Ascension Isn't for Sissies!   
The Light Center Newsletter     Sedona, Arizona     December 2017

Merry CHRIST-mas and Happy HOLY-days!  
To celebrate the holidays this year and help anyone who is also experiencing the "challenges and opportunities" of the Ascension Process, we decided to share as much helpful information as possible in this issue. The newsletter includes several articles on Ascension and Enlightenment from Dr. Rick Cohen and me and a few of our dear friends at Golden Age of Gaia, The Tree of Golden Light, Russ Michael.

In addition we are offering select publications from The Light Center on a "Conscious Energy Exchange" voluntary donation basis. We are also providing helpful resources for stress solutions from HeartMath, free Love Master and Peace Master courses from The Love Center, and resources for Solving Life's Ultimate Success Puzzles from the University for Successful Living. 
We hope you appreciate these gifts as much as we do in this special edition of our newsletter to share insights and helpful resources for surviving and even thriving though the Ascension Process.  We are also developing a web site to continue gathering and sharing helpful resources will be at 
Please do read on and share your Ascension Stories and helpful resources with us! 

    Genii Townsend 
Crying for Happy, Imagine That!
Genii's Visit to the Embassy of Peace Headquarters 12-14-2017 
Genii: "Good morning, may I enter the City Embassy this morning?"
Ooo-Lon: "Look around you ... you are already here! Merry Christmas!"
G:   And I opened my eyes and sure enough here I am with Ooo-lon and an auditorium of space friends, laughing ... I think. All of them from far away places with strange sounding names. Here I am again standing on the embassy stage of this enormous, exquisite building with my City Teacher Ooo-lon. If I am lucky I get a electric hug. Anyway, I wave at them a Merry Christmas or whatever! Ooo-lon and I take our usual seats as I wish him a Merry Christmas ... AAHHH!
O: "This is a merry day in every way as I have a surprise for you. Look towards your stage left."
From left, coming out on stage, is a light of such brightness that I squinted but recognized, as I had met this light image before ... THE CHRIST HIMSELF! What an honor for me to just try to stand here and not cry for happy ... but I did cry for happy anyway ... as the audience stood and applauded.
C: "YES ... what can I do for you?" as he surrounded me in this Light of Love so strong that I thought I was going to faint. "You are OK my dear one of magic possibilities ... like this City we are all occupying at this moment.
G: "WOW SIR! ... YOU JUST MADE MY CHRISTMAS!" Help me sit down. I cannot see the chair for the tears."
Suddenly I am surrounded by his light and could see a sort of human form. He seemed to smile.
"Thank you," I mumbled with tears of such love cascading down my face that I have not known before. I must be really impressed!
C: "We have met before, and due to the City love you carry, I wanted to let you know personally that everything is being done to bring this Holy City to you and the millions who are also waiting as well. Each part that makes this City heal you humans has to be perfect. From far off in the universe comes the advanced technology that indeed will do just that, and all must be perfectly in order. No mistakes here ... for healing the human parts beginning with the mental as has been recorded in the Dr. Bill Townsend's book on human thinking.
"So enjoy each day and keep my love, and we shall speak again soon as your favorite wording ... 'I told you So!' comes into play as truth." 
As I opened my mouth to say, "Thank You" ... my home phone next to me rang and my inner picture went blank! And so it is for this report.

Your "FOREVER Jedi" Genii
Almost There!
Inner Guidance for Genii December 19, 2017
Genii: "Almost there ... Almost where?"
Answer: "Ah! ... it would be happy news you are interested in, like perhaps THE #1 CITY OF LIGHT?"
G: "Well that would be a great Christmas gift to all of us patiently waiting for Santa or the Christ in our holiday wishes."
A: "Have you just a few days ago walked on the same City location and felt the energies have risen since the last time you visited this property, and have  that repeated by those with you? Dear one, that is progress !!! Your very clear Inner Vision and Guide's Higher Knowing has given you the insight that all is now, and that progress continues to be one of your blessings along with others you speak of that are what ...?
G: "Oh my! yes ... let's see. Am I blessed? ... Oh yes!
A. "Name some of them please!"
G: "Even though this sacred City location looks normal, with only a few "holy cows" keeping the weeds cut, the sensing is very high even to tears of joy, and a sensing of thickness here and there of perhaps a building or two. Indeed, SOMETHING'S COMING! AND IS HERE NOW!  My teachers tell me to say NOW! NOW! NOW! So I do and advise my light links (4 keys to Light) students ... TO DO THE SAME, PLUS, I am bringing forth their Personal CITY GUIDES NOW!" Charles is a great partner, and publisher. Diana helps keep me going "four word", Doc Rick guides me physically and mentally and Renee helps me in many ways! 
  A:  "So all is well and on schedule as far as God is concerned.  Peace, lady light. I see you need to leave our conversation, so you are excused for this time. We are here when needed. Happy day."

1 Minute Video of Walter Trachsel who visited the location of the City of Light Sedona introduced in Genii Townsend's books, The City of Light Sedona and SOMETHING'S COMING! Universal Cities of Light, Love and Healing!
December 17, 2017 visit with Genii and Charles to the property 
Walter Trachsel at the site for the City of Light Sedona 
Walter at the site for the City of Light Sedona
Ascension Isn't For Sissies! Part 1
I first heard the expression NOT FOR SISSIES used when a neighbor of mine was referring to getting older and all the health challenges that he was currently facing. He got real serious and said to me, GETTING OLDER IS NOT FOR SISSIES!! As many of us have been experiencing first hand the emotional, mental and physical ROLLER COASTER of the ASCENSION PROCESS this phrase once again came into mind and I thought WOW!!  ASCENSION IS NOT FOR SISSIES EITHER!!!

This process we have been going through changes from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute and even second to second. Think about some of the mood swings you have experienced recently. How about new aches and pains that come and go sometimes NOT quickly enough. How about some of the interesting thoughts, ideas and feelings we have been experiencing lately. Some of these are painful and bring up anger, fear, sadness, feelings of being lost and the next breath we feel totally in oneness. What exactly is going on here? The new vibrational onslaught on our 4 lower bodies (the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric) is literally forcing up and hopefully out a lot of our past and present negative human experiences. 

Can these be traumatic? Painful? Un-nerving? Forcing us into feelings of not being worthy and out of balance? ABSOLUTELY !!!  Thus we have to stand up, be strong and resilient as we are being swept clean of our past and present 3rd dimensional choices and experiences. Is this an easy process? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! After all nobody said this was going to be easy. At least we know once we have completed this Ascension Process it will never have to be experienced again. Just remember as your ROLLER COASTER ride continues to throw you all around, up and down, that ASCENSION IS NOT FOR SISSIES !!!!!!  After all you are a lot TOUGHER than you think you are, or you would not have signed up for this in this lifetime. All you have to do is HANG ON!!  For it appears this ride is almost over and then we have to get busy doing GOD' S WORK. My hat's off to all the Courageous LIGHTWORKERS who are going through this.
GOD BLESS US ALL !!!!!!!!!

Ascension Isn't For Sissies! Part 2
I have been asked to talk more about Ascension, and what it means for a lot of us going through this physical process. I had written a small article in the last newsletter about how "Ascension is not for Sissies." Since I wrote that article, I have really been going through it myself ... major detoxing, cleansing, sinuses, and you name it. It's interesting, you know. Each one of us carries our emotional baggage in different parts of our body. Some in the sinuses, some in the stomach, some in the throat, some in the lower back. Some in the joints with arthritis. Whatever it is right now, because of the magnificent energy that we are being flooded with right now ... all of our "stuff " is coming up right now, and it is Toxic. IT really is.

So, what I am going to suggest; what my teachers have suggested to me is, when you are going through this process, like a lot of us are right now, drink a lot of water. I mean a LOT of water, because it will help to flush these toxins out of our system, and help the process speed along more readily.

And the other thing ... a lot of us are having a lot of pain right now ... Disorientation ... you name it. If you need to rest ... Rest. When you are tired, rest. When you are hungry, eat. And just try to allow this process to continue because if you fight the process, you are just making it harder on yourself.

And we all have blockages in our physical form, and in our energy fields and things like that, so just try to allow this to happen, and when things come up for you, you don't even need to know what it is, but if it is upsetting to you, just ask for help from your teachers. Just release it and let it go. And those of you that live near an ocean, what an advantage, because salt water has a way of neutralizing those negative energies. So, if you live by an ocean, by all means go jump in every day if you can. If you can't, go to your supermarket, get a large container of Morton Salt, and add it to your bath water. Take a hot bath. Make sure the water goes up above your throat and just lie in there for 30 minutes. That will help a lot. That's what I do.

Another thing that I do is every morning when I wake up, I start my day with a glass of warm water with some fresh lemon in it. That will also help the detox process start. And again, if you have people that you know that you can go to for some energy work like acupuncture, chiropractor manipulation, massage therapy ... anything that you can access right now that can help unblock some of the things in your body, because imagine this energy is coming through us tremendously, and the lease amount of blockages you have, it can come through much faster, and flush the system out much faster.
Genii and I talk a lot, and she will tell me some symptom she has, and I will say I just had that, and we go back and forth with it. One purpose of this message is to let you know you are not alone. We are all going through something right now. So just continue to keep going, and drink lots of water, and know that we are getting ready to cross that finish line.

Dr. Rick Cohen

Caring for Yourself is Essential During Ascension!


Dr Rick Cohen Love Yourself As We Ascend 
Dr Rick Cohen Love Yourself As We Ascend
Transcript of YouTube video with Dr. Rick Cohen 11-16-2016  

I've been asked to share again some of my experiences since were still on our Ascension path, our journeys. I was up in Sedona for a visit last November and I was in Genii's kitchen. I had one of those meltdowns and it's been a long time since I had one. All of a sudden this sense of sadness overcame me and I started to emotionally release and cry. This was the worst, most intense experience I've had in a very long time. Charles and Genii both, they were so calm and so loving. They made me a cup of tea. They just let me sit there and talk and get through it. Sure enough, all things will pass and that this feeling did pass.I'll tell you what. When you're going through it, it feels like you're dying. It just feels so traumatic.
I'm sharing this with you because if you're experiencing some of these things, it'll pass too. You know what? The truth is, part of us does die when we go through that but it's not the good part of us. It's not the God part of us. It's the human ego nonsense that had to be released. For me, it was some emotional scabs that I still had in my heart that I needed to be released and it was released. Afterwards it was tremendous. Those of you, the emotional rollercoaster ride that we're on because this wave of energy hit me so fast, I didn't have time to put my seat belt on so I'm on this rollercoaster and I'm rocking back and forth holding on with all my might. I have to tell you. When this experience was over, I was physically drained of energy. I couldn't even do a video.  
My word to everybody today is don't give up. You are not alone and if you're going through some of these up and down emotional changes, that's part of what's going on with us right now. If you have someone around you that can support you, it makes it easier. Just think about this for a minute. They're restraining our DNA. They're widening our spinal column. They're working on our nervous system. No pain in any of those, huh? Absolutely. Again, drink a lot of water. Drink a ton of water. It'll help detox the body as you're going through these things.
I want to share a short visualization with you because when you go through these emotional things, you feel totally loveless. You feel totally empty. It's just a terrible feeling but it doesn't last long. If you don't have someone in your life right now or someone with you that can help that you through this or hug you through this, this is a short visualization that you can try and see if it doesn't help you.  
What you can do is you can close your eyes and you can take a few short breaths and just fill your heart up with light. Then you can visualization the ascending master of your choice, whoever you feel strongly connected to. Just close your eyes and visualize them standing right in front of you. Just visualize a beam of pink light coming from the heart of that ascended master going right into your heart. As you feel that amazing pink loving light coming from this master teacher to your heart, feel your heart expanding like a balloon filling with air and just feel it going wider and getting bigger and bigger. Just keep inhaling. Keep inhaling this magnificent, magnificent, loving energy. All you have to do is smile when you're doing this and just accept this energy.
As your heart becomes full to overflowing, just visualize that pink loving light going up through the throat, up to the top of your head, bathing every brain cell in your head. Then also watch that pink light going down through your heart, down through your stomach, through your legs, so basically your whole body is bathed in this magnificent pink loving light from your ascended master teacher. Just bathe in that light and enjoy it. Just keep absorbing that energy. If you know somebody in your life that's going through a hard time, this is a great way to share this blessing with them. All you do is, as that light is coming into your heart, you can deflect it to whoever you know that may need some help. They will absolutely receive this heart love blessing from you. They don't even have to consciously know it but they will actually receive it.  
That's a trick you can try if you need some help. Just know that we are close. We are so close. I haven't been up in here since June. That's about five months ago. Well, Genii, Diane, and myself, we went to the property a couple days ago. I am here to tell you the intensity, the energy, and the property is at least 10 times stronger than it was when I was here in June. You can feel it. I mean I felt like my head was going to implode that energy was so intense. We're close. The finish line is in sight. Do not give up and know that you're not alone. We're all going through this.  
 If you have access to any type of healing modalities, acupuncture, energy healing, chiropractor, massage therapy, any type of therapy right now, whatever you need to get through this, just do it. You know what the secret to all of this is? Be kind to yourself because when you're going through these emotional things, we have a tendency to want to beat ourselves up. Don't do it. We are all magnificent beings and God's in this body. That's who we are. If the ego is having a little tantrum, that's okay. Let it out. You don't have to hold on to it.  I just wanted to share that message with you today and know that we are so close. I hope this encourages you and gives you something positive to think about. I want to end on a very serious note. This is from my heart to all of you. I send you all pure love and light that we all get to the finish line as rapidly as possible, as peacefully as possible, that we all may go forward and bring these Cities of Light through and complete our mission on planet Earth to raise and help everybody.  
I recently read a current channeling of Jesus, and he said if you are feeling exhausted and empty, then that is PERFECT! That is because it means we are all now ready to be filled up with all The New Energies and Information needed to move forward To our ASCENSION ( I have paraphrased this) Reading that certainly made me feel better, even though I am Still exhausted and feeling empty some days.

