Sustainable Res Life
April 18, 2017
Program Ideas
Need funding for an event? Sustainability themed programs should fill out the Sustainability Program Funding application.  The Center for Sustainable Communities will be reviewing applications frequently, but it is best to apply at least two weeks ahead of your program.
Luther Serves.  Give back with your floor and volunteer for Luther Serves! Luther students are invited to dedicate 3 hours to help Decorah community residents spruce up their yards now that spring is here. On Saturday, April 29 help out from 9am-12pm and/or 1pm-4p.m. Sign up today on the Campus Ministries Luther Serves Google Doc!

Seed Savers and Heritage Farm. 
If you're interested in learning more about gardening this spring, or want to take your residence on a service field trip, or simply want to discover more interesting and beautiful places around Decorah, Seed Savers Heritage Farm is the place to go. Seed Savers is nationally known for their impressive library of seeds, and is responsible for a network of farmers, gardeners, and workers of t he land. They also offer tours of their garden and orchard, as well as volunteer opportunities. Best of all, Seed Savers is only a short driving distance from Luther! For more information visit  

Waste Audits.  In efforts to continue the celebration after Earth Day, the Center for Sustainable Communities will be conducting waste  audits in various locations across campus during the week of April 24th-27th and we need your help! Waste a udits are a great educational way to understand what is in Luther's waste stream. Sign up individually or as a floor on the Waste Audit Google Doc!

Features and Updates
Prairie Proposal Update. Over the past several months, Luther College's Land Use Committee has been considering a proposal from Decorah Public School District to transform approximately seven acres of Anderson Prairie into an elementary school. The Land Use Committee is charged with deciding how best to use the college's land considering the ecological impacts of different proposals. After much deliberation, the Land Use Committee compiled a report of student, faculty and staff comments with their suggestion to decline the proposal from the Decorah Community School District. On March 30th, President Paula Carlson sent an email to students, faculty, and staff endorsing the Land Use Committee Report and deciding to not move forward with with the school proposal. The Land Use Committee would like to thank all who shared their input over the previous months! To read the full committee report, visit the Elementary School Proposal webpage!

Earth Day weekend festivities occurring in the Decorah community:
  • Pancakes for Parks: In celebration of their 100th anniversary, the Decorah Lions Club will host a pancake breakfast benefit 8am-11am at John Cline Elementary School on Saturday, April 22.  A free will offering will be taken at this event to support reforesting the parks through a newly established tree bank. Visit the Decorah Now webpage for more information.
  • Decorah Tree Board is planting 54 trees on Saturday, April 22nd and they invite you to join them! They will be gathering at 10am at in the Keystone Parking Lot (700 Ridgewood Drive).
  • Local organizers are planning a "Northeast Iowa March for Science" from 10am-12pm on Saturday, April 22nd. The march will start at Mary Christopher Park, and end at the Decorah Courthouse. We encourage you to raid the recycling bins and use recycled cardboard to make creative signs! RSVP on the Facebook event page.
  • The Oneota Co-op is hosting an Earth Day celebration on April 22nd from 5-7pm! Join the fun in Water Street Park and savor the flavor of a fresh-grilled, local, Thosand Hills 100% grass-fed burger or hot dog - plus tasty brats and veggie burgers, all the while, listening to the live music of Absolute Hoot! Learn more on the Earth Day Celebration Facebook event
Bike Registration.  The Center for Sustainable Communities would like to remind all students to register their bicycles before  Friday, April 21st Registering your bike puts it into a database accessible by the Decorah Police department, so in the case of it being stolen, it can easily be identified and returned to the owner. The registration form takes less than five minutes to complete; you will receive a numbered sticker in your SPO to place on your bicycle. To register your bike, visit the  Sustainable Transportation webpage
Tips for a Greener Residence Hall
Are your jeans worn out from being worn all year? Don't throw them away! Turn those old blue jeans into something new. Cut off the legs to turn them into shorts for the spring and summer. If you're feeling crafty, you can cut squares out of the fabric to make coasters or turn the waste area into a bag. Better yet, donate them to Goodwill or the Depot so someone else can enjoy them! Check out all the other creative ways to upcycle your jeans today. 
This newsletter is provided by the Center for Sustainable Communities . The mission of the Center is to promote sustainability and be a catalyst for change on campus and in the region. For more information on initiatives at Luther and the outreach work of the Center for Sustainable Communities please visit: 
Upcoming Events
Shopping Shuttle
Guest Lecture: Culture Change Among the Maasai of Tanzania
Sunday, April 30th
7:00pm Valders 206
Leboy Oltimbau and Musa Kamaika will give a lecture on how the Maasai maintain their traditional livelihood, dress, ceremonies, and culture in the face of globalization, climate change, and industrialization.  Learn more 
Student Spotlight
Sean McKenzie '20 Sustainable  Transportation Educator

Sean McKenzie is a first-year Political Science and Environmental Studies student from Des Moines, Iowa.Sean applied to work for the Center for Sustainable Communities before he came to campus in the fall. As an incoming first-year, he was really excited about learning about sustainability at Luther right away! He currently works as a Sustainable Transportation Educator and helps organize initiatives to encourage walking and biking on campus and carpooling for breaks. He is also a member of the Recycling and Compost Crew. Sean's favorite part about working for the Center for Sustainable Communities is making a positive difference on Luther's campus. When he's not educating the Luther community about sustainable transportation, you can find Sean munching on a piece of his favorite kind of pizza: cheese with banana peppers. 
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