15 Greenwood Ave.
Conway, NH 03818
Phone: 603-447-5552

An Evening With Walt Whitman: A One Man Play, April 10th, 6:30 PM
Free! Refreshments Served 
Stephen Collins is a Shakespearean trained actor with 40 years of theatrical experience under his belt. He has performed as Walt Whitman over 1,000 times and been met with rave reviews. Mr. Collins' performance does not just deliver the poetry; he brings the poet to life on the stage. The show conveys an understanding of the impact and the reactions of the characters to their respective times, giving the audience not just a performance, but an experience.

This free program is sponsored by NH Humanities. Light refreshments served.  

Mon - Thurs  10:00-8:00 pm
Friday  10:00-5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00-5:00 pm

The History of Hip Hop Music 
by Professor Marcos del Hierro, April 17th, 
6 PM, Free! Refreshments Served 
Learn about the history of hip hop music with UNH Professor Marcos del Hierro. Hip Hop was born in the Bronx in the 1970s and is now one of the most popular musical styles in the world today. In addition to discussing the history of hip hop, Professor del Hierro will discuss how today's youth are using hip hop music to tell their stories. 

This program is sponsored by NH Humanities. 

Pat O'Brien: Songs and Stories, April 18th,
6:30 PM, Free! Light Refreshments Served, Sponsored by the Friends of CPL 
Celebrate the Emerald Isle and enjoy the tender imagery of Ireland with local musician Pat O'Brien, whose style is reminiscent of American folk music blended with Irish traditional music. 

Free! Light refreshments served. This program is sponsored by the  Friends of the Conway Public Library. 

This program was cancelled in March due to snow. Hopefully it won't get cancelled again but the way things are going with the weather who knows. 

Other Voices, Other Lives: Poetry by Barbara Bald, April 11th, 6:30 PM. Free! Light Refreshments Served
Lakes Region poet Barbara Bald will introduce her recently published book, Other Voices/Other Lives at a reading hosted by the Conway Public Library. 

Writing since the age of twelve, Barbara Bald has always been enamored by the music of words and awed by how they combine to create images in the mind and stir the heart. For ten summers, she attended the Frost Place Poetry Festival in Franconia, NH, and worked at the museum for several summers.

Other Voices/Other Lives  has gathered high praise from New England's poetry luminaries. Robert Demaree, author of Fathers and Sons, Mileposts and After Labor Day, says:
"In Other Voices/Other Lives, Bald takes us along in her volunteer service with senior adults, bringing her distinctive poetic voice to the many stories she has learned from the seniors she has come to know. These fine poems are part of her service to them as well as to the reading public."

How public libraries help build healthy communities

The role of the public library has evolved over the years. This blog post from the Brookings Institution talks about how libraries have become what is known as "third places." While the story makes note of large, urban, library systems, the same things are happening in rural libraries such as Conway. 

Farewell, Kate Darlington
Kate Darlington recently retired after 28 years of service 
to the Conway community. We will miss Kate. She is a lovely person. She promises not to be a stranger.