The other thing I have realized going through this interesting Evolutionary Experience is, when we RELEASE all Human ILLUSION you know what happens?  We then become DIS-ILLUSIONED !!!!!! And how many of us have been feeling that way lately. To all who may read this, please do not lose your Sense of Humor during this process, I certainly won't as some-times that Is the only thing that gets me through. I am certain the Finish Line is close, so strap on your shoes and stay in the race, (and don't forget to drink a lot of water as this will help your body with the releasing process).  
Sending Love, Light and a Good Sense of Humor.
Dr. Rick Cohen
Genii On Ascension and the City of Light Sedona
Genii Townsend Speaks On Ascension and the City of Light Sedona 
Genii Townsend On Ascension and the City of Light Sedona
  Transcript of YouTube video with Genii Townsend 11-18-2016 
I don't know about you but this lady has been going through an ascension thing. I didn't even know what that was until I talked to my Dr. Rick Cohen and he's been explaining it all to me. The only thing I knew was that my teachers say, "You're going into illumination." Well, what does that mean? Am I going to light up? I won't have to pay the electric bill? No, not quite. But boys and girls, I have found out. And if you're a girl and you've been going through strange things, you are probably like everybody else and in what's called ascension. I couldn't even spell it till Renee showed me how to do that.
You know what? We are elevating. I guess we've done enough on this planet to be able to be elevated without an elevator, of course. And I thought, "Well, if we're being elevated, if we're going up in consciousness, what the heck? And it's supposed to be real good. How come I feel so crappy?" One day it's really great and the next day you're down in the dumps. So if any of you ladies in the audience who are watching this and you have been feeling really rocky, as Doc Rick says, "Ascension is not for sissies." There are a few times I've been sissies.  
I'll give you some "ifs." If you're crying and you don't know why you're crying, whether it's good or bad or whatever, you're ascending. My teachers tell me, "Genii," when I tried to explain this, "it's like you're in an elevator going to the top floor and you have no time to get off and shop." Boy, that's the truth. So if you have a day that's not, you girls, are not feeling so hot and you just feel strange ... you don't know if you're in this world or another world ... you're not going crazy. You're in the elevator going up, as my teachers would say. And that's what I've been doing since the last time I talked to you.  
Am I still sitting on chairs? Oh yes. But I also know and have been with the City of Light. And if this is what we're doing all this ascension for, it's worth every miserable moment if you had those because the misery is going to move and you're going to feel really good.
Now I'm not a doctor. I can only tell you what I'm going through. But this whole thing, we're not sissies at all. Us women, we're Jedi's. To be a Jedi, which I'm now called, means love. Jedi just means love. And if you've got someone to love, you're doing good. If you've got animals like my little light puppy, that's pure love. Pure love.
Girls, it's like putting on a new dress. We're trying to get it to fit. So don't give up. Stay with your dreams because say you've got a dream you've given up. "Oh, it's too much for me." Something good might not happen if you give up your dreams. Stay with them. Rub the magic lamp. Get your wishes granted. It's not as hard as you think.  
I offer a class called 'How to Grant Your Own Wish.' We grant our own wishes. So, that session I do periodically to get us all going. I can't say I know for sure what the guys are doing since I'm not one. But don't give up. I think that's my message. No matter what is happening, which is I think I've done it all the last few months. But I had, oh, it's so good. You'll be so glad you stayed with this whole program and I look forward to meeting you one day. And we maybe have our feet off the ground but that's okay. You're all loved, you're all beautiful and handsome. And it's my delight and pleasure to have been able to talk about the City.  
If you don't know what's happening get in my 'Four Keys to Light' and I'll tell you. And if that doesn't do it, we must be from another planet. And who knows, maybe we get to go to another planet. And maybe they'll have a city over there. Well, I don't know about on another planet but I do know that there's going to be 13 total around this planet.
We get here in Sedona, we get the first one. And when that's all tested out Australia comes in next and gets the second one.  Mike Quinsey gets the third one in the United Kingdom. And if you haven't talked to Mike lately he is a doll. He's just the best. And so is Stephen Cook over in Australia. And different countries around the planet will have exactly what this first one carries. And you're going to get healed ready or not. And that's about the best thing any of us can hear. No matter what is the matter with you, what is not working right, you'll be able to get it fixed in the City of Light and Love.
A lot of people all over the world, especially ME, are asking "What's happening with the City now on the property?  When is this City going to appear?  Well,  first it's now on ground. It's not floating up in the sky. And in my visions of the City, I felt the outside of the buildings in three dimension was coated with crystals, shards. Little crystal shards. That's what makes it a crystal city because it sparkles and we who are tuned in know how good that is. And it looks like a crystal city. And it is because it's healing.
So, this is a great time in our life. Don't give up your dreams. Don't give up your wishes. And you can grant your own wishes, you know. I'm getting one granted now because I can talk to you. And I look forward to meeting you some place, somewhere. Just rub the magic lamp. And don't be surprised if a Genii appears granting your wish because that's what she does best in showing you how to do your own. So hang in there with it.  
Just know you are loved. You are so loved. And the energy coming from God is here to show us just exactly what it is to have a great life because you're going to do it real good. And that is my wish for you. Those that who need healing in any area ... mental, emotional, physical ... will be healed. And I'm going to show you just how it's done. So join me again and we'll set a course and we'll be off and running to whatever is next. And if you're over 88, hey, you're going back to eight. It's okay. There's no age in this. There is no age. At least I don't feel any age. Who cares? And I look forward to our next meeting be it on TV, be it in person. And no matter where you live on this planet, there willl be a City of Light just waiting for you to enter and become part of a brand new planet. I love you all. Before I cry again ... I cry all the time for happy things because there isn't anything unhappy around here. And you're beautiful, each one of you and I take you to heart. My heart is attached to yours. And let's talk again soon.  If you have questions, send them to me. We'll see what we can do with them.   Bye. Ciao, baby.

