April 2017
The Rector's Column
by The Rev . Dr. Jason L. Parkin

Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the spring equinox. As complicated as that sounds, it makes sense, since it means that Easter coincides with the greening of the earth. Christ is risen, and the whole world comes to life. Christ is risen, and everything is made new. Sap rises in dormant trees, spring peepers start their peeping, daffodil bulbs planted in the fall shoot to life. The connection between Easter and springtime is a happy one, guaranteed to renew our faith in the creative power of God. But the connection between                                                                                    Easter and springtime is also misleading.
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Holy Week Liturgies
As we enter Holy Week, we come to the central events that shape our common faith as Christian people. The heart of the liturgical year is the Paschal Mystery, the dying and rising of Jesus. Our participation in the saving acts of God finds its deepest expression in this great Week. Our celebration of Holy Week is the occasion above all others when we stand before the awesome mystery of redemption, bringing to God all that we are both as individuals and as a community of faith at this moment in our lives.  More here...
Easter Outreach and Flower Offerings
During the Easter Season, we remember the gift Jesus gave us of new life, and we celebrate our blessings. It is also a time of sharing our financial abundance with those in need. It is the tradition of the parish to give the Easter offering for outreach to help those beyond our parish community. Easter offerings represent a significant portion of our outreach support for ministries, agencies, and programs both locally and further abroad, that seek to alleviate suffering and brokenness in a variety of ways. Please be as generous as possible as we share our gifts with others.

Your Easter Flower Donation supports the Flower Ministry and provides the beautiful flowers that grace our church during the Easter Season. Flowers may be given in memory of, or thanksgiving for, loved ones. To be included in the Easter bulletin, please make donation by Monday, April 10.
Easter People
For the annual Easter People presentations,  we will be blessed to welcome two beloved Holy Comforter parishioners as our Easter People:  on Sunday, April 30, Eric Beatty will present his reflection on his journey of faith to the present;  and on Sunday, May 7, Emily Voit will offer her thoughts on her spiritual path, perhaps including a presentation on her pilgrimage last year to the shrine of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.  Both of these events will take place during the formation hour at 10:00 a.m., in the Great Room. 
Sabbath Time
by The Rev. Jason L. Parkin
For many years, there has been a growing awareness that clergy need occasional sabbaticals in order to be rejuvenated and renewed for their ministries. The Diocese of Chicago requires that all rectors have written into their letters of call a provision for sabbath time, that they might grow in their relationship with God, engage new learning or experience, and be nourished emotionally and spiritually. My letter of call from Holy Comforter provides for a sabbatical every five years, with three weeks of sabbath time accrued for every year served. Having now been at Holy Comforter for six years now, I am eligible for 18 weeks of sabbatical, but will not be taking anywhere near that much time away from the parish. Although specifics of my time away are not yet completely set, I will be going on sabbatical in two stages, first for about three weeks in June, and then again for a spell in July.  More here...
April Adult Forum
by Fr. Chris Hardman
In March we began a journey into how new discoveries in science have deepened our understanding of our Christian faith. We learned that quantum physics reveals that matter is energy "in relationship" which led to our recovery of the 4 th century Doctrine of the Trinity which proclaims that God is "relationship."  In April we will continue our study of science and religion with some pointed questions that involve a look at both. Is Jesus catholic? Is it better to give or receive?  More here...
The Gift of Lent
by Pastor Heath Howe, Family Ministries
I find it important to remember, and even name, God "our Great Companion." This is important to remember for at least two reasons. First, it reminds us we are not alone. No matter where we find ourselves at this stage in our life. Secondly, being married to a Latin major, I happen to know that the word "companion," a Middle English word, comes from Old French, compaignon, and is literally translated 'one who breaks bread with another,' based on Latin com- 'together with' + panis 'bread.' Therefore, naming God as our companion.  More here...
Give a Little Whistle
by Mary Johnson, Children's Ministries and Director All Thing Bright & Beautiful
April brings the sights and sounds and smells of spring into full existence. When there is that day in April that I notice the almost iridescent green buds on the trees I know spring is here. When the hyacinth that line the sidewalks emit the fragrance that is intoxicating - it's spring. And, when the cardinals sing their morning song, I sing back....just as my father did.
The Structure of the Universe
by Charlotte Long, Youth Ministries
Consider the story of the Death of Jesus that we are about to explore this April. We know it is the story of wonder; of sadness and hope in the dark; of friends loving each other; and of risk. And we know somewhere in us that by the end of Holy Week, it reveals itself to be a story of Love. By working backwards then, we can see how it is a story of the Cycle, the Trinity, the ever-giving and receiving of God. That which dies, rises up again. What if Jesus didn't die to put a stopper on death? What if Jesus died to show once and for all ("now in technicolor!") that death has never been the end?    More here...
Organ Dedication Recital
Derek E. Nickels, DMA, 
Director of Music
We will have an opportunity to celebrate the conclusion of the organ project with a rededication recital played by Derek Nickels on April 23rd at 4:00 p.m. with works by Mendelssohn, Bach, Howells, Lafford, Callahan, and Dupré. The cleaned and shiny pipes, the restored console, and the restoration of the original wind pressures have allowed a much gentler sound that blends far better than it ever had before.  The reeds of the organ that imitate oboes and trumpets are much better regulated and sound in a more uniform manner.  Please join us for an afternoon of great music followed 
by a reception in the parlor.
CHC & ATB&B Bright & Beautiful Bash 2017
The Bright and Beautiful Bash will take place on May 12 th at 700 p.m. at Church of the Holy Comforter. The celebration will take place in both the Great Hall and under a tent on the north lawn of the parish campus. Bright & Beautiful Bash tickets are $100 per person and include Food & Drinks, Raffle and Silent Auction, and a live Paddle Raise.    More here...
It is with great sorrow that we report the death last Tuesday of Joseph Mills Proffitt, the son of the Rev. Darrel and Julie Proffitt.  Many will remember Fr. Proffitt from his years as the Associate at Holy Comforter from 1991 to 1993.  Joseph was 36 years old, and died after a brief illness in Eureka, CA.  There will be a celebration of his life at Trinity Episcopal Church, Lawrence, KS, this Wednesday, March 29, at 2:00 p.m.  Our hearts and prayers go out to Darrel, Julie, and the entire Proffitt family.  May God embrace Joseph with light and life and love perpetual.
Our prayers and love also go out to John and Carrie Smart on the death of John's mother, Judy Friskey, last Wednesday, March 22.  Judy grew up at Holy Comforter, and will be interred here near her parents, Ed and Mabel Rembert, later this spring.  She was 85 when she died, and lived in Pawleys Island, SC.  May Judy experience joy and wholeness as she is enveloped by God's grace, and may John, Carrie, and their family know comfort and peace in the days and weeks to come.
We also grieve the death of Bob Houghtlin, former member of Holy Comforter, who entered into the full presence of God at the age of 79 on Monday, March 20.  Bob and his wife Stepheny-who served on the staff of the parish in the 1980s and early 1990s-lived in Nashville, NC, and his funeral will take place this Saturday, April 1, at 2:00 p.m. at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, in Rocky Mount, NC, officiated by his son-in-law, Fr. George Greer.  We pray God's warm welcome to Bob in his heavenly abode, and comfort and peace to Stepheny and their family.

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Church of the Holy Comforter
222 Kenilworth Avenue
Kenilworth IL  60043