FlexMLS  Updates

MLS Number Search

Metro MLS has listened to your concerns regarding MLS number searches and having the option to exclude Wirex listings. As a result, the ability to search MLS numbers by Metro MLS or WIREX is back! The default is set to Metro MLS.


Related School Districts

Another feature update tentatively scheduled to be installed on December 28th is an enhancement to School Districts when  adding a listing. When you select a school district from the drop-down menu, the related high, middle, an d elementary schools  for that district will appear as choices within drop-down menus for each of those applicable fields. You will no longer have to manually enter the neighborhood school name.

Please contact your respective MLS with any questions. You may also follow our updates at   http://twitter.com/metromls.
Metro MLS members can call the Help Desk at 414-778-5450 or email [email protected].