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April 10, 2017
Blueprint For Long-Term Business Prosperity
Last week, the Long Beach City Council approved a draft plan for successful steps that will lead to the creation of businesses, well-paying jobs, and economic inclusion for all.
The draft plan, Blueprint for Economic Development, was developed through a collaborative process with the help of an economic analysis by Beacon Economics, multiple stakeholder interviews, and public study sessions with a wide range of industry experts including our incoming Chairman of the Board, Kent Peterson of P2S Engineering. Your Chamber was privileged to be part of the process attending countless public study sessions and meetings offering our input on how to best find solutions and ensure success for business in Long Beach for the next 10 years.
Approximately a year in the making, the Mayor and City Council tasked the Economic & Property Development Department to work with the Economic Development Commission to come up with the draft plan. The Commission worked diligently while hosting a total of 13 study sessions, received presentations and input from industry leaders while city staff assisted with presentations and input at community meetings. This was an unbelievable collaborative effort by all in our community.
The Chamber stands ready to work with various stakeholders and partners who dedicated a significant amount of time, input and resources in preparation of the draft Blueprint. We appreciate our inclusion in the thorough process and applaud all of the work by the Economic Development Commission and Economic & Property Development Department staff. Specifically, we thank Commission Chair Randal Hernandez, all of the Commissioners, and Economic & Property Development Director John Keisler and his staff. Well done by all!
To view the draft Blueprint for Economic Development click here.
To view the presentation of the draft Blueprint for Economic Development given at last week's city council meeting click here.
...and that's Strictly Business.

Randy Gordon
President and CEO
Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce
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