Spring 2017, Week 1
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm & Friday 8am-4:30pm
858-822-3493 | | 
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To me, femme must include ending ableism, white supremacy, heterosexism, the gender binary, economic exploitation, sexual violence, population control, male supremacy, war and militarization, and ownership of children and land. 
-Mia Mingus

Save the date for the upcoming events! 

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017
12-1:30pm , LGBT Resource Center

Join us for pan dulce, chisme & community at the LGBTRC. Our Pan Dulce platicas are open to students, staff, and faculty.

In the description 'chisme' is a reclaimed term: 
"Chisme and gossip are popular and pleasurable ways of imparting vernacular histories for different communities of color because of their porous and sometimes subversive narrative frame"- Solimar Otero, from "Yemayá y Ochún"

Saturday, April 22nd, 2017
12-1:30pm , LGBT Resource Center

Join UC San Diego's LGBT Resource Center for our annual LGBT Alumni Brunch! Join us for fun, friends and memories!

Volunteer for Out and Proud Week

Out and Proud Week presents the largest opportunity for community visibility on the UC San Diego campus. It is a week­long group celebration and private reflection on the achievements of LGBT­ identified students, staff, and faculty and our allies. 

It is also a time for public awareness and discussion of current LGBT issues on the state and national levels.
This year, Out and Proud Week is April 24­-28, 2017 and we need help to make it happen! To sign up go to our website: here

Rainbow Graduation
2-4pm, June 10th, 2017 
UC San Diego Faculty Club 

Please join the UC San Diego LGBT community as we come together to honor the students who are graduating, our volunteers, our scholarship recipients and all who have impacted our community over the last year.

The event serves as the formal induction of the graduates into the family of the UC San Diego LGBT Alumni. Although many people do get dressed up for the event, it tends to be a queer little get together, with all the trappings of our community, so be yourself.
If you are graduating, please complete the form here
Contact Shaun Travers at for more information or if you have questions!!

Community Announcements and Groups

Mindfulness for Queer Folk
Thursday, April 20th, 2017
1-2pm, LGBT Resource Center

An informational workshop on mindfulness practice, focusing on the challenges and experiences of LGBTQIA+ folks. 

Includes a guided meditation. Free snacks and drinks!

2017 PFLAG Scholarships

Do you need money for college?

Since 1998, PFLAG San Diego County has overseen the awarding of over 90 scholarships in the amount of $131,000 to LGBT scholars. The PFLAG San Diego county scholarships are open until  April 15, 2017!

Apply  here !


10th Annual Queer and Asian Conference 
Fri. April 28th - Sun. April 30th
University of California, Berkeley
We are now opening registration for the 10th annual Queer and Asian Conference ! We encourage queer Asians and our allies from everywhere to come attend. This year's theme for QACON17 is Enough. As such, we will be exploring, reflecting, and learning about our community and identities to empower, heal, and fight for ourselves, our community, and other marginalized communities.
QACON  admission is open to any individual who expresses interest in the issues or the community, and the entire conference - registration, volunteer housing, keynote speakers, workshops, and two included meals - is completely free

Links: Registration and housing

BlaqOut Conference
Tues. April 21, 2017 - Thurs. April 23, 2017
UC Davis

The three day conference is designed to create a networking, empowerment and critical community building opportunity for folks within the Black/African Diaspora and LGBTQIA+ community. This is a structured conference featuring workshops from undergraduate and graduate scholars, staff, community members and activists with identities within the BlaQueer Diaspora. 

We would like to announce that this year's BlaqOut Conference registration will be free. The theme of this years conference is I Love My BlaQness and Yours Too!

We are pleased to announce that our registration application is now live, you can register here!

LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program

Is your organization or group interested in partnering with the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center? Are you looking to start your own LGBTQIA+ org? Need a meeting space? Looking for leadership opportunities? Check out our Affiliate Program! The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program has a variety of perks and opportunities for your organization. Check out our website for the application and more details. For questions contact
For more Program info click here
Click here to access an Application

Do you have library recommendations?

Is there anything you'd like to see added to our library at the LGBT Resource Center? Well you're in luck, our library intern is currently looking for recommendations!

If there is a book, magazine, comic, CD, etc. that you think would be a great addition, feel free to let us know by filling out this survey!

Queer Student Orgs and Affiliates 
Men's Relationship Forum
Weeks 2-10, Mondays 2:30-4pm
Women's Center Small Group Room

LGBTQIA+ Leaders for 2016-2017

We're creating a community roster of LGBTQIA+ student leaders on campus to keep the community better updated of resources and opportunities. You have the option for your information to remain internal - for the LGBT Resource Center Professional Staff to be able to contact you regarding opportunities OR for it to be public- to be listed on our website for peers and community to know who our student leaders are.

Submit your info  here.  F or questions, contact Maribel Gomez at
Campus Community Centers

The Art of Transformation
Three new murals unveiled at the Raza Resource Centro

"Murals tell a story, they start a conversation. What does intersectionality look like within the Latino/a identity and the growth of a scholar activist? How do we decolonize our mind and grow together as a community?"

Read more here!

This Week at the RC


Rainbow Newsletter submissions: 

If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
Community Classifieds

Asian and Pacific Islander Diaspora in Higher Education Summit
will be held on 4/20, 4-7pm at the San Diego Alumni Center!
The keynote will be Dr.Samuel Museus from Indiana University. Join us and RSVP here!

Triton Day Volunteer Sign up

Triton Day is an exciting event for our campus, and the Community Receptions are an important part in welcoming students to UC San Diego. It takes the efforts of MANY to make the day happen.
This year Triton Day will be held on Saturday, April 8th.  The Community Receptions Volunteer Group will have breakfast starting at 9:15 at the LGBT RC and there will be opportunities to help out until 1:30 pm (lunch included!)

We need students and staff to help welcome potential students and families.  If you can volunteer, please click here to give us you contact information, t-shirt size, etc., and here to find out more about the specific volunteer opportunities as well as signing up for specific tasks.

Sign ups end Wednesday, April 5th!

The Office of Parent & Family Programs is NOW HIRING!

Become a Triton Community Programming Leader (TCPL) for the 2017-2018 academic year
  • Earn $11.85/hour and work up to 70 hours!
  • Help with big events like Family Weekend and Siblings Day and being a liaison between parents and our campus.
  • Develop leadership and teamwork skills in this unique position.
  • Our hours are flexible and fit with other jobs and class schedules.
  • Open to all current undergraduate students.