Volunteer Spotlight:
Amanda Dierling
Meet Amanda Dierling, a volunteer at Prairie View Elementary.  She runs an after school drama club. 
When asked what motivated Dierling to become an NISD volunteer she replied, "I have always enjoyed helping the teachers, being a room parent, etc, but what inspired me to begin helping with fine arts at the school is the lack of opportunities of this kind this far out in the district that are available to the students.  I began by running a Drama Club at PVE through an outside organization, but as this was costly not many students could participate.  With the assistance of the music teacher we now offer this to students through the school and it is something that can help the kids in so many ways, with confidence, leadership, teamwork, setting and achieving goals, overcoming fears, besides just being plain fun.  My skills and talents (and my degree in theatre and dance) complement beautifully wth our music teacher's talents so that we are able to offer our students a unique opportunity at the elementary school level."
Dierling has logged more than 150 volunteer hours since the school year started.
"The impact Amanda Dierling has had on our campus has been tremendous," Prairie View Elementary School Principal Yolanda Wallace said.  "Her leadership with the Performing Arts Cub and PVE Dance Company not only allows kids to shine on stage but also builds their confidence.  She has spent countless hours with choreography, stage design, costumes and line reading to make sure that the shows are of the highest quality.  The undertaking is pretty overwhelming and without Mrs. Dierling, our kids wouldn't have such memorable opportunities.  We are grateful for her leadership."
Dierling said what she likes most about volunteering at Prairie View Elementary is getting to know the students and seeing them develop new skills and finding talents they didn't know they had.  "I like being a part of what is such a huge part of my own children's lives and feeling like I have some contribution in, hopefully, making the school an even better place for them and all the students to be."
The Northwest ISD Partners in Education program creates school-support opportunities for parents, businesses and the community by offering a wide variety of options amenable to every schedule, talent and expertise.  PIE brings volunteers into Northwest ISD classrooms at each campus and all grade levels.  To learn more, please visit www.nisdtx.org/pie.

School Board Calls For $399 Million Bond Election
The NISD School Board has approved the Long-Range Planning Committee's recommendation, calling for a $399 million capital bond referendum.  If the bond is passed, the majority of bond funds will be used to address student growth, which is projected to increase by an additional 6,200 students during the next five years.  To see the highlights of the bond package, tax rate information and how to register to vote, go to www.nisdtxbond.org.  Election Day is May 6, with early voting beginning April 24.  For more information, call

Total Volunteer Hours (to Date) 98,810
Total Approved Volunteers (to Date) 6,369
If you plan to work with children in NISD schools, you must pass a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

You will be required to provide your birthdate, address, full name, phone number and primary email address for contact purposes.  After your background check has been approved, you will be able to log into your Virtual Volunteer account to sign up for various volunteer activities.
Raptor's Virtual Volunteer captures your volunteer hours.  A record of your volunteer hours is of vital importance to the school where you volunteer and to the district.  Please remember to document all your volunteer hours at www.v-volunteer.com.  To access the NISD Background Check, please log on to  www.nisdtx.org.

New Adopt-a-School Partner, Partners in Education
Alliance Community Fellowship-represented by Family Pastor Sean Busse.  They are adopting Peterson Elementary and will serve as volunteers for:  Mentoring Mustangs, campus beautification, WatchDogs, and PTA events.  PIE is pleased to welcome Alliance Community Fellowship as an Adopt-a-School partner.

Texan Diner-represented by co-owner Ken Halford.  Texan Diner in Haslet supported the NISD United Way Campaign Kickoff by providing meals for campaign coordinators.  PIE is pleased to welcome Texan Diner as an official Northwest ISD Partner in Education.

Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce-represented by Chair Elect Tina Patel, Chairman Sam Leopard and President and CEO Sally Michalak.  With a growing membership of business owners throughout the area, the Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce is an important and valued advocate for NISD.  We are grateful for this mutually beneficial partnership.  PIE is pleased to welcome the Northwest Metroport Chamber of Commerce as an official Northwest ISD Partner in Education.

Looking for anther way to partner with Northwest ISD?  NISD values its many community partners for their ongoing support of the dstrict, our schools and students.  Community partners and businesses now have the opportunity to advertise wthin district e-newsletters distributed to more than 21,000 employees, parents and community members.  For more informaton on this unique opportunity, contact Jerry Cantu at (817) 215-0056 or email jcantu@nisdtx.org.
Stay Connected
P.O. Box 77070 Fort Worth, TX 76177
Phone  817-215-0175  Fax 817-215-0170

Northwest Independent School District
Partners in Education
An equal opportunity district
NISD is not responsible for content on external websites.