News from Annapolis
2016 Session: Week 6         Delegate Trent Kittleman - District 9A
Highlights of Week 6:
  • Death with Dignity bill Heard
  • What's happened to the bills we've looked at?
  • What's the Status of the Governor's Bills?
  • West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department Annual Award Dinner
  • District 9A News
  • Events
  • Scholarship Information
Death with Dignity Hearing
On Friday afternoon, my Committee (Judiciary) and the Health and Government Operations Committee heard eight hours of testimony on the "End of Life Option" bill.  The testimony on both sides of the issue was compelling -- and  heart wrenching. 
What's happened to the bills we've looked at  ?
HB 1       Confederate Flag ban.     The bill to ban displaying an image of the confederate flag on license plates received a FAVORABLE vote in COMMITTEE.  It should be coming to the floor of the House for a vote.relatively soon.

HB 4     "Amber's Law" requiring someone who violates a Protective Order to wear an electronic monitoring device.  Most unfortunately, this bill received an UNFAVORABLE report in Committee.

HB 10      Dedicated Open Space Funds.  The bill to direct that Program Open Space funds be used  only  for the Department of natural Resources received an  UNFAVORABLE report in Committee.

HB 23.     Limiting "Prevailing Wage" requirement.    The bill to  allow a waiver of the prevailing wage law if it would increase the cost of constructing a school by more than 10% received an     UNFAVORABLE vote in Committe e.
HB 33     Decrease Taxes for Disabled Retirees.  This bill was WITHDRAWN by the sponsor.

HB 81     Allow Cameras in the Courtroom.  This bill received an UNFAVORABLE report in Committee.   

HB 88     Rules for Automated Motor Vehicles.  This bill creates a special "Class S" for "automated vehicles" (vehicles that include technology that "enables the motor vehicle to be operated without any control or monitoring by an individual") and an annual fee of $50.50.  The law prohibits the owner from allowing the vehicle on the road without an individual in the drivers seat.  This bill received a FAVORABLE report in Committee.

HB 106     Protecting rights of Ex-Felons to buy, rent or lease residential space anywhere.  This vote received an UNFAVORABLE vote in Committee. 

HB 112     Forcing Individuals to provide certified health information on sale of dog or cat.  This bill received an UNFAVORABLE vote in Committee.

HB 197     "Maryland Pay Stub Transparency Act of 2016".  This new regulatory scheme received an UNFAVORABLE vote in Committee.

HB 284     Prohibiting landlords from renting space in a senior apartment facility to persons convicted of a crime of violence.  This bill received an UNFAVORABLE vote in Committee. 

HB 293      Repealing CRIMINAL penalties for practicing cosmetology without a license.   This bill received an UNFAVORABLE vote in Committee.

Other bills reviewed in earlier Newsletters are either awaiting a hearing, or awaiting a vote in committee.
What's the Status of the Governor's Bills?
Bills set for hearings.
House Ways & Means
Tuesday February 23, 2016
1:00 pm

 HB 450 
Tax Credits - Manufacturing Empowerment Zones
 HB 451
Admissions and Amusement Tax - Revenue Distribution - Maryland State Arts Council
HB 452
Income Tax - Earned Income Credit - Refundability

House Ways & Means
Thursday, February 25, 2016
1:00 pm

HB 400
Higher Ed - Tuition Waivers for Foster Care Recipients and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth - Mdfctns
HB 453
Maryland Education Credit
HB 455
Income Tax Exemption Amount - Elderly Individuals
HB 464
Pathways in Technology Early College High (P-TECH) Schools Act of 2016
Rules and Executive nominations
Monday, February 29, 2016
1:00 pm
HB 458 General Assembly and Congressional legislative Redistriction and Apportionment Commission

Ways and Means *
Monday, March 7, 2016
1:00 pm

HB 459 Fee, Surcharge, and Tax Reduction Act of 2016
* This bill is also assigned to and will  be heard by the Appropriations Committee

Tuesday, March 8, 2016
1:00 pm

HB 449 Relief from Budget Mandates
Bills already heard.
HB 454 State Employees--Merit Increases in Salary Heard in Appropriations
Feb. 16
HB 456 Prescription Drug Monitoring Program--Revisions Heard in HGO
Feb. 18
HB 457 Corporations and Associations--Filing Fees--Reductions Heard in Economic Matters, Feb. 17
HB 461 Crimes--Criminal Gangs--Prohibitions and Funding Heard in Judiciary
Feb. 16
The W. Friendship Volunteer Fire Department Awards Dinner
Thank you!
       This past Saturday night, Sen. Gail Bates, County Executive Allan Kittleman and I were the guests of the West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department at their annual Awards Dinner.  It was a great evening, with
super food!  It's amazing to hear the time these volunteers spend and what they do.

