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W E E K L Y  U P D A T E    March 29,  2017
Supplemental Edition
In This Issue

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President Trump's FY2017 Budget Reduction Request:
Top-Line Items for the NEMW Region

In addition to the release of the FY2018 "skinny" budget that proposes $54 billion in cuts to pay for increased defense spending, the Trump Administration has sent Congress additional reduction recommendations for the current fiscal year.  Currently Congress is looking to pass the remaining eleven appropriations bills for FY17 before the current continuing resolution ends at the end of April.  The Administration is calling on Congress to include $18 billion in additional cuts to the FY17 appropriations bills in order to pay for increased defense spending and the potential construction of a border wall.  However, Congressional Appropriators have indicated that they will likely stick to the discretionary spending levels that were negotiated as part of a two-year budget agreement in 2015.  The table below outlines some of the key regional programs that would be affected by the Administration's proposal.    

Program (Federal Department or Agency) 
*all figures are in millions
Reduction %
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (Commerce)
$130 $65 -50%
NOAA Competitive Grants and Operations (Commerce)


NOAA Sea Grant (Commerce)
$73 $43 -41%
Byrne JAG and SCAAP (Justice) $692 $382[2]
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Development (Energy) $2,066 $1,550 -25%
Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) (Interior) $451 $400 -11%
Brownfields Projects Grants $80 $75 -6%
Categorical Grants (EPA) $1,079 $964 -11%
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (EPA) $299 $250 -16%
Superfund Remedial (EPA) $500 $470 -6%
New Starts Program (Transportation)
$2,160 $1,713 -21%
TIGER Grants $499 $0 -100%
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (HUD) $125 $0 -100%
Community Development Block Grant (HUD) $2,994 $1,500 -50%
Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program - SHOP (HUD) $56 $0 -100%
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (NRC) $175 $100 -43%

Breakdown of Proposed Reductions to Federal Departments and Agencies
Almost every federal department and agency would see cuts this year under the Administration's reduction plan that was sent to Congress.  Below is a breakdown of these cuts to the departments and agencies that are most vital to the Northeast-Midwest region.
Department of Agriculture  -$667 million
Department of Commerce -$462 million
Department of Education -$2.965 billion
Department of Energy -$1.432 billion
Department of Health and Human Services -$2.844 billion 
Department of Homeland Security -$131 million
Department of Housing and Urban Affairs -$1.675 billion
Department of Interior -$371 million
Department of Labor  -$676 million
Department of State -$2.332 billion
Department of Transportation -$946 million
Environmental Protection Agency -$247 million
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  -$100 million

A PDF version of this update can be viewed here.  

For more information, contact  Matthew McKenna ,
Director of the Great Lakes Washington Program at the Northeast-Midwest Institute.

[1] This number would eliminate funding for Coastal Zone Management grants, resilience grants, and cut climate grants by $30 million.
[2] This number includes a $100 million reduction to Byrne JAG and $210 reduction to SCAAP.

NEMWI: Strengthening the Region that Sustains the Nation