Dear St. Ignatius School Parents and Guardians,
Our parish is blessed to have the Father McCafferty Scholarship Fund to assist families with their financial needs when sending their children to our school.   Although we strive to ensure that all families who desire a Catholic education will receive financial assistance, because of the limited funds available, we are implementing a new process for applying for tuition assistance beginning with the 2017-2018 school year.  
As in the past, I will request a meeting with the parent(s)/guardian(s), but in addition, we are asking that families complete a financial summary form, which can be found on our school website .  I have asked two members of the parish Finance Council (who are not current school parents) to review the financial disclosures and provide me advice on the amount of the award that can be offered to the family.  After considering the recommendation of the Finance Council and my personal meeting with the parents, I will decide on the scholarship award and communicate with the family.
For the upcoming school year, we hope to have all scholarship awards decided by mid-May.  This would require tuition assistance meetings and submission of the financial summary forms to be completed by the first week in May.  However, I understand that situations arise at various times and I am willing to meet with families about their financial needs at any time during the school year.
To apply for tuition assistance, please call the rectory and schedule a meeting.  Please submit the financial summary form at the time of the meeting.
My goal is to provide as many families as possible with financial assistance.  With our limited budget of financial aid, I hope this new process will allow us to achieve that goal.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,
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Reverend Andrew C. Brownholtz
Pastor, St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish

St. Ignatius of Antioch School

995 Reading Ave Yardley, PA 19067



St. Ignatius of Antioch School is committed to developing spiritual, personal, and academic excellence while incorporating 21st century skills to encourage lifelong learning in a globally advancing society.

As Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, our core purpose is to equip saints for life in this world and the next. Responding to God's call, we are the world's premier center for the teaching mission of the Church.






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