2016 Community Impact Report Now Available
Read Stories of Individual Success & Discover the Impact of Your Support

The 2016 Goodwill Industries of the Valleys Community Impact Report highlights how community support enabled Goodwill to serve over 45,000 people who needed assistance getting back to work or gaining greater independence.
Register to Attend Awards Ceremony on May 2nd
Ceremony to Highlight Success and Support

Elizabeth Creamer, Keynote Speaker
Goodwill Industries of the Valleys will host its Annual Awards Ceremony Tuesday, May 2nd, at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center. The social will begin at 5pm and the program will begin at 6pm. The Awards Ceremony is the opportunity to honor individuals who have received services from Goodwill and are now working and continuing to excel. Awards that will be presented include Graduate and Achiever of the Year. Awards will also be presented to individuals and community partners that make Goodwill's success possible.

The Story of One Building
From the Perspective of a Campus Host

Gene St. Clair is the Campus Host at the Goodwill Jobs Campus in Roanoke. As the Campus Host he is often onsite when the traditional workday is over. He greets those coming for training in the evening, community groups using the location, and ensures the facility is secure at the end of the day.

Gene states that his role has allowed him to develop a  natural affinity for the building where the Jobs Campus is housed.  He wanted to know more about its history, and ultimately all the people who have received a helping hand in its walls through the years. A quote by Rohn inspired Gene and his research, "What good things we build end up building us." 

Franklin County Sheriff's Department Volunteer Impact Program
Providing Opportunities for Individuals In Goodwill Programs

Individuals in Goodwill's Medicaid Waiver Discovery Services program in Franklin County are benefiting from a partnership with Franklin County Sheriff's Department. The Volunteer Impact Program (V.I.P.), which began in 2015, allows individuals with disabilities to volunteer at the Franklin County Sheriff's Department a few hours a day, two days a week.
Goodwill's Careers in Technology Program
First Cohort is Gearing Up for Certifications and Job Opportunities
The Careers in Technology (CiT) program at Goodwill began enrolling students in January. The first class of eight students are enrolled in an online Helpdesk Administrator Program (MedCerts), and attend classes 15-20 hours per week. All students have completed the Information Technology (IT) Occupational Training and are now in intensive exam preparation for each of their three exams. Exams will be taken during April, May, and June. They will need to pass each exam in order to earn their A+ and Network+ certifications. For more information about the A+ and Network+ certifications visit:  https://certification.comptia.org/ .

You Never Know What You Will Find
#FabulousFind Highlights Unique Items Found in Goodwill Stores
Our loyal shoppers know that shopping Goodwill is a treasure hunt. If you ask them tips for a successful shopping trip you will often hear:

1. Always go in with an open mind. If you are focused on finding a particular item you will often let "treasures" slip by you without even noticing.

2. Shop often. New inventory is put out continuously. If you only shop occasionally you could miss out on some really unique finds.

3. Shop a variety of stores. Each store has a different personality. What do we mean by that? We try and keep our donations in the stores where they were donated. Therefore if you always shop the same store you will likely see many of the same styles for both clothing and home, because donors typically frequent the same location as well. Shop stores in different areas and you may find that your style is more in line with a store just a few miles from your "usual" Goodwill.

Learning from One Another
A message from our President & CEO, Bruce Phipps

My college degree is in education. Although I didn't become a teacher, I believe we can only better ourselves by continuously looking for ways to learn and develop. At Goodwill, learning is actually part of our core values. We believe that learning and innovation allow us to explore new ideas and seek creative solutions that will allow our Goodwill to better serve individuals and our communities. Recently, members of our Board of Directors joined me on an adventure that provided the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of Goodwill and to build a network of others with a commitment to Goodwill.


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Goodwill Mission
Helping people and families in our
community achieve a better life
through  work and independence.
Goodwill Vision
Through the work of Goodwill all 
people  with have the opportunity
to achieve their greatest potential.

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys