Calvary Chimes
Week of Sunday, March 12, 2017

Picture of the week 
Mardi Gras Pancakes!
Please help stock St. Andrew's  Pantry with instant and canned potatoes.

Images of Jesus: How we view Jesus and why it matters. The 2017 Lenten program continues on Wednesday, March 15 with presenter Rex Van Alstine, a former Orthodox priest, who will offer a presentation on "Jesus: Incarnate Lord," giving us a look at the Orthodox perspective of Jesus. The program begins with a Taize service at 6:00pm in the nave, dinner at 6:30 in Hannaford Hall, followed by the program. We will end around 8:00pm. Childcare will be provided.

Profile Gathering on March 19. The fourth of six Profile Gatherings, intended to give the Profile Committee and the congregation a sense of Calvary's identity, core values, mission and goals, will take place on Sunday, March 19 at 12:00 noon in Hannaford Hall. Lunch and childcare will be provided. At this meeting, Edy Dreith and Joanna will team up to help Calvary to develop a governing and ministry structure that is as unique as Calvary is, and that calls all persons to participation to whatever their interests and passions are, so that all members of Calvary will have ownership in their church. Please come to this important gathering as we roll up our sleeves and prepare Calvary for its next rector.

Confirmation Class begins on Sunday, March 12. This will be a four-week non-boring entertaining class on what you should know about the Episcopal Church and its ethos if you want to be confirmed or received (from another denomination) into the Episcopal Church. The first class will be on "Reading the Bible Through the Lens of Faith and Reason," held in Burton Room at 12:00 noon. Get your coffee hour refreshments and come into Burton Room to enjoy a fun session. You'll be surprised how much you know-and don't know!

Building Updates you should know: We have created procedures to schedule events more efficiently at Calvary for groups within (Vestry, Classes, Meetings etc.) and outside the church (i.e. Boy Scouts, Fusion, Dance groups etc.). A new Building Use Policy was developed - Review here. Going forward, if you want to schedule a church group event in the building, please complete a Building Scheduling Form (available here or in the church office). This will put your event on the Church Calendar and avoid your event being bumped by something else. It will also help the staff to determine what equipment, i.e. chairs, tables projectors etc. are needed so that your event or activity will run smoothly. Also note that a Building Use Form for outside groups (available here or from the church office) will be given to groups wanting to use the space. Outside groups may be accessed a fee for building usage.  The spaces available are defined on this map.

In addition: The spaces at the rear of the sanctuary and on the stage in Hannaford Hall should be kept clear of papers, booklets and advertising. This keeps our beautiful spaces, well beautiful! Thank you.

Commissioning of Vestry this Sunday. The Vestry will be commissioned this Sunday, March 12 at the 10:30 a.m. service during the announcement time. At the commissioning, the congregation will affirm its support for the ministry of this governing body, as it begins its new year since the election of new members at the Annual Meeting last January.

Commissioning of Eucharistic Vessels. We have received a beautiful set of Eucharistic vessels-a wooden chalice and paten-created by boys at the El Hogar School in Honduras. Thanks to Bob Smith for alerting us to the existence of these vessels, which both are gorgeous and will be a stunning reminder of our ministry at El Hogar and of the children and people who live there. The chalice and paten will be commissioned for holy use at the altar, at the 10:30am service this Sunday, March 12. 
In This Issue
Calvary Episcopal Church
3766 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220

Calvary Sunday Schedule
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist

9:30 am
Alternate Family Service with Communion

10:30 am
Holy Eucharist with Choir

10:15 am
Sunday School

9:00 - 11:30 am

8:30 - 12:00 pm
Calvary Café 
Fellowship & Coffee  
Ministry Quick Links
Transition/Interim Priest

Howard Helvey,
Organist and Choirmaster 
Director of Children and Family Ministry

Calvary Community 

Judy Gardner 
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From the Interim Rector

