Ohio Deferred Compensation's employer-focused newsletter "In the Know" provides recipients with the latest news and developments in retirement saving.

Your Monthly News & Updates
The latest news and developments from Ohio  Deferred Compensation for April 2017.

The Q1 Focus Newsletter is Available Now

The latest edition of our Focus newsletter is available now. Each quarter we pull together the latest news and information from the savings and retirement industry and compile it in an easy to read and share format, so anyone interested can read it over. This month, we address upcoming investment changes, the fiduciary rule, and our new investment consultant. Read it here.
Ohio DC Featured in PlanSponsor Magazine
Ohio DC was recently recognized as a finalist for PlanSponsor magazine's Plan Sponsor of the Year Award. As part of that recognition, PlanSponsor interviewed Ohio DC staff for an article about what we do for our participants. If you would like to read it, you can find the full article here.
Deferred Compensation Terms

Diversification  Portfolio strategy designed to spread risk by allocating assets among a variety of investments, such as short-term investments, bonds and stocks.
Visit our participant website to learn other definitions. 

Share Deferred Compensation-related Articles with Your Employees 

Ohio DC can provide monthly articles on retirement issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month's article on the employer website is  Simplifying Investment Options.

Download articles on healthcare in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by  contacting us.

Message from the Executive Director: Keith Overly

It's Never Too Late to Start

We hear all the time from new participants that they wish they had known about Ohio DC earlier in their careers, if that's the case with any of your staff, it doesn't mean they can't get started as soon as they do. Thanks to compounding interest, the more time you allow for your retirement savings to build, the more you'll have at retirement. This can make for substantial savings for people who get started early, but it is also a benefit for people who start later.

If school debt or any of the other life events that come along happened to prevent you from getting started saving early, that's OK. Now that you know about the Program, you can get started. Don't let any more time squeak by. Take a look at our website at Ohio457.org or feel free to contact our staff at [email protected] to find out how we can help.

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