learning, if it be
directed by the One Who knows the truth.
To learn that giving and receiving are
the same has special usefulness, because
it can be tried so easily, and seen
as true. And when this special case has proved
it always works in every circumstance
where it is tried, the thought behind it can
be generalized to other areas
of doubt and double vision. And from there
it will extend, and finally arrive
at the one Thought Which underlies them all.
Today we practice with the special case
of giving and receiving. We will use
this simple lesson in the obvious
because it has results we cannot miss.
To give is to receive. Today we will
attempt to offer peace to everyone,
and [note] how quickly peace returns to us.
Light is tranquility, and in that peace
is vision given us, and we can see.
So we begin the practice periods
with the instruction for today, and say:
"To give and to receive are one in truth.
I will receive what I am giving now."
Then close your eyes, and for five minutes think
of what you would hold out to everyone
to have it yours. You might, for instance, say:
"To everyone I offer quietness."
"To everyone I offer peace of mind."
"To everyone I offer gentleness."
Say each one slowly, and then pause a while,
expecting to receive the gift you gave,
and it will come to you in the amount
in which you gave it. You will {find you} have
exact return, for this is what you asked.
It might be helpful, too, to think of one
to whom to give your gifts. He represents
the others, and through him you give to all.
Our very simple lesson for today
will teach you much. Effect and cause will be
far better understood from this time on,
and we will make much faster progress now.
Think of the exercises for today
as quick advances in your learning, made
still faster and more sure each time you say:

"To give and to receive are one in truth." 
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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 
ACIM Edmonton, CA
To give and to receive are one in truth.
Sarah's Commentary:

This Lesson emphasizes the importance of getting the idea, "To give and to receive are one in truth." (W.108) Jesus tells us, "Vision depends upon today's idea. The light is in it, for it reconciles all seeming opposites." (W.108.1.1-2) I thought about how the Course is written to make us stop and really puzzle over a thought. It reminded me of how Jesus spoke in parables in the Bible. His parables often required pondering the meaning in order to understand what he intended to convey. It is like the book, The DaVinci Code, where the author tells us that Leonardo DaVinci put obscure messages in his works for those who took the time to ponder what they might mean. Apparently, DaVinci did not go along with the way Constantine had changed the Bible to reflect his own personal political interests. One of those changes was the diminishing of the role of women where Mary Magdalene was described as a whore. In fact, we are told she was highly esteemed by Jesus and was, by some accounts, married to him. When DaVinci painted The Last Supper, he included a woman, presumably Mary Magdalene, sitting on the right-hand side of Jesus. Since we don't expect to see a woman, we don't see her.
DaVinci was dependent on the church for his income, so he did not want to displease the church while still reflecting the truth as he saw it. It takes some discernment to see the message he was attempting to communicate. In the same way, we need to read the Course with this kind of careful discernment instead of projecting our own preconceived meaning onto what is being said. To really get the messages in the Course, we need to take the time to reflect deeply about what Jesus is telling us, as each sentence is rich in meaning. Thus, it is important to read slowly and carefully and not brush over the words as if we already know the meaning from our own past conditioning. With each reading we do and with a willingness to be open to learning, deeper and more profound meaning is revealed.
When Jesus says, "The light is in it [today's Lesson], for it reconciles all seeming opposites," (W.108.1.2) he is reminding us that with vision comes recognition. There is nothing in opposition to God's Love. With separation came seeming opposition. God's Son is now seemingly in a world of opposition that is in opposition to God Himself because this world is a state where differences, contrasts, and comparisons prevail. Opposition is of the ego and is expressed as a state of separation from God. Oneness seems to be shattered into billions and billions of separate forms.
"And what is light except the resolution, born of peace, of all your conflicts and mistaken thoughts into one concept which is wholly true ?" (W.108.1.3) Jesus is talking here about the state of One Mindedness, where separation has been healed and every conflict resolved, with no opposing perspectives. Acceptance of the one concept that is wholly true is acceptance of the Atonement, which is the correction of our wrong-minded thinking. Instead of trying to resolve conflict and trying to fix problems that we perceive through our own thinking minds, we are reminded that the only answer is acceptance. When we come to recognize that we all share the same interests and we all have the same goal of awakening, even though it is not always apparent, we come to recognize our sameness. We overlook the error in others and recognize that only our own mind needs correction. This is what resolves all conflict.
"True light that makes true vision possible is not the light the body's eyes behold. It is a state of mind that has become so unified that darkness cannot be perceived at all. " (W.108.2.1-2) With vision, we see the truth where there are no conflicting thoughts. This is not about seeing with the physical eyes, but it is a state of mind. We can't be at peace if we hold the ego's thought system of individuality, differences, and competing interests. To have peace, all conflicting thoughts must be reconciled; not by integrating them but by realizing that everything here is a dream. Only the real world reflects the unified Thought of God. Our reality is spirit, yet our belief is that we are a body and a personality. When we hold two opposing thought systems in our mind, there is internal conflict. The only resolution is to side with truth.
What creates the shift is when we ask for help to see who our brother really is and to see that we are the same divine Self. There is a spark of divinity in everyone. We see it when we perceive with vision. The light in our minds recognizes the light in other minds. When we connect with this light in our own minds, we experience peace and healing. As long as we believe in opposing thoughts, our minds will be in a state of darkness and confusion. What we are aiming for is the healing of our perception into a single unified thought of love.
A unified thought is one that does not depend on which comes first---giving or receiving. In fact, they are simultaneous, meaning both occur together. In the world, it seems to us that when we give, we lose, and when we receive, we gain. "Here it is understood that both occur together, that the Thought remain complete." (W.108.4.2) Whatever we give, we receive at the same time. This is something we don't readily understand. It does seem to us like giving and receiving are opposites, yet we all have had the experience of giving, and in the giving, having the joy of it, thus receiving the gift for ourselves in the same instant. Yet it is deeply ingrained in us that what we give away, we lose. In the world, when we identify with the ego thought system, we are more inclined to try to get. To us, giving feels like a loss, but the truth is that we can't give what we don't have, and we can never receive what we have not given.
