Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 111 - December 2017

This is newsletter #111! I figure that must be lucky, especially since I saw three shooting stars in the early morning hours a day ago when I walked my dogs! Sometimes I get bogged down with all the things that go wrong and forget to  be thankful for the things that go right. If I stop to think about it, there are many! So as I celebrate this Christmas I will remember my blessings and count you as one! Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter and Merry Christmas, Debbie
Mermaid Poster to print out!
Last month I offered a Bailey School Kids poster to print as
a gift and my mermaids felt left out! So, here's a Mermaid Tales poster for your favorite mermaid fan. It's just the right size to roll up and stick in a stocking! 
And if you feel the need to give a zombie for Christmas, here's a Bailey School Kids short holiday story to print out. It'll be  perfect for a gift with a piece of holiday candy! 
My favorite social media pictures from this month:
Kentucky Book Fair
I was lucky enough to attend the Kentucky Book Fair in Lexington, KY last month and meet the lovely McKenna and other wonderful readers. I'd love to visit your school in person or through Skype. My next free Skype day is January 26th. If you've ever thought of having an author visit your school, I hope 2018 will be the year for me! Contact me and we'll set something up!
My two favorite stories for this time of year are Santa Claus Doesn't Mop Floors and The Polar Bear Express. Santa Claus Doesn't Mop Floors was the one book out of 166 that I've sold that didn't have to be rewritten! The Polar Bear Express blends polar bears, poetry, and kids working together for a good cause. What can be more fun than that? Since I'm a hesitant poet, I felt a bit more confident writing poetry as a third grader! The Polar Bear Express has four different types of poetry, which your students might like to try themselves. In fact, here's some poetry cards to get them started (which could also be a fun gift!) And speaking of gifts, Sharon Alderfer your name was chosen as random to receive a free book from me! Contact me and I'll send one along. Ho, ho, ho and best wishes to you no matter how you celebrate the season, Debbie