PHOTO: W. Friendship VFD President, Gary Unverzagt; Senator Gail Bates; Me; W. Friendship VFD Chief Mickey Day; Howard County Fire Chief, John F. Butler; County Executive Allan Kittleman.
District 9A News
       Delegate April Rose (Carroll, District 5) sponsored HB 1459, which I co-sponsored. This bill  waives parts of the prevailing wage law for contracts to construct or renovate education centers or classrooms that are dedicated to science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) or science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics (STEAM) education.  
       The Prevailing Wage law mandates that State government contractors who work on state projec6ts valued at $500,000 or more must pay "prevailing wages," which means the wages paid by the relevant unions, regardless of whether the private party is a union contractor.  The requirement inflates the price of schools by approximately 25%, and Carroll County is trying to find ways to do more with less.  
        There have been many efforts to repeal, or to limit the reach of the Prevailing Wage Law, but instead, the State has increased its reach.  Several years ago, if a county paid over 50% of the cost of the project, the prevailing wage law would not apply.  But in 2014, the General Assembly passed a law increasing the amount of the contract that the local jurisdiction must pay from over 50% to over 75%, making it all but impossible for local governments to build projects without paying the inflated prevailing wages.  
        This year, there are several efforts to chip away at the costly law.  However, as reported above, HB 23, which would have allowed a waiver of the prevailing wage requirement if it would increase the cost of building a school more than 10%, was defeated in Committee.     
Notice of SHA Intersesction Improvements - MD 97 & Burntwoods Road

The Maryland State Highway Administration will be doing intersection improvements in order to increase capacity and enhance safety at the intersection of MD 97 and Burntwoods Road in Glenwood.   The improvements will include: extending the existing acceleration and deceleration lanes on MD 97; constructing improvements to existing storm water management facilities, signage, lighting and utility systems.  If you have any questions concerning this project, Please call Reggie Graves, with the SHA, at 410-545-8012.  
Series of Informational Meetings on Medicare:
The following meetings are  Sponsored by Howard County Office on Aging's State Health Insurance Assistance Program.  They will be held at the  Ellicott City 50+ Center, 9401 Frederick Road, Ellicott City.   Contact:   Barbara Albert, Office on Aging, 410-313-7391
Using Medicare's Plan Finder
Tuesday, February 23, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Participants will learn how to use the 'Plan Finder' tool on  to compare Medicare Prescription Drug Plans.
Free CPR Classes
The Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services is offering FREE CPR classes.  
Each class reviews adult, child, and infant CPR, AED use, and choking relief. Training is appropriate for all ages so bring the whole family. (Please note that this is a non-certification class.)
Sign up now by calling 410-313-2016, email
Create Date Ideas in Carroll County 
Even though Valentine's Day was last week there are many creative date ideas in Carroll County that would be fun year around-  

Howard County Fair Dates
The Howard County Fair will be held August 6-13 and the Carroll County Fair will be held August 1st-8th. 
For more information:

Scholarship Information
District 9A residents attending a college, university, trade school or equivalent in the State of Maryland are eligible for the Delegate Scholarship. Current high school seniors and full-time (12+ credits per semester) or part-time (6-11 credits per semester), degree-seeking undergraduate students, graduate students, and students attending a private career school may apply.  
Should you have any questions regarding the application process, please call my Annapolis office and ask to speak with Chelsea Leigh Murphy at 410-841-3556.  Please be sure to have your completed application postmarked by April 10, 2016.

Please be sure to have your completed application postmarked by April 10, 2016.

Click here to download the scholarship application for the 2016-2017 academic year. 
Delegate Trent Kittleman
District 9A, Western Howard County and Southern Carroll County (Sykesville)
Room 202, Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street,   Annapolis, MD 21401
410-841-3556  *  Trent.Kittleman@House.State.MD.US
Interim Office
3000 Kittleman Lane,  West Friendship, MD 21794
301-661-3344  *
Administrative Ai de:  Chelsea Leigh Murphy