Meet the Program Director -- Katie O'Neal

Host Interaction Gives Listeners Great Radio
This is our first news letter and we hope you enjoy it and will enjoy receiving a new one every so often! We started Society Bytes Radio as a project over a year ago and finally we are now no longer a project and are a fully operational radio station. It took months of meetings and discussions with people from all walks of life and with many varied interests. We are pleased to have a 24/7 365 broadcast schedule for your listening pleasure. We have over 30 hosts and as many topics for discussion. 

We are not your ‘Dad’s’ radio station. Although we have a small studio our reach is global and our audience is as varied as our topics. Pick one you like and become a fan. If you like listening at home or on the go this is YOUR station! We are proud to be on TuneIn as a station as well as AHA Radio, ITunes, Bose, Samsung and can be found mobile on your phone and in your car. Keep listening and find out where we can be found next! 

Our station is now in over 148 countries and over 450 directories. NO EXCUSES!! You can find us everywhere and where ever you are we will be there too. Become part of our extended family and keep going to our website for more shows to be added each month. This is just one of many stations under the Radio Ear Network umbrella and are proud to come to you. 

Each time we do a newsletter you’ll get to meet one of our hosts and have a new perspective on their shows. There are many topics to choose from, here are just a few! Health and Wellness, Business, Literature, Food and Beverage, Community, Global Culture and Live shows! If you have a suggestion for a show or topic send it to me at and I will be more than happy to respond!! 

Happy Listening!!
Katie O'Neal

Meet the Radio Host Experts and Learn From the Community
Pet Lady
Welcome Debbie Mangenheimer to Society Bytes Radio as the NEW PET LADY! 

Here’s a little about her.  

Debbie was raised in a small mid-west town, where every stray dog and cat knew where she lived. Choosing not to apply to veterinarian school for fear of loosing her pets at the time, she found a way to serve. Grooming school was the avenue of choice. Debbie's life and career have been built on her love for all animals and her passion for dogs. Having retired from her doggie daycare business; her spirit of service lives on. It is her goal to educate humans and improve the lives of pets. 

Show You Care
About the Community
Go to the BODY SHOP tab on the website to order your new souvenir T-Shirts..introductory priced at only $20 each..Available in all sizes and multiple color choices for men and women!!