Wolf Creek Lodge Newsletter
Adult Cohousing in Grass Valley, CA
March, 2017

Editor - Bob Miller
Greetings again from Wolf Creek Lodge.  Today we have sunshine again after weeks of abundant rain
Despite our propensity for fake news we have not been targeted by the White House. 

The big (real) news this month is the opening of the Wolf Creek Lodge Gallery.  Richard reports on this event below.

Currently only a two bedroom home is available at Wolf Creek Lodge. See "Available Homes" below.

Contact us if you are interested so we can be more specific.

Bob Miller,

Enhancing a purely functional space

Greg and Nancy H

The hallway on the second floor connects the front of the building to the back and is the only way to access two homes and one guest room. It is also used by residents who come and go on foot.

For four years, the hallway has remained unadorned. On Sunday, February 19, 2017, however, the hallway was transformed into  Wolf Creek Gallery.

That evening, our community gathered for the gala opening of Wolf Creek Gallery to view the art, share impressions, and meet the contributors.  
gallery opening - people
Says the Art Team, "We feel that the art installation reflects the variety of interests, talents, and artistic tastes of our community. We are sharing works that are personally meaningful. By periodically rotating our selections, we hope to provide the opportunity for all to participate. Our intention is to create a welcoming and joyful experience for our members and guests as they enter the gallery.” 

The gala installation included 15 individual pieces. 

Contributors this month:

            Bob Branstrom: Landscape photo

            Richard Carter: Landscape photos and new media art

            Jim Culang: Color pencil drawing

            Judith Van Herik: Watercolor paintings

            Nancy Hill: Water color paintings

            Magdalene Jaeckel: Water color painting by daughter Barbara Jaeckel

            Suzanne Marriott: Acrylic painting
            Deleaua Shannon: Pencil drawing
            Marcia Taylor: Wood and tile sculpture

            Jo Ward: Knit shawl

Thanks to the Art Team for conceiving the idea of the gallery and making it happen, to each contributor, and to Greg Kellejian, who hung each piece.

Art Team members include Nancy Hill, Richard Carter, Suzanne Marriott, Sue Dunbar, Marcia Taylor, Judith Van Herik, and Pam Jung. 

Letter from #104
      Suzanne Marriott
Cinematic Arts Appreciation
Suzanne for Newsletter

In keeping with our enthusiasm for the arts, each year Wolf Creek Lodge celebrates the Academy Awards presentation. We come together to watch the glitter and dazzle, hoping to catch a glimpse of our favorite celebrity, while enjoying appetizers, champagne and sparkling apple juice. 
Oscars - group
Always up for fun, some members dress up as their favorite film stars, past or present.

We also fill out forms with our choices for the winner in each award category. The members with the best and second best scores, along with those with the best costumes, receive prizes. This year the grand-prize was two tickets to our local movie theater. 

Thanks to our creative host, Jacque, everyone enjoys a good time. Oh, the lengths we go to in support of the arts!  
Claire for column
Digging in the Dirt
     Claire Miller  

And outside we have another sort of Art!!
As the seasons change, the Wolf Creek Lodge gardens are an ever changing gallery of color, shapes, and textures. Spring is here already - although the wind didn’t feel like it today – and plants are responding. In small corners, here and there, little tableaux are taking shape.
Garden tableau
Here is a favorite. The little Daphne bush is showing the first touch of pink blossoms. Underneath it a thick patch of blue violets have all appeared from nowhere. Then for color contrast a few jaunty yellow primroses close by.  And for texture add some spiky leaves of daffodils coming along, as well as some curly fuzzy sort of leaves belonging to an unidentified plant that will have white flowers later.
And there you have it!  Food for the soul!!
Look quickly, because next week it will be different. 
Living in the Lodge
    Magdalene Jaeckel
 I am a classical music fan. Here in Grass Valley we have two wonderful music organizations: “In Concert Sierra” and “Music in the Mountains” that feature live concerts throughout the year.
Magdalene for column
Besides we have monthly “live” broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera at the local movie theater.

At Wolf Creek Lodge I have always the company of other music lovers. It is so much fun to enjoy the music with your friends, and it also solves my transportation needs.  
Available Homes
A two bedroom home is now available. 

We try to keep the latest status on our website. By checking on these links to the website  during the month you will get the latest updates. Here are the links: 
Contact us: phone: (800) 558-3775 

For details of Open Houses and much more visit our website at:
Grass Valley and Nevada City
Want to know more about 
Grass Valley and Nevada City? 

Here are some links we have found useful:
Down Town Grass Valley -
Grass Valley Chamber of Commerce -
Visit Nevada County - 
GIS Receational Viewer -
Go Nevada County - 
YubaNet Calendar -