Rising Populisms Meets Information: A New Era
Across the globe, populist movements are taking hold. Here in Italy, the M5S, which disavows the European Union, has between 25% and 30% support in polls. In France, Marine Le Pen is campaigning for President on a far-right platform with a grim outlook, yet investors discount her chances. In Germany, Angela Merkel may be losing some ground to an anti-immigrant party, but it may not be enough to deny her a victory.

Financial markets prefer rules and stability, not the uncertain prospect of populist government. As a leading pollster, Alessandra Ghisleri will focus on the relationship between information and how it is disseminated, and what the flow of information means for populist movements.

4 April 2017
5:45 PM Registration
6:00 PM Event Begins
We will begin promptly at 6:00 PM; please arrive early. Since it is disruptive to everyone when latecomers enter the session, those arriving after an education session has begun will only be admitted at the discretion of 100WF and the host. Please note the start time on this invite and plan to arrive early.

Networking and cocktails will follow.
Muzinich & Co.
Via Senato 12 
Milano, 20121, Italy

Alessandra Ghisleri
EuroMedia Research
Muzinich & Co.

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Alssandra Ghisleri
CEO, EuroMedia Research

Alessandra Paola Ghisleri, born in Varazze (SV) . After graduating in Geology redirects her studies to human science by rewriting a new personal profile in social research. As pollster makes her first experiences in a primary Italian Research Institute, where in 2001 she was Director of Social-Opinion Department. In March 2004 with Alfonso Lupo she set up own company Euromedia Research. The Institute Euromedia is today one of the most popular and prestigious Italian Institute of market research. In 2006 she won the Golden Bellisario Foundation award (women award given to who distinguished for important projects in their field of action within 40 years old). She is one of the most known pollster in Italy, very often she is interviewed in the major national TV networks and also as commentator in the most important newspapers in the country.

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