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April 16, 2017
Initial Capital Campaign Goal Reached - Just More than $10.1 Million in Gifts Received!
As we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ this morning we learned of another reason to thank God for our manifold blessings on this glorious day:

The "How Firm Our Foundation" capital campaign leadership team is excited to share the news that we have reached our initial fundraising goal, enabling us to start the seismic strengthening of our Sanctuary. After years of background work and nearly three years of formal fundraising, the final gap was closed this past week through the successful matching grant challenge of three All Saints families. 

Proving this was truly a parishwide endeavor, 245 families made contributions large and small to help reach this goal. While work will begin in the coming months to raise $1.5 million for invested reserves/endowment, we  pause at this moment to reflect on the generosity of our collective family; ensuring that our spiritual home remains as strong as our faith. Today we begin a new journey together to that end. 

Click on this image to see the full campaign status report.

Capital campaign co-chairs Ed Birch, Bitsy Bacon and Sheri Benninghoven announced to the parish this morning, Easter Sunday, that the initial $10.1 million goal has been reached!

Details About Worship Location to be Announced
June 11 Town Hall Meeting Set
Please plan to attend the next Sanctuary Readiness and Preservation Project Town Hall meeting set for Sunday, June 11. 

A great deal of work continues on many fronts, including: 
  • Gather input from Parish School parents and establish working groups look at ways to minimize construction impact on our pre-school children

  • Keep our neighbors informed

  • Determine where we'll conduct worship services
  • Design the columbarium
  • Find a climate-controlled storage facility for the pews and other items to be removed from the Sanctuary
  • Crate, transport the reredos to Massachusetts so that organ maker can incorporate into the new organ case
Well . . . you get the idea: lots and lots of work under way! The latest information will be presented at the June 11 Town Hall meeting.

See you on June 11 for the next Sanctuary Readiness and Preservation Project update! 

Updated image of how the chancel will appear following the lowering of the communion rail, the installation of the new organ, and other updates.