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Lazarex News | 04.06.17
Spring Into Action
Message from Our President

Dear Friends:

In Northern California, green hills and birdsong are welcome signs of spring’s arrival. This restless spring energy mirrors the growth we are experiencing here at Lazarex. Because of successful program outreach, expanding requests for patient assistance, and the launch of our IMPACT program, we will have hired three new employees by the end of April.

This month marks our 10-year anniversary of helping cancer patients. In April 2007, we assisted our first patient, Ian, a young teen diagnosed with advanced stage cancer. This act launched a decade of advocacy and support for advanced stage cancer patients for whom clinical trials were the only treatment option.

Thanks to our dedicated staff and generous donors, foundations, and sponsors, the number of patients we support has increased every single year. In 2016, the total number of patients assisted with clinical trial navigation and/or trial related expenses rose to 752.

What we do is noble but not sustainable in the face of so many needs. For the next decade "springing forward" is about bringing permanent, sustainable change to solving the problem of inadequate patient access to clinical trials. To bring about this change, we are launching a nationwide initiative called IMPACT (Improving Patient Access to Cancer Clinical Trials) with 20+ comprehensive cancer centers nationwide. Stay tuned!

With love,

Dana Sig



We Hope to Be Half the Woman, Barbara, our Very Important Patient (VIP), Is!

Barbara Jones

Barbara Jones is grateful for every day. Even after a year of clinical trials, she lives life to the fullest. Prior to her own cancer diagnosis, Barbara witnessed her mother’s courageous fight with the disease. Thankfully, her mother survived cancer. Little did Barbara know that she would soon be faced with a similar battle of her own.

Barbara and her husband, Bill, are enormously grateful for the help Lazarex provides with expenses for monthly round trips from their home off the coast of Massachusetts, to the clinical trial on the mainland. Please take the time to read her short, heartfelt thank you letter to Lazarex Cancer Foundation.


Read thank you letter here

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Register for our 10th Anniversary Gala!

LZR Gala

You’ve saved the date for our upcoming gala on August 5th, now it’s time to register! Lazarex Cancer Foundation’s 10th Anniversary Gala, "The Power of Ten", will be held in the United Lounge at one of the Bay Area’s hottest new landmarks, Levi’s Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers. Join us in commemorating our decade long journey of giving the gifts of time, life, and hope to people fighting advanced stage cancer. Seats are limited, so make sure to register early. You won’t want to miss this very special event.


Sign up for our 10th Anniversary Gala

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The Fundraising Rock Stars


Team Cancer Sucks are bona fide rock stars and they have the outfits to prove it. This charitable endurance community has been catching eyes as they cross finish lines since 2013. We have been fortunate to have this team as an ally in the shared fight against cancer since 2015. Last year TCS joined Lazarex in the Reebok Ragnar Napa Relay and they continue to raise money to support our cause! We are deeply grateful for Team Cancer Sucks; their passion to fight cancer and the financial support they provide us in our joined battle ensures groundbreaking care for cancer patients.


Learn more about their motivation

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An Early Summer Night’s Dream


Brush off your running shoes and gather your closest friends; it’s time to go on a running road trip. Our next endurance fundraising event, the 2017 Reebok Ragnar Pennsylvania Relay, will take place on June 2nd and 3rd. In teams of 6 (ultra-team) or 12, you and your crew will traverse through the heart of Amish America in the Pennsylvania Dutch country. Your sweat, hard work, and dedication will go directly towards helping Lazarex patients. What better way is there to bond with new and old friends than to help give back to others in need? Sign up ASAP, as spots are limited.


Click here to register (or just find out more)

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May 21st - Save the Date!
Volunteer Appreciation Day

LZR Volunteer

We can’t tell you all enough how much we appreciate the continued help and support you provide us. While the majority of our days are focused on giving back to our patients, we would like to spend a day giving back to you. Please save the date for our Volunteer Appreciation Day on Sunday, May 21st from 2-4 pm at the Lazarex office. Join the Lazarex staff and other volunteers for an afternoon of food, fun, and gratitude for all that you do and all that you make possible. Learn what’s new at Lazarex and how your efforts are changing lives while enjoying an open house, light snacks, and refreshments. Make sure to keep an eye out for an email with more information, coming soon. We are looking forward to seeing you!

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Lazarex Fun Fact

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We have helped over 2000 patients with clinical trial navigation and financial assistance for FDA clinical trial participation since 2007.


About Lazarex Cancer Foundation


We improve the outcome of cancer care, giving hope, dignity and life to advanced stage cancer patients and the medically underserved by providing assistance with costs for FDA clinical trial participation, navigation through clinical trial options, community outreach and education. We believe that together we can build a bridge to hope. To learn more, please contact us at 925.820.4517, toll-free at 877.866.9523, or visit us at www.lazarex.org.