Plundering the Egyptians
"...And so they plundered the Egyptians." Exodus 12:36
            Just before the Israelites left Egypt, they asked the Egyptians for gold and silver jewelry, and the Egyptian people were kind enough to oblige. "...And so they plundered the Egyptians."
            I love this line, because it's a funky little detail in the Exodus story that does not get told, but it does explain the Golden Calf. The passage also gives me pause. Why were the Egyptians so willing to give up their stuff?
             I don't have gold or silver to be plundered, but I surely have an abundance of stuff. I have been keenly aware of my stuff since Ash Wednesday, when I confessed in the Litany of Penitence to "an intemperate love of worldly goods and comforts."
            My new vintage teacup came in the mail today, adding to my collection. The collection began just a few months ago when I started purchasing Victorian-style teacup for my sister, who declared a passion for English-style teatime. That was nice. But then, I got carried away and bought a whole bunch more for myself.
            I can't justify the indulgence of owning thirty teacups when I live alone and don't even drink English tea. I drink Chinese tea. I toss a pinch of loose tea leaves into a mug and pour boiling water into it. If any leaves float to the top like dead fish, I scoop them out with a spoon.
           My pile of dainty teacups is too obviously the result of my rampant consumerism. I'm a little embarrassed by this visible testament to my self-indulgence, so I've hidden them. I don't see a collection; I see an accumulation.  When I see a pretty teacup, I buy it, and put it away. And besides, I've run out of room to display all my ornaments. "You have reached a saturation point," says my son, a tad accusingly.
            Maybe the Egyptian people also had a saturated supply of stuff, especially of gold and silver. And maybe they realized that their accumulated wealth had come as a result of slave labor. And then maybe they decided that, when the slaves were now free to leave Egypt, the Egyptian people might be obligated to help them on their way, making up for all those years of exploitation. So when the Israelites plundered the Egyptians-nicely, I hear-they did the Egyptians a favor by helping them to give up stuff that was, in truth, a burden to them.
            As we move on in Lent, looking forward to the Holy Week that recalls how Christ lived and then died for us, it's good discipline to take a look at how we live, and whether we live more like ancient Egyptians with "our self-indulgent appetites and ways" (another confession from the Litany of Penitence), or whether through the transformative sacrifice of Jesus Christ we have been liberated from enslavement to our love of "stuff."
This Lent, it's time for me to plunder my inner Egyptian.  


Joanna's cell phone number is available for members' pastoral emergencies. If you are being hospitalized, are having surgery, have a death in the family, are experiencing a personal crisis, or have been arrested, please call Joanna at 859.803.0665. 


Tender Mercies  March 26, 4:00 p.m.

Music News
 -  Howard Helvey  

Cincinnati Boychoir

How beautiful to have had the Resident Choir of the Cincinnati Boychoir with us last Friday for a special concert. We were so grateful for the gift of their music shared with us! Many thanks to directors KellyAnn Nelson and Chris Wheeler, and to pianist Shiloh Roby.




With any questions regarding the Choir and/or the Choral Scholar program, please contact the organist/choirmaster, Howard Helvey: or 513-476-3261

Sunday School and Family News

Sunday School


This past week we we started our Faces of Easter series.  We take a look at various points in Jesus life as we prepare for Easter.  This week we heard about Jesus' birth and Jesus staying behind in the temple.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Family News

Our next event is game night on March 17th! 
You can pick up a paper copy of this flyer are available in Hannaford Hall or click here to download or print a copy.

Please RSVP to Sally!

Family Worship Service

Thank you for all of your input on the 9:30 service.  We will provide more opportunities to share your ideas in the upcoming weeks.

We are looking for volunteers in a couple of areas to help enhance the Family Worship Service.
  • If you are able, please sign up for a Sunday coffee hour.  The snacks you all provide for after the service are a welcome addition to our fellowship time.  A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen.
  • We will start having a worship helper to welcome people as they come in. To volunteer for a week or for more information please contact Kelsey at (614)787-1720 or
We have recently begun to start the 9:30 service promptly in order to allow the Sunday School children their full time in class between services.  Thank you for your help. 

Please come and talk to any of the worship team members if you have any ideas for our community or would like to join the team.

Current Team Members:
Kelsey Logan
Joanna Leiserson
Helene Ault
JJ Engelbert
Sally Engelbert
Helen Jones
Janet Keller


"If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday." Isaiah 58:10 

Where do you find GOD?
How do you SERVE?
What brings you LIFE?

What do all these questions have in common?

We want your voice to be heard.
Send a message to our Facebook page about what you would like to see in Calvary's Young Adult Group or contact Edy Dreith

Like us on Facebook

O  God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
If you would like to add someone to the Prayer List please contact the Parish Office
Prayers for strength, healing, and other requests for prayer from parish members and friends of the ­larger community:
Lydia Karlo, Brandon Davis, Paul McCauley, Marilyn Fietz, Ingrid Grupp, Carol Ann Edmonds, George Ann Wesner, Kate French, Eve Rowe, Jeanne Leo, Kitty Clark, Charles Parsons, Reed Coen, Sharon Grayton, Miriam McKenney and Maurine Sierveld.


See you at Church!



Calvary Episcopal Church
Calvary Church