Keep the Faith!
Message from Dr. Rick Cohen December 14, 2017
Hello, Dr. Rick Cohen here. I am back up in Sedona today for a visit, and wanted to share what I have been feeling as my own ascension  process continues. As someone who recently did a Firewalk, I can tell you we are all walking through the fire purification of our own ascension. Firewalking for me, is always about faith, just as the ascension process is. We must continue to strengthen our faith no matter what 3rd dimensional obstacles and challenges are thrown in our way.  
I have shared with The Light Center subscribers before that "Ascension is not for sissies?"  Well guess what! It's Not! Time continues to speed by in an unprecedented manner, and many of us including myself, feel at times overwhelmed and totally exhausted. It is times like these that we have to focus, look within, and ask for guidance, help, inner peace and energy to keep moving forward. Being of service to others less fortunate, is a very powerful way for me to re-energize and once again feel blessed for knowing and feeling these "Ascension Energies." Sometimes we forget how blessed we are as lightworkers to be in a position to anchor these new powerful energies, not to mention the future "Cities of Light." 
We are here because we volunteered our services and our souls to help bring in the higher vibrations and healing. Be kind to yourselves. Be kind to others and know that you have the full support of the Company of Heaven, and our Universal Supreme Father/Mother God. It doesn't get any better than that.  
Peace, Love and Happy Holidays,
Dr. Rick
Sharing Other Helpful Resources
Golden Age of Gaia is one of, if not THE best resource for information on Ascension and Enlightenment
Here are links to 3 related articles:

The Divine Mother Explains Ascension
Michael Quinsey's Higher Self Messages
From The Tree of Golden Light  
October 28, 2016 reference to City of Light Sedona  
"Somewhere within each soul is the appreciation of beauty, but many have allowed themselves to drop down in vibrations and focused on that which is undesirable. You will see the higher expressions when the first City of Light manifests very soon in Sedona, USA. It is there out of sight except to those who are of the higher vibrations and simply awaits the right time to fully manifest on Earth. It is a golden City of Healing Centres and will be open to those who need help and healing. Some of you will already be aware of their existence and have read Genii Townsend's books about them. The Cities are just one of the wonderful sights that you will see once the New Age can fully come into being."   
To read Michael's complete message that references Cities of Light and also subscribe to receive them through The Tree of the Golden Light Click Here
Examples of Michael's Messages on Ascension and Enlightenment
December 22, 2017 Message from Mike Quinsey.

I thought it would be nice to finish up the year with a message of my own. I feel it is vitally important that a soul who knows it is well on the path to becoming ready for Ascension, should be aware of some of the changes that are now in place, or are expected in the near future.   After 21.12.2012 most people felt let down by an apparent non-event when something big was well publicised to happen, that brought about high expectations of a likely Earth shattering event. To my knowledge most people expected to either feel, or become aware of some notable change, but were disappointed not to at least feel that something had actually taken place. What they didn't know was that they were at the crossroads, and depending on whether the Light vibrations were strong enough would determine whether or not Humanity was destined or not to stay on their existing path. If they were it was one where they were likely to be doomed to annihilation and even the destruction of Earth. However much against expectations there was the ½ of 1% that was needed for there to be peace on Earth, and it was achieved by the people themselves. Projections of the future indicated that the alternative path of higher vibrations would lead directly to Ascension, and the same new energy has seeded the Middle East for peace amongst its people. So well done to those of you who have been steadfast and determined to successfully raise your vibrations, and have been able to do so.

The question that immediately arises is why the various sources of Light did not explain exactly what was important about the end of the cycle, and was likely to happen. Although some sources expected Armageddon in accordance with the old prophecies, others felt some form of upliftment would take place and even Ascension occur. The answer would seem to be that we alone had to create our own path, without any influence or help from outside sources. It means that with little guidance but not direct help, Humanity achieved at its fifth attempt what it had failed to do in its earlier Solar Cycles. Now that we have crossed the 2012 marker we must create our path without any attachment whatsoever to the old energies that are no longer relevant. We have entered an entirely new period that will carry the Beings of Light onward and forward to eventual completion as Galactic Beings.
Through Kryon of the Magnetic Service we have since learned that the new cycle has no links with the old energies and that we should leave them behind, and fully concentrate on using the new energies to create our path to Ascension. The expectations from various sources suggest that there is a spread of 8 to 16 years for it to happen, so in any event it will take place in most of our lifetimes. Bear in mind that there is a lot to be done to prepare Mankind for Ascension. A Star Akash was brought to this system, and the new template looks for God and for peace. You will become the new Humans of this planet. Many inventions are waiting to be released that will totally change your way of life, and the planet is fast tracking to clean itself up. Clean seas, no pollution either on or off land, abundance in nature, being self-sufficient, most likely free energy, and the enjoyment of being able to travel freely anywhere in the world. Whenever the changes begin to take place they are clearly not far away, and with the speeding up of time they will seem to arrive and pass very quickly.              
Some souls ask how they would know if they are ready to take the path to Ascension and be successful. It is of course in their own hands and having come this far there is no reason why they should not be able to go all the way. It is a matter of keeping focussed upon your goal, and not being side tracked by any other happenings. A simple answer that has been mentioned in earlier messages is to live your life, as one who has found the ability to treat all life forms with Universal Love. It is probably something that is difficult to live up to, but as in all things you can only try your best at all times and in doing so you are almost assured of being successful. Bear in mind that once having committed yourself to following the path all the way through to Ascension, you alert your Guides who are then able to assist and help you on your path. Be assured that many wish you to be successful and no one wants you to fail, and with determination you are guaranteed to succeed.

It is obvious that you still have quite a long way to go, but as the vibrations lift up, the negative vibrations are losing their power to influence you and distract you from your path. Eventually the vibrations will be so high they will have no power at all to interfere with your progress. In fact they will have been unable to continue staying in them and will find themselves on a different time line suited to their level of activity. So it is just a matter of time before some major changes take place that will benefit all those of the Light and Love.
Innate (higher level of accumulative consciousness) is a part of the human consciousness, an invisible force responsible for your Smart Body Innate and keeps you alive. It communicates all of the time and knows what you want to do. It is truly esoteric central control and communicates all of the time. It is the prime directive to allow an awakening to take place, for spiritual survival and spiritual awareness. Innate is smart and intelligent and controls information in your stem cells. No one organ is responsible for Innate, it is body wise. It responds to Acupuncture. In future you will most likely learn more about the importance of Innate, it is normally programmed for Spiritual Self and survival and has to be de-programmed where death is concerned. Your system requires "death" - short lifetimes, but you have now passed the marker and it is time for you to re-calibrate your Innate. You can stop the aging process by telling your Innate you do not have to die. So de-program the instruction set for Innate, and talk to it as you would a friend at regular times. Innate will do what you tell it, if it sees that it is with spiritual logic. Innate knows all about your past lives. You will have to re-program Innate now that the old paradigm has finished, so drop your karma. There is no reason now why you should not go all the way to Ascension without the need for re-birth. Innate is in control of your biology and knows all about your past lives. It is the governor of what you need, and is connected to the Higher Self and also the Akashic Records.

Much of what I have quoted is from Kryon's messages, and I am most appreciative of the opportunity to pass this information on to you. You can certainly gain more information on these subjects from the many video messages on the Internet, and I can list some of them for your information if you require. I wish you all a great New Year and much happiness, and special thanks to our great team of Light workers who tirelessly circulate the messages. -- In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.  
Please Visit   The Love Center for Wonderful Publications and Free Resources including The Love Quiz, Free Love Master Course and Free Peace Master Course!
Resources from HeartMath® Including Solutions for Stress    

Solution for Stress,  Solution for Anxiety, Solution for Overwhelm, Solution for Burnout and Fatigue, Solution for Sleeplessness, Solution for Energy, Solution for Job Stress.

Take the Free Stress & Well-Being Survey!  Click Here to Learn More 
HeartMath Institute's long years of scientific research and clinical trials have helped improve thousands of people's lives worldwide. Whether you, a friend or loved one is seeking help for job stress, anxiety, fatigue, sleeplessness or another stressful condition, you will find proven, easy-to-use and free solutions here. Each page describes a major stressor, scientific research on its underlying causes and triggers, and a HeartMath Tip with a tool for immediate and ongoing relief. Included on some pages are a tool's benefits and what people are saying about their experiences with HeartMath resources. Be sure to look for the recommendation on each of the Major Stressors pages for resources such as e-books and technology for additional relief.  
Visit  the non-profit University for Successful Living for publications, programs and membership services for applying Successful Living Skills in every area of life!
Featured Publications from The Light Center

 Click Here for Details and to Order  the paperback edition and special offers!
Click Here for Details and Advance Orders of the combo PDF and paperback editions
PDF Editions Available for a Voluntary Donation
As members of non-profit management team for The Light Center have been celebrating Thanksgiving, we decided to offer several advance PDF editions of our publications on a "Conscious Energy Exchange" Voluntary Donation basis. We invite you to take advantage of this limited time offer. You may access any or all of these publications and then you may choose if you find them valuable enough to make a donation and in whatever amount you are inspired to donate.  Because we are very interested in your feedback which will help us further refine these "works in progress" we are preparing to publish in conjunction with the new Collaborative Publishing Network, we invite you to share your comments Please and Thank You!

Genii Townsend has been sharing the Sacred Teachings in The 4 Keys to Light classes for a couple of decades. Now The Light Center is preparing to publish the essence of the class in both print and digital formats. Because the discovery of an individual's personal Guides is accessed by Genii in advance of the class the publication will only be able to explain the process.

Readers will be able to request their Guides separately either in advance or after reading the book if they want that personal information. The same is true for the Light Linkage process which will be available upon individual requests after someone reads the book. The initial version of the Advance PDF may have some of the language directly from the class and is very valuable either way. We INvite YOU to INjoy The 4 Keys to Light!
CLICK HERE for your Advance PDF

In this exciting 444 page sequel to The City of Light Sedona that has been sold in 18 countries, Genii Townsend shares updated information she has received as a trans-audio medium through over 135 visits she has made to the Embassy of Peace Headquarters within the City of Light. The book also describes the prophecies, plans and purpose for a City of Light in Sedona, Arizona that will serve as a prototype for 13 more around the globe. Included are: diagrams and descriptions of advanced "Light Healing Technologies"; discussion of the need for spiritual awakening and enlightenment on earth; descriptions of the healing features of the Universal Cities of Light; and Sedona's past and future "ultimate destiny" as a prototype City of Light.

CLICK HERE for your Advance PDF
The Kindle edition of SOMETHING'S COMING! will be available for free on December 27-29 and again on January 11 and 12 as a gift from Genii!

It is a history of your journey through this world of Creation. From the moment of your conception as a perfect idea of God, your Genesis into a 3-dimensional world of cause and effect, your body tells your story. It is your Bible of your own personal journey here on Earth. The thoughts of your parents about you from before you were born, and EVERY THOUGHT AND BELIEF OF YOUR OWN MIND have either ensubstanced your physical, mental and emotional body with vibrant health, or they have torn it down giving you the experience of dis-ease in some parts or many parts of it. The information in this book, based on decades of healing practice, includes conditions, causes and corrective affirmations. YOUR BODY BIBLE, is offered to you in Light and Truth. Through the discipline of Mind Science, let it help YOU to claim and experience vital health, happiness and prosperity in and every NOW moment of your life!--  Rev. Dr. William Townsend
 CLICK HERE for your Advance 200 page PDF of YOUR BODY BIBLE!
Welcome to the Wonder-filled World of Geniiland where YOU discover how to Grant Your Own Wishes, Imagine That!

Inside these 80+ pages, you will also meet Master Who-No, a fun teacher of magical adventures who helped Genii learn that by believing in herself, she could become the Master of her Ultimate Destiny. Genii shares several exercises and Four Questions to ask yourself when you wish for anything: WHAT do you really want or wish for? WHY do you want it? HOW will your life change when you have it? Are you still SURE you want it?  If the answer to all 4 questions is YES, then you are ready to apply your Creative Power and Grant Your Wishes!

CLICK HERE for your Advance PDF

Goddesses of Inner Light!
The Light Center is preparing to create and share an interactive online series of classes with Genii Townsend on the Goddesses of Inner Light. That will be offered on a voluntary Conscious Energy Exchange donation basis. Each session is about 10 minutes and includes for each Goddesses, her name, tone, color, message and an affirmation for you to use as you fully embody the Goddess.
If you would like to learn more, please send a message with the word GODDESSES as the Subject to [email protected].
You are welcome to wait and make a donation AFTER you have downloaded any or all of the publications. The PDFs and follow up email messages will have the link to make a voluntary donation to The Light Center. Or you may go ahead and make a donation now when you CLICK HERE. Thank you!  
The Fire-Walking Foot Doctor by Dr. Rick Cohen

The Fire-Walking Foot Doctor: One Man's Spiritual Journey by Dr. Rick F Cohen
Dr. Rick Cohen is far more than a Fire-walking Foot Doctor! He is one of the most amazingly gifted healing practitioners and spiritual teachers we have ever been blessed to know.   
CLICK HERE to buy a print and or digital copy and check out all the 5 Star Reviews for The Fire-Walking Foot Doctor 
Check out Rick's new short YouTube video
answering questions about fire-walking. CLICK HERE for that   
The Kindle edition of The Fire-Walking Foot Doctor will be available for free on December 27-29 and again on January 11 and 12. Enjoy the Journey!

Free Spiritual & Self-Help Ebooks from Russ Michael
Free eBooks for your enlightenment from Russ Michael, author of Finding Your Soulmate!  Our Forever Friend Russ Michael is happy to share the gift of more than 30 spiritual and self-help books he has published. Anyone, anywhere is always welcome to download any or all of these treasures at  
Russ has dedicated decades of his life to the service of others and he  continues to offer his eBooks for free to any and all who want to read and distribute them. His daily newsletter is read by thousands around the world. You can subscribe to Russ's daily FREE newsletter list by sending an email to [email protected] with word "subscribe" in the subject line. Bless us all. WE are ONE  in our ONENESS of All That Is!  With GRATITUDE & LOVE from Russ!

Experience The Sacred 4 Keys to Light Teachings
Genii Townsend, author of The City of Light Sedona and SOMETHING'S COMING! Universal Cities of Light Invites You to Experience The 4 Keys to Light!

The next 4 Keys to Light Classes will be held in Sedona from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday January 13 and January 27.
Other dates will be scheduled as needed so let us know when you are ready! 
We are also now sharing  The 4 Keys to Light remotely on an exciting experimental basis as we prepare to develop an online training classroom. If you would like to participate or want to know more please Click Here.  
"I have been totally delighted through The 4 Keys to Light to feel a much Higher Connection with the Galactic Grid of Christ Consciousness. I have been trying to find means and ways, all through my spiritual life, to reach out and to get them assuredly. You are then very good Souls to just keep on awakening and teaching all the people that are looking for it. We are happy now to be a part of this Movement for the Coming of the Cities of Light soon near you and us."  -- Guy Allaire  

"The 4 Keys was/is a memorable and moving experience.  Having the tools to access both the higher sources of light and my guide makes me finally feel equipped to move into the future with confidence.  I look forward to learning and growing with my 'light partners'!!! With great love and gratitude." -- Condelia    

T he next 4 Keys to Light in Sedona classes are scheduled for Saturday, January 13 and January 27.  For an overview of The 4 Keys, please watch this short video and Click Here for more details.

If you have completed the 4 Keys to Light, please join our Community Group at     
Genii Townsend and Rev. Diana Runge Introduce The 4 keys to Light 
Genii Townsend and Rev. Diana Runge Introduce The 4 Keys to Light  
Crowdfunding Campaign to Complete These Projects
Please visit our new fundraising campaign page for details on how we are preparing to provide far greater services to LightWorkers and anyone interested in Love , Light, Healing, Ascension, Empowerment, Enlightenment and especially Cities of Light! CLICK HERE

We Invite You to Become a Charter Member in The Light Center!
Option 1: Annual Charter Membership: This option includes Something's Coming! paper back with free shipping, the  PDF, and 12 months of Membership Benefits in The Light Center including discounts of 11% to 22% on programs and publications and advance review copies of pending publications from Genii Townsend such as Discover How to Grant Your Own Wishes from a Real Genii, and Conversations Between A Jedi Genii and Who-No on Fulfilling Your Ultimate Destiny. Suggested Donation $111. Click Here if you're interested.

Option 2: Combination of Charter Lifetime Membership with all the benefits listed above plus The 4 Keys Teaching Live Workshop, and an autographed edition of Something's Coming. Suggested Donation $321. Click Here if you're interested.

"The Order of the Four"
Genii Townsend, Dr. Rick Cohen,
Charles Bettertown and Rev. Diana Runge

Invitation for Additional Cofounding Members
We have been seeking inner Guidance for some time on ways to accelerate our ability to share additional programs and publications with anyone who may be interested. Because there are several publications and training programs that are in various stages of completion, we have entered into a strategic partnership with the University for Successful Living and the Collaborative Infopreneurship Network Benefit Corporation.

As a result, we are able to "reward" our Cofounding Charter Members with shares in the Collaborative Network equal to your level of Membership donation. CLICK HERE for a 3 page Introduction and Invitation. For more information on how you may benefit in significant ways as you become a Cocreator of The Light Center, send us an email at [email protected] with the words Cofounding Partnership as the subject. 
Blessings and Best Wishes this Holiday Season!
As we have been considering how to end this HOLY-day Greeting, a beautiful message on The High Watch of Oneness from the December 2017 issue of Science of Mind magazine was singing in Charles' heart. We decided to share that Prayer along with the gift of a few pages from this month's issue that are available if you CLICK HERE for a 20 page PDF.
  We wish for you and your loved ones the most blessed and fulfilling Holiday Season ever! We are looking to an exciting New Year filled with Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Healing, Prosperity, Well-Being, Enlightenment, Fulfillment and Ascension . . . and especially to the coming forth of The City of Light Sedona!  
I n Love and Light,

Your Forever Jedi Genii