Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
March 2017
2017 Women's Fund Luncheon Rescheduled Due to Storm, but Grantee Impacts Roll On

Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga, A Place to Stay - $3,500

Lisa -A Place to Stay

This Women's Fund grant supports a new Catholic Charities strength-based program that combines short-term residential stays for women with increased access to local resources and services. Participants secure employment, transportation and stable housing. Women residents receive encouragement and self-sufficiency in a safe space.  Learn Lisa's story in this video.
 Greater Ithaca Activities Center's Motivated Sisters of Strength, A Teen Empowerment Group- $3,300
Motivated Sisters of Strength
The Women's Fund Grant supports a new initiative at GIAC (Greater Ithaca Activities Center) designed to help empower a group of teen girls and young women, ages 16-25 considered at-risk. Your support builds their self-esteem and marketable work skills through mentorship, social skills training, personal hygiene training, job skill training, and coaching.

Funds are used for one-on-one counseling, group socialization through planned interactions, and self-introspection exercises. The young women embrace the powerful, transformative aspects of the program offered in a safe, supportive environment to grow and improve their lives.

The outcomes are inspirational: one participant is enrolled in college, two returned to high school - and graduated! Two are back in high school to finish their education. Those not in school are working. One participant found meaningful work at GIAC, "Being a summer camp counselor for a four year old group was the highlight of my summer!"
       Ithaca Health Alliance, Services for Women - $3,500

Ithaca Free Clinic Services Chart
Ithaca Health Alliance (IHA) support from the Women's Fund provides funding to sustain and continue healthcare and health-related financial aid to under-resourced women in Tompkins County. IHA provides free diagnostic lab services, primary care, therapeutic healthcare, and financial aid to more than 1,000 low-income, uninsured or underinsured patients, 57% of whom are under-resourced women. This grant helps women receive annual gynecological exams; employment physicals, tuberculosis testing; and chronic care medical case management, often known as well-visits, the basics of healthcare.
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2017 Women's Fund Celebration Rescheduled to October 19
Event Rescheduled to October 29