The forms of the world hold value for us, and giving them up feels like a loss. This is why receiving makes us feel guilty. It seems that we are taking, and those from whom we try to take must suffer loss. Giving and receiving are the same. "And in this understanding is the base on which all opposites are reconciled, because they are perceived from the same frame of reference which unifies this Thought." (W.108.4.3) Now we see that we do not have separate interests. Love transcends everything in this world, and only when we experience the healing in any difficult relationship, do we understand this is so. This is because we no longer have opposing thoughts. In other words, if we just get this one learning with anyone, it is generalized to all opposing thoughts. Getting this one Lesson would unify all our thoughts into one Thought. This means it would heal the separation. When the Thought of love extends through me, I gain. It is now impossible to lose anything because we gain everything.
Jesus reminds us, "To learn that giving and receiving are the same has special usefulness, because it can be tried so easily and seen as true." (W.108.6.1) Doesn't this get your attention, especially when he assures us, ". . .it always works, in every circumstance where it is tried. . . " (W.108.6.2) When we do this practice today and apply this Lesson to every situation we encounter, we bring the miracle. I need do nothing means it is done through us. There is nothing for us to fix, control, or manage. Ultimately, as we accept the correction in each situation, the Lesson gets generalized, so we see one mind is all minds.
It is like forgiveness, where we forgive one brother completely and generalize it to all brothers. We can't give what we don't have, and we can't receive what we don't give. There is only one Mind, and It is Love. He tells us this is easily seen to be true, and it is. When we offer peace to anyone, we will experience it in the very same instant. Whatever is truly offered is experienced at the same moment. He says that we should watch to see how quickly it returns to us. "And it will come to you in the amount in which you gave it." (W.108.9.2) If we want to experience peace, we must extend peace.
What is wonderful in this message is to appreciate that we are not dependent on any circumstances outside ourselves to have peace and joy. We have the Holy Spirit as the healer in every situation whenever we step back and turn to Him for the answer to any problem instead of turning to the ego. He puts the answer were the problem is. The answer is always a miracle. The ego will give us reasons to be upset, disappointed, distressed, and worried. When we turn to it for advice on what to do to address how we feel, we just go further down the rabbit hole, experiencing even more distress as there is never any resolution with the ego. The quiet center where truth abides will resolve all difficulties. For me, the biggest learning is to remember what Jesus teaches about patience. "Now you must learn that only infinite patience produces immediate effects." (T.5.VI.12.1) (ACIM OE T.5.VIII.81) Time is an illusion. Everything is already resolved and is awaiting our readiness to accept the miracle that is always there behind every seeming problem.
Yes, he acknowledges that it is a simple lesson and not at all difficult for us to do, yet he says it will teach us much. (W.108.10.1) He really is encouraging us to do the Lesson today because, as we do, we will understand the relationship between cause and effect---giving and receiving. "Father, I must return Your Love for me, for giving and receiving are the same, and You have given all Your Love to me." (W.225.1.1) There is no loss in giving. There is only gain. We don't always see that what we give, we receive. "The interval you think lies in between the giving and receiving of the gift seems to be one in which you sacrifice and suffer loss." (T.26.VIII.2.6) (ACIM OE T.26.IX.69)
We still think that when we give, we lose because of the interval of time, but the gift we give is received by us as we give it. Nothing is lost. "Here are both giving and receiving seen as different aspects of one Thought whose truth does not depend on which is seen as first, nor which appears to be in second place." (W.108.4.1) This also applies in the same way to our attack thoughts. My thoughts of attack on you are an attack on me. Whatever I give, I receive for myself. One way to understand this is to see that there is only mind. No one is really outside of us. When we truly understand that we only deprive ourselves and only hurt ourselves, we will unplug our need to attack and blame, and focus instead on giving what we want to receive.
Today is an opportunity for us to make ". . . much faster progress now." (W.108.10.2) The reason for this is that "Effect and cause will be far better understood from this time on. . . ." (W.108.10.2) Jesus asks that we think of these exercises as "quick advances" (W.108.10.3) in our learning, and with each repetition, we will move faster and be more certain of the truth of this statement: "To give and to receive are one in truth." (W.108) "To everyone I offer quietness. To everyone I offer peace of mind. To everyone I offer gentleness."(W.108.8.6-8) We give what we expect to receive. "And it will come to you in the amount in which you gave it." (W.108.9.2)

Love and blessings, Sarah
A Course in Miracles
ACIM Original Edition
Chapter Nine

The Correction of Error   

Voice and Music by Martin Weber, CIMS SonShip Radio

IX. The Decision to Forget   

Unless you know something, you cannot dissociate it. Knowledge therefore precedes dissociation, and dissociation is nothing more than a decision to forget. What has been forgotten then appears to be fearful, but only because the dissociation was an attack on truth. You are fearful because you have forgotten. And you have replaced your knowledge by an awareness of dreams because you are afraid of your dissociation, not of what you have dissociated. Even in this world's therapy, when dissociated material is accepted,it ceases to be fearful, for the laws of mind always hold.
69 Yet to give up the dissociation of reality brings more than merely lack of fear. In this decision lie joy and peace and the glory of creation. Offer the Holy Spirit only your will to remember, for He retains the knowledge of God and of yourself for you, waiting for your acceptance. Give up gladly everything that would stand in the way of your remembering, for God is in your memory, and His Voice will tell you that you are part of Him when you are willing to remember Him and know your own reality again. Let nothing in this world delay your remembering of Him, for in this remembering is the knowledge of yourself.
70 To remember is merely to restore to your mind what is already there. You do not make what you remember; you merely accept again what has been made but was rejected. The ability to accept truth in this world is the perceptual counterpart of creating in the Kingdom. God will do His part if you will do yours, and His return in exchange for yours is the exchange of knowledge for perception. Nothing is beyond His Will for you. But signify your will to remember Him and behold! He will give you everything but for the asking.
71 When you attack, you are denying yourself. You are specifically teaching yourself that you are not what you are. Your denial of reality precludes the acceptance of God's gift because you have accepted something else in its place. If you understand that the misuse of defenses always constitutes an attack on truth and truth is God, you will realize why this is always fearful. If you further recognize that you are part of God, you will understand why it is that you always attack yourself first.
72 [ All attack is self-attack. It cannot be anything else. Arising from your own decision not to be what you are, it is an attack on your identification. Attack is thus the way in which your identification is lost because, when you attack, you must have forgotten what you are. And if your reality is God's, when you attack you are not remembering Him. This is not because He is gone, but because you are willing actively not to
remember Him
.] 3  
73 If you realized the complete havoc this makes of your peace of mind, you could not make such an insane decision. You make it only because you still believe that it can get you something you want. It follows, then, that you want something other than peace of mind, but you have not considered what it must be. Yet the logical outcome of your decision is perfectly clear if you will look at it. By deciding against your reality, you have made yourself vigilant against God and His Kingdom. And it is this vigilance that makes you afraid to remember Him.
74 You have not attacked God, and you do love Him. Can you change your reality? No one can will to destroy himself. When you think you are attacking your self, it is a sure sign that you hate what you think you are. And this, and only this, can be attacked by you. What you think you are can be hateful, and what this strange image makes you do can be very destructive. Yet the destruction is no more real than the image, although those who make idols do worship them. The idols are nothing, but their worshipers are the Sons of God in sickness.
75 God would have them released from their sickness and returned to His Mind. He will not limit your power to help them because He has given it to you. Do not be afraid of it because it is your salvation. What Comforter can there be for the sick Children of God except His power through you? Remember that it does not matter where in the Sonship He is accepted. He is always accepted for all, and when your mind receives Him, the remembrance of Him awakens throughout the Sonship. Heal your brothers simply by accepting God for them.
76 Your minds are not separate, and God has only one channel for healing because He has but one Son. His remaining communication link with all His Children joins them together and them to Him. To be aware of this is to heal them because it is the awareness that no one is separate, and so no one is sick. To believe that a Son of God can be sick is to believe that part of God can suffer. Love cannot suffer because it cannot attack. The remembrance of love therefore brings invulnerability with it.
77 Do not side with sickness in the presence of a Son of God even if he believes in it, for your acceptance of God in him acknowledges the love of God which he has forgotten. Your recognition of him as part of God teaches him the truth about himself, which he is denying. Would you strengthen his denial of God and thus lose sight of yourself? Or would you remind him of his wholeness and remember your Creator with him? To believe a Son of God is sick is to worship the same idol he does. God created love, not idolatry. All forms of idolatry are caricatures of creation, taught by sick minds which are too divided to know that creation shares power and never usurps it. Sickness is idolatry because it is the belief that power can be taken from you. Yet this is impossible because you are part of God, Who is all power.
78 A sick god must be an idol, made in the image of what its maker thinks he is. And that is exactly what the ego does perceive in a Son of God; a sick god, self-created, self-sufficient, very vicious, and very vulnerable. Is this the idol you would worship? Is this the image you would be vigilant to save? [Are you really afraid of losing this?] Look calmly at the logical conclusion of the ego's thought system and judge whether its offering is really what you want, for this is what it offers you. To obtain this you are willing to attack the divinity of your brothers and thus lose sight of yours. And you are willing to keep it hidden and to protect this idol, which you think will save you from the dangers which the idol itself stands for, but which do not exist.
79 There are no idolaters in the Kingdom, but there is great appreciation for every Soul which God created because of the calm knowledge that each one is part of Him. God's Son knows no idols, but he does know his Father. Health in this world is the counterpart of value in Heaven. It is not my merit that I contribute to you but my love, for you do not value yourselves. When you do not value yourself, you become sick, but my value of you can heal you because the value of God's Son is one. When I said, "My peace I give unto you," I meant it. Peace came from God through me to you. It was for you, although you did not ask.
80 When a brother is sick, it is because he is not asking for peace and therefore does not know he has it. The acceptance of peace is the denial of illusion, and sickness is an illusion. Yet every Son of God has the power to deny illusions anywhere in the Kingdom merely by denying them completely in himself. I can heal you because I know you. I know your value for you, and it is this value that makes you whole. A whole mind is not idolatrous and does not know of conflicting laws. I will heal you merely because I have only one message, and it is true. Your faith in it will make you whole when you have faith in me.
81 I do not bring God's message with deception, and you will learn this as you learn that you always receive as much as you accept. You could accept peace now for everyone you meet and offer them perfect freedom from all illusions because you heard. But have no other gods before Him, or you will not hear. God is not jealous of the gods you make, but you are. You would save them and serve them because you believe that they made you. You think they are your father because you are projecting onto them the fearful fact that you made them to replace God. Yet when they seem to speak to you, remember that nothing can replace God, and whatever replacements you have attempted are nothing.
82 Very simply, then, you may believe you are afraid of nothingness, but you are really afraid of nothing. And in that awareness you are healed. You will hear the god you listen to. You made the god of sickness, and by making him, you made yourself able to hear him. Yet you did not create him because he is not the Will of the Father. He is therefore not eternal and will be unmade for you the instant you signify your willingness to accept only the eternal. If God has but one Son, there is but one God. You share reality with Him because reality is not divided. To accept other gods before Him is to place other images before yourself.
83 You do not realize how much you listen to your gods and how vigilant you are on their behalf. Yet they exist only because you honor them. Place honor where it is due, and peace will be yours. It is your inheritance from your real Father. You cannot make your father, and the father you made did not make you. Honor is not due to illusions, for to honor them is to honor nothing. Yet fear is not due them either, for nothing cannot be fearful. You have chosen to fear love because of its perfect harmlessness, and because of this fear, you have been willing to give up your own perfect helpfulness and your own perfect Help.
84 Only at the altar of God will you find peace. And this altar is in you because God put it there. His Voice still calls you to return, and He will be heard when you place no other gods before Him. You can give up the god of sickness for your brothers; in fact, you would have to do so if you give him up for yourself. For if you see him anywhere, you have accepted him. And if you accept him, you will bow down and worship him because he was made as God's replacement. He is the belief that you can choose which god is real. Although it is perfectly clear that this has nothing to do with reality, it is equally clear that it has everything to do with reality as you perceive it.

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  To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth.  Lesson 108

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