Stella Maris Academy

Commissioned by the Catholic Church, Stella Maris Academy community prepares lifelong learners who lead, love, and serve as Jesus taught - 
transforming our world one student at a time.

New Name Unveiled for Duluth Catholic School
Stella Maris Academy is officially established 
Bishop Paul Sirba is pleased to announce that the new school's name is Stella Maris Academy.
Stella Maris (STEH-la MAR-ees) , is one of the titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. "Star of the Sea" has a special significance to all Duluthians. The title has been part of our Catholic history since the 9th century and the patroness of St. Mary, Star of the Sea downtown, Duluth, almost since our beginning as a diocese. The title emphasizes Mary's role as a sign of hope and a guiding star for Christians. The Blessed Virgin Mary will lead our young people, and all of us to Jesus.
Over twenty potential names were considered. Students and families will have input in the new school colors and mascot as the new school identity is formed.
For additional information about the name and the unification process, please see the press release at  
Commissioned by the Catholic Church, Stella Maris Academy community prepares lifelong learners who lead, love, and serve as Jesus taught - transforming our world one student at a